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3mkids May 18th, 2006 05:26 AM

Thank you.
I just wanted to post this thread to specifically thank all of you have so patiently answered my posts, even when they have been redundant. As I struggle to juggle planning this trip, with the rest of my life, basically work - atty (esp. facilitating actually getting away) and the kids - I really appreciate how much time you all spend on this board answering questions, frequently repeating and refining your answers to so many postees (this is probably not a word, including me. Anyway, a big thanks.

ira May 18th, 2006 06:16 AM

Happy to help, 3m.


lobo_mau May 18th, 2006 06:23 AM

You're welcome

historytraveler May 18th, 2006 06:28 AM

Don't think I ever responded to your posts, but it's good to receive a thank you for those that did. So many posters seem to disappear into cyper space after they ask for help.

mr_go May 18th, 2006 07:19 AM

Not sure if I have ever helped you either, but I just wanted to say that thanks are always appreciated.

But what is always appreciated even more is a trip report when you return.

None of us could ever hope to "pay back" all the wise counsel we get from the legions of fodorites who have graciously shared their experiences. But we can "pay it forward," by adding our own contributions to this incredible knowledge base.

Enjoy your trip, and don't be a stranger!

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