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PalQ Jul 1st, 2005 12:02 PM

Sweet Smelling UK Trains!
Read about a train company in UK that will have nice odors wafting thru its train cars - various scents of perfumes. So now in the typical second-class car you can be sitting amongst the ubiquitous debris of crumpled newspapers, drinks cans, sandwich wrappers and crisps bags and think you're smelling the flowers you see outside the window.
UK trains - give em credit for coming up with innovations like this - window dressing - i've ridden UK trains for decades and really love them, but have to laugh at them at times too - they try so hard in publicity department - always had a lot of special marketing efforts seemingly at the expensive of comfortable trains - second class trains are now often very crowded - especially on regional services. Ah the sweet smell of success!

FainaAgain Jul 1st, 2005 12:15 PM

What about people with allergies?

LoveItaly Jul 1st, 2005 12:18 PM

Ah yes, allergies! I had the same thought Faina. I have two friends that cannot tolerate being around perfumes and scented candles, airsprays etc. due to severe allergies. I would think that would be a problem. Interesting info PalQ.

PalQ Jul 1st, 2005 12:21 PM

I'll have to look up the Guardian article i read about this several weeks ago - i'm sure they addressed the allergy problem - but, being UK trains maybe not!

gertie3751 Jul 1st, 2005 12:25 PM

Brits don't have allergies. Our National Health Service can't deal with them.

Travelnut Jul 1st, 2005 12:28 PM

Something similar was posted on the TA board, but it was the Underground that was being scented, a la the Paris metro.

LoveItaly Jul 1st, 2005 12:34 PM

gertie, good for your National Health Service, LOL. If only all medical problems would disappear if the health providers couldn't deal with them. What a great life that would be!! Take care.

Sally Jul 1st, 2005 12:49 PM

I am one of those people with severe allergies to scents, and when I was in the UK recently, I had a lot of problems. First, I went to sleep on the sheets scented with fabric softner. I woke up with my eyes almost swollen shut. I had to ask the very pleasant B and B owner to please rinse the sheets to rid them of the strong odor.

We stayed there for four days. Before we left, the B and B owner let me wash our clothes. I rinsed them twice so I would not have an allergic reaction to the allergenic washing powder. Then the owner automatically put her fabric softener in the wash, saying that would keep the wrinkles from forming. At that point I quit trying to explain allergies to her!

Many of the gift shops in England have a stong scent just like a lot in the US did a few years ago. So that saved me a lot of money since I couldn't go in those shops!

The trains fortunately were unscented!

The next B and B that we went to had equally scented sheets.

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