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Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 05:42 AM

Tell the clueless spurs fan about the delights of Watford!

As some of you know I follow the mighty Tottenham Hotspur around Europe as the draws in various cups takes me.

I have been to places like Chisnau in Moldova and Seville. Many exotic and wonderful locations.

However this new location has got me stumped.


Has anyone been? Can they tell me good places to eat (Ideally looking for local food cooked in the local style, possible washed down by the local wine) perhaps some local cheese?

What is there to see? Cathedral? Art galleries? Maybe some stately homes or chateaux?

What about drinking? Is there a town square where I can sit in a pavement café with a small glass of red and watch the stylish locals pass by?

What souvenirs of this town should I bring home to London for friends and family?

All suggestions gratefully received.

hetismij Nov 28th, 2008 05:47 AM

Apart from the fact that there is a fantastic camera shop in Waford I know nothing about it.
Doesn't oop north start there??:)

Family in Bucks go there shopping rather than experiencing the delights of Slough, that much I do know.

Didn't your team do well last night. It was on live here, so I caught a bit of it.

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 05:51 AM

I spoke to people who went to Njemen (or however it's spelled) and they all said the same thing - Boring town.

Now, more to the point, where am I going to buy naive folk art in Watford?

willit Nov 28th, 2008 06:02 AM

My sister lives in Watford, and she is pretty naive - maybe I can get her to paint you something.

Willit - head of "Campaign for 85 minute football matches"

hetismij Nov 28th, 2008 06:08 AM

They should feel right at home in Watford then!:D

But they are right Nijmegen is one of the least exciting places to visit.

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 06:09 AM

I have to say that seeing a fixture of Portsmouth v AC Milan is not something I'd ever thought I'd see.

Now back to watford...Can your sister perhaps recommend a decent local winery that does tours?

willit Nov 28th, 2008 06:16 AM

I'll ask, but my impression of Watford is that the qualities looked for in a wine would be high alcohol vino collapso.

Early last year I ate at a pub in chipperfield called the two brewers, and had a good meal there. Pleasant location next to green with cricket pitch

I cannot recommend it, as last time I went it had been taken over by a chain and it was standard "home microwaved fayre" incorporating the regulation 21 chips and 72 peas.

PatrickLondon Nov 28th, 2008 06:27 AM

>>Doesn't oop north start there??<<

No, no, that's Watford GAP: people could be in all sorts of trouble if they confuse the two, so it really pays to spell out the name in full.

PS. To feel right at home, shouldn't CW pay the home team's owner the compliment of dressing appropriately? Platform shoes, sequinned trousers, implausible wig, that sort of thing?

Steve_James Nov 28th, 2008 06:32 AM

I thought the gap was it's main feature ;)

Don't tell me I'm wrong

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 06:46 AM

To feel right at home, shouldn't CW pay the home team's owner the compliment of dressing appropriately? Platform shoes, sequinned trousers, implausible wig, that sort of thing?>>>>

Consider it done!

I might even have a go on the controls:

Any other folk customs I should be aware of as I want to "fit in" and be asked directions by a local?

stfc Nov 28th, 2008 08:14 AM

The locals will be celebrating Thanksgiving about now (in gratitude that they are just close enough to London not to be Northerners) so you might want to check the restaurants, museums, cathedrals and other tourist attractions will be open when you go.

The Rough Guide to Hatfield and the North will have more details.

PalenQ Nov 28th, 2008 08:16 AM

There is a Junction in Watford

and a Gap as well right

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 08:25 AM

The Rough Guide to Hatfield and the North will have more details.>>>

There's a rough guide to an obscure 70s Prog Rock Band?

CW - Was at boarding school in the 70s so knows a LOT about prog.

stfc Nov 28th, 2008 09:03 AM

There's no fooling you is there, CW? Google Hatfield and the North. They're not as obscure as you might first think.

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 09:40 AM

Um, yes they are.

PatrickLondon Nov 28th, 2008 09:43 AM

>>and a Gap as well right<<

But you have to mind it. Or pay a local to, if you want to see it in one piece again.

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 28th, 2008 09:53 AM

That's what I'm worried about. I'm also worried about pick pockets. Will they target me because I'm a Londoner? How do I dress to "fit in"?

Should I sew a maple leaf on my spurs top?

What clothes should I wear?

PatrickLondon Nov 29th, 2008 12:55 AM

I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous answer.

Don't forget the syrup: the locals will appreciate that the most.

Also, be aware that buildings displaying a blue lamp are the local brothels.

Cholmondley_Warner Nov 29th, 2008 03:25 AM

Also, be aware that buildings displaying a blue lamp are the local brothels.>>>>

Just like at home then.

PatrickLondon Nov 29th, 2008 03:39 AM

It also helps to have some useful phrases in the local lingo. Should you find yourself on the receiving end of any unpleasantness from fans of the opposing team, it will help defuse the situation if you simply cry "Unhand me, you brute!"

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