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janearound12 Nov 22nd, 2013 07:55 AM

Staying in London for 1 week, where to go for another?
Next year we are going to visit family in London for a week over Christmas. I would like to take a 2nd week to travel and see some more places... but don't even know where to start. I know a week isn't a lot of time, but that's all we can take. Any suggestions?

I'm interested in Barcelona and Spain, but most things I've read suggest going to Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam instead because of proximity.

Any advice would be appreciated!

bilboburgler Nov 22nd, 2013 08:01 AM

Cold and short days in January make most Europeans seek out the larger cities to holiday. Looking for warmth you need to fly to Africa (Morocco, Canary Islands, Tunisia)

Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam make a lot of sense or you could look at Rome/Florence.

So now what do you like to do?

Gardyloo Nov 22nd, 2013 08:06 AM

Edinburgh for Hogmanay.

mamcalice Nov 22nd, 2013 08:15 AM

It is awfully hard to tell someone else where they should go. You will get lots of ideas and they will mostly be where we want to go. So...look at some guidebooks. Talk to your family in London. I would go to Paris.

janearound12 Nov 22nd, 2013 08:46 AM

I am generally not too interested in Italy, and would love to see warm places but don't know that we really have the time to get to Morocco and the like. Places on the top of my list include Spain, Amsterdam, and Croatia.... but I realize they're all in different directions and I can't really squeeze that into a week.

We like adventuring, outdoors, sight seeing, and exploring cool cities. We generally avoid museums.

I just can't figure out how much I can actually fit into one week. Like Paris>Berlin>Amsterdam? Is that too much?

janisj Nov 22nd, 2013 09:20 AM

>>Paris>Berlin>Amsterdam? Is that too much?<<


laurie_ann Nov 22nd, 2013 10:44 AM

Barcelona would be great for a week. Fly from London. Get a hotel or apartment. Take a day trip or two outside the city.

ribeirasacra Nov 22nd, 2013 11:13 AM

Why not stay in the UK or Eire? Short travelling time = more time to see something of where you are visiting.

Christina Nov 22nd, 2013 11:39 AM

With airplanes, Barcelona isn't really any farther to speak of than other countries like Germany. In fact, you could get there quicker than taking the train to France or Netherlands. Even by actual distance, Barcelona is only about 100 miles (or 160 km) farther from London than Berlin is. SO I don't think that reason makes sense. It might for Greece or somewhere really far away.

So I'd vote for Spain, and you want to go there anyway.

bilboburgler Nov 22nd, 2013 12:28 PM

Well, I'd chose Marrakesh first, easy to get to from one of the London airports. Warm, full of friendly people and the city is a good blend of French modern city and an ancient Islamic city. Very safe and you can always travel to the High Atlas if you want to see the countryside. This the only city you are going to find 20-24C in the lists above. Everything else is going to be sub 18C and more likely sub 14C with Berlin 0C or below

I've spent a week in Barcelona in the winter and while it can be very nice I'd rather go to Seville/Cordoba/Malaga for a week. Stay in Seville and catch the train to the other two cities for two day trips. Again very easy from the five London airports.

Paris makes a good week with two day trips to Strasbourg and Rheims

Amsterdam maybe needs something to go with it for a week. You can fly or catch the ferry.

Berlin makes a good week with maybe a detour to Dresden.

bilboburgler Nov 22nd, 2013 12:31 PM

EasyJet can get you from Gatwick there most days for about £45 each way 7:40 flight out. If you look at my name in the Africa section you get all the details about moving around the city etc

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