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Wella_f1 Aug 1st, 2012 02:01 AM

Theme Restaurants in London
Hi Everybody,
I'll be visiting London early September for the first time with my husband. I'm thinking of going to one of the theme restaurants in London. i was thinking of either "Volupte" or "La Reve also called Cafe Du Paris". As far as the web sites say, they have cabaret shows which we like. Does anybody have any reviews about those 2 places?

Kate Aug 1st, 2012 02:46 AM

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by theme restaurants - can you expand?

sarahpoppet27 Aug 1st, 2012 03:01 AM

Cafe Du Paris is showy and fun but very touristy (as anything in Pic Circus is).
I think Volupte is burlesque, if you're into that.

For other restaurant experiences, there's Dans Le Nuit where you eat in total darkness to enhance the senses. The food is so-so but it's fun nonetheless.

Wella_f1 Aug 1st, 2012 04:02 AM

Hello Kate. I meant a restuarant which has a special style in its shows or set-up. I hope you can suggest some names.

Kate Aug 1st, 2012 10:00 AM

Oh, okay, gottit.

I don't think many theme restaurants are particularly known for the quality of the food, but if it's entertainment you're after then:

Sarastro is bonkers, an entertaining 'theatre' style restaurant. The food isn't much but the atmosphere is fantastic. Great post-theatre venue:

Medieval Banquet: I haven't been but it does get good reviews:

If you are looking for something different - more 'happening' than tacky - it's always worth keeping a google-eye out on the trend for pop-up restaurants that appear in off the wall places and even people's homes. Just google 'London pop-up restaurant' or 'supper club' nearer the time and see what comes up. This is a fairly good resource:

janisj Aug 1st, 2012 12:32 PM

None of the 'theme' restaurants I know of have decent food. They are expensive and pretty mediocre - are you really sure that is what you want? Why not go to a GOOD restaurant and then to a show of some sort? Anything from the theatre to a concert to a jazz club to a cabaret. Time Out will have a huge listing of all sorts of shows/concerts.

Melaine Aug 1st, 2012 12:51 PM

I read your reply including information about the Pop-Up shops. I checked the link and found many interesting and helpful thing that will assist me and my friends when we are in London Aug. 16th thru the 30th.

This is just the type of info I have been looking for.

Thank you so much.


jamikins Aug 1st, 2012 12:55 PM

Here is one that many friends have gone is ok, but they thought the show was worth it

ChgoGal Aug 1st, 2012 01:28 PM

One place I'm curious about is "Dinner" by Heston Blumenthal. Not a "show with dinner" place, but a "time-concept" restaurant (like Grant Achatz' "Next"). The idea of this restaurant is that the offerings are traditional (like 15th century to 19th century). I saw a chef from the restaurant on the Today show feature a "meat fruit" that was supposedly on offer in the 16th century. Looks so interesting. Reservations may be difficult... lunch was available in Sept. when I'll be there... I haven't considered dinner, though.

annhig Aug 1st, 2012 02:06 PM

yes, i see that i could have lunch [sorry, dinner] there at lunchtime on my birthday, but i'll be working, sadly.

menu looks a bit weird, but why would that surprise me?

Gordon_R Aug 2nd, 2012 11:40 AM

If you like jazz, the Pizza Express Jazz CLub in Dean St, Soho is a lot of fun. It's in a dark, very intimate basement with great pizza and excellent music from top jazz musicians.

Wella_f1 Aug 5th, 2012 03:30 AM

Thanks a lot for all your replies.

Has anybody been to Volupte or La Reve?


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