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kja Sep 5th, 2018 04:06 PM

You're going to try to visit Salzburg AND Vienna AND Budapest (not to mention Linz) in the same 7 days? I would hate trying that! Once you count transportation and relocating, you're really only giving yourself a bit more than 2 days for Vienna, a city that easily merits 6 or so days. And only a bit more than 2 days for Budapest, which again, easily merits much more than that.

I strongly encourage you to mark up a calendar: Identify the things you most want to see in each location, check their opening/closing times on the internet, and mark them on a calendar. Then pencil in your transportation, add some time on either side (for getting to/from your lodging, checking in/out, packing/unpacking, getting lost/oriented, etc.Then see how things fit together.

If you do proceed with this plan, you will need to be very selective in what you see and you would do well to think through your plan for each day so you can maximize your chances of having the experiences you seek. And if you do proceed with this plan, go from Salzburg to Budapest and end in Vienna, as you should be in the city from which you plan to depart on the night before your flight.

And though I rarely do so, I agree with PalenQ for once -- make your life easier by moving on to Salzburg that day, not trying to spend a night in Linz, too.

isabel Sep 6th, 2018 02:43 AM

If your flight gets into Vienna at 4 by the time you get to the train station and take the train to Linz it will be fairly late - doable if that doesn't bother you, but certainly no time for sightseeing. I would be sure to book a hotel near the train station. Then if you want to see anything of Linz you will need the morning so you won't get to Salzburg till at least mid afternoon. When are you meeting your friend?

So two nights in Salzburg which I actually think could be enough. Although what time do you plan to leave Salzburg. If going all the way to Budapest it should be pretty early. So you will end up with one full day and two partial days at best in Salzburg.

I would probably drop Budapest. Maybe add an extra day to Salzburg and do a day trip to Hallstatt. And then instead of Budapest do Bratislava. Both Budapest and Bratislava are great, but Budapest is further and larger and you don't really have time for it. Bratislava will give you that extra city (and country) you are looking for and make the logistics much easier. I would put all my Vienna time at the end since that is where you are flying out of. You can even do Bratislava as a day trip from Vienna (it's only an hour) but I though it warranted at least one over night (I had three but think that might have been overkill for most people).

jft Sep 6th, 2018 02:49 AM

The poster has extended the trip by a few days so the trip is 9-10 days. I agree with others to go directly to Salzburg on arrival day and limit your hotel stays to 3 locations.
A useful website for train travel is which guides you through train trip bookings to get best rates. Booking early can save money.
You can also check buses for price comparison but also look at length of trips. I am not so familiar with this option.
it looks like there are quite a few day trips you can do from Salzburg should you wish to use it as a base.
i think a few days in Budapest would certainly give you contrast to Vienna and the Salzburg area and a taste of the magnificent city. It will be a lot cheaper than Austria. Read up on using transit in the city and make sure you put your bus ticket through the machine to validate it. I would suggest 3 nights. Then move on to your final destination Vienna for the last 3.
Research well what you want to do in each place so you do not waste valuable time.
2 grand and different main cities and one smaller more rural one
Sounds like a great trip

Sue81 Sep 6th, 2018 05:58 AM

Rana, you mihgt check out B and B in Vienna, bed and breakfasts, perhaps someone knows of a less expensive lodging in Vienna. It pays to try to get breakfast with your room, and adding another city might add more money to the trip and more hassle perhaps.

Carolmom Sep 7th, 2018 01:04 PM

As much as I loved Hallstatt, you did mention that you wanted to experience cities. I have been to Vienna, Salzburg, and St. Gilgen (for the day trips including Hallstatt), and have been looking hard at Budapest. I don't see why your option 2 listed above wouldn't work (keep in mind I've done transport from Vienna to Salzburg but not to Budapest). OTOH, you could spend the whole time in Vienna, which would give you more time for day trips. We loved the day we spent taking the train to Melk abbey (beautiful) and boat/train (or boat/bus?) back to Vienna, stopping at another little town on the way with a ruin of a castle looking over it. On the boat, we met a couple who had intended to bike back to Vienna, but some rain deterred them ..

Rana25 Sep 8th, 2018 06:21 AM

All, thank you for your feedback. I have finalized the trip now:

4th - Land in Vienna and spend the night there
5-7 Salzburg
7-10 Budapest
10-13 Vienna

As jft and isabel said, I think this is the best route and gives me some extra time in Vienna the last day.

I also managed to cut hotels costs a bit by using Expedia points that I had accumulated for my hotel in Vienna.

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