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sara_m Jan 23rd, 2022 02:10 PM

Teens in Italy for 10 nights
We are considering traveling to Italy with our three kids (12,15,17 and their first time to Italy) this summer, likely the second two weeks in August (I understand July might be better, but I'm not sure we'll have that flexibility). We thought Rome and Venice, plus one area where we can relax on a beach would be reasonable itinerary. We are very outdoorsy family from Oregon, and would likely spend most of our time walking streets and Roman ruins, and on adventures (with some museum exploration in Rome, but it's not my kids' favorite, thus we didn't plan on Florence). We are mid-budget travelers, generally eschewing nicer places to stay so we can budget for adventures instead. I haven't been to Italy since before my kids were born and I'd love any thoughts and recommendations.

Jean Jan 23rd, 2022 04:07 PM

It's going to be hot and humid. Rather than a beach, which will be mobbed (and many/most? are not free to access), consider lodging with a pool in the countryside.... a location with sights and outdoorsy things nearby. Or maybe head to Lake Garda or the Dolomites between Rome and Venice.

J62 Jan 23rd, 2022 04:18 PM

A day trip to the beach is a nice excursion. You could get to Ostia rather easily by train.
The beach experience in Italy is somewhat different than you may be used to at home. You rent chairs and an umbrella, in a fixed location. With that rental you get changing / shower facilities, and access to food service. Some places don't want you to bring in your own food, others don't care. There may be a dozen different small "beach" rental properties all stacked next to each other, but with different color umbrellas. IMO they're all the same....

When we've gone to the beach we bring drinks and snacks but take advantage of a nearby outdoor restaurant to have a nice Italian lunch. Seafood, of course...

bilboburgler Jan 24th, 2022 01:05 AM will offer you low cost accom in country conditions, in August you will need a pool but a lot of these places give you a chance to interact with other tourists (often Italian) in lovely surroundings

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