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carol67 Sep 4th, 2007 10:13 AM

taxi from CDG
We(2 couples) are traveling this week to France. We arrive at CDG around 11:30 a.m and plan to take a taxi to hotel in the 5th.
How many euros should we expect this to cost? I am not taking any euro and plan to use ATM upon arrival.We assume we will need 2 taxis. Thank you to everyone on this board. I have used many suggestions in planning out trip.

Michel_Paris Sep 4th, 2007 10:17 AM

~50 euros per taxi sounds about right

NeoPatrick Sep 4th, 2007 10:49 AM

Whoa. Unless you're traveling with a tremendous amount of luggage, you can usually wait in the line (not long) for a larger car or even mini van taxi. You shouldn't need two taxis for four people.

carol67 Sep 4th, 2007 03:28 PM

thanks for the replies. Is there a separate line for mini van taxis?

Luisah Sep 4th, 2007 03:54 PM

Yes, you will have a choice of size of vehicle. At least twice I've ridden into Paris in a station wagon type that would accommodate more luggage than the four-door cars. The fare was about the same when I returned to CDG in a four-door.

I don't know if a mini-van would charge more or be in a separate line, but the station wagons were in the same line as the cars.

Bill_H Sep 4th, 2007 05:29 PM

We took a taxi mid-day from CDG to the Luxembourg Gardens area of Paris in mid-June, there was little traffic so the driver made good time and the fare was just under 35 euros, which surprised me. I was expecting ~50 euros since on previous trips when we drove into town in rush hour traffic it took longer and the fare was higher.

Seamus Sep 4th, 2007 05:48 PM

No, there is not a separate line for minivan type taxis - they are increasingly common, just wait in line until one comes along. If you are up next and it is not a minivan tell the person behind you to go ahead.

NeoPatrick Sep 5th, 2007 05:22 AM

And no, the mini-van taxis charge the same rates as the regular ones.
There is always (so far as I know) someone there helping people get into taxis and calling the next taxis forward. When he sees four of you with luggage, he will most likely move you aside to wait for a mini-van. Not a problem.

kerouac Sep 5th, 2007 05:31 AM

According to tegulations, you can choose any taxi that you prefer at a taxi stand. And yes, of course it may enrage the other taxis in front of that taxi. But there are lots of minivans.

kerouac Sep 5th, 2007 05:32 AM

ERRRR... regulations.

Robespierre Sep 5th, 2007 05:56 AM

If you're next in line, is it considered fair play to walk down the queued taxis and get in the one you want? After all, you were going to wait for it anyway...

kerouac Sep 5th, 2007 06:25 AM

Yes, that's exactly what I was saying.

I don't think it makes much difference at the airport or at a train station where the taxis move out quickly, but it can irritate a smaller taxi stand where the taxis have been waiting for 20 minutes (true, this seems to happen less and less often -- most taxi stands out in the city are empty when I am looking for one).

nukesafe Sep 5th, 2007 07:45 AM

My experience with taxi lines at major European airports/train stations is that there is usually a person directing cab loading. As you approach the head of the line, catch his eye, and hold up four fingers. He will motion you to wait a bit, load the smaller groups of people behind you, and load your party into the next suitable vehicle. Sometimes, he will motion a larger cab forward in line and load your group further out in the roadway, depending on the custom at that location.

I used to be a cab driver in my youth, so tend to notice the process. Sometimes the drivers slip this guy a little something -- it is in their interest to see that things go quickly and smoothly.


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