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HeatherH Aug 3rd, 2007 01:21 AM

Starbucks in Europe
I'm an American living in Germany, and I am (unfortunately!) addicted to Starbucks iced white chocolate mochas. Or at least the ones I've had in MOST of the countries I've been to. The ones in the US, UK, Switzerland, quite a few other countries all taste the same. The German ones, however, taste quite a bit different - I don't know why or how...maybe the difference is the milk? Regardless - my main question is - do the French Starbuck's iced white mochas taste like the US version? Sad, I know - I should concentrate more on enjoying the different version...but I'm slightly homesick for my old coffee drink, and my husband is tired of me going to Switzerland every other month just to visit Starbucks, and we have an upcoming trip to Paris...Thanks so much!

hetismij Aug 3rd, 2007 03:05 AM

Good job you aren't in the Netherlands. Luckily, unless you work at Nike's HQ, or at the European operations HQ of Starbucks, (which strangely is in Amsterdam)we don't have any Starbucks And I hope it stays that way.

sshephard Aug 3rd, 2007 03:09 AM

This is the kind of question that brings out the worst in some Fodorites so brace yourself. In fact, I'm wondering if this is a troll. . . .

But, to answer your question, I don't know since I've never tried any of Starbucks iced things. I had coffee in a Starbucks in Vienna but that's the limit of my European Starbucks experience. Generally, I try to avoid the American chains because I can go there any time when I'm home. But I do understand cravings.

Good luck in your quest.

Driving to Switzerland just for Starbucks???!!!

sshephard Aug 3rd, 2007 03:16 AM

hetismij: And I hope my small midwestern town doesn't get legalized pot and prostitution. :-)

(Though I love the Netherlands and my wife has Dutch ancestory.)

fall06 Aug 3rd, 2007 03:16 AM

what will happen if the answer is 'no' --?

fall06 Aug 3rd, 2007 03:52 AM


and what, pray tell, does your small midwestern town get out of having illegal pot and prostitution -- and don't try to tell us you don't have both.

HeatherH Aug 3rd, 2007 04:10 AM

If the answer is 'no', then I'll just forget about satisfying my craving for Starbucks in France and stick to the Switzerland trips...and I don't drive to Switzerland. I take a train or bus. It isn't that far. I go for other reasons as well..yum - migros chocolate!

sshephard Aug 3rd, 2007 04:19 AM


Of course I was kidding. I'm not sure I understand your first question but as for your second statement, here's the naked truth:

I'm sure I could buy pot and perhaps even sexual favors (can I use that phrase here?) in my small town, though I've never tried. I do feel that with the right friends, you could probably get both for free.

We also have a Starbucks but I like my wife's coffee better.

fall06 Aug 3rd, 2007 04:22 AM

Thanks for the compliment.

Carrybean Aug 3rd, 2007 04:25 AM

You could try making your own. This is from Recipelink. If you can't find some ingredients like the chocolate sauce, check online or have a stateside friend mail it to you??

White Chocolate Iced Mocha

2 tablespoons Torani White Chocolate Sauce*
1 to 2 shots (2 tablespoons-1/4 cup) espresso
1/2 cup milk
1 cup ice

Fill a 12 oz. glass about 3?4 full with ice. Add milk, Torani and stir. Pour in espresso and enjoy. Yield: One 12 oz. serving

*White Chocolate Sauce substitute: Melt an ounce of white chocolate with a few tablespoons of fat-free sweetened condensed milk.

Dukey Aug 3rd, 2007 04:43 AM

No, Heather, they don't taste like the US version..they actually taste like the French version.

Try one when you get to Paris and you'll see I am telling you the truth.

PS..I've heard of a lot of reasons to go to Switzerland but yours deserves special mention.

Dukey Aug 3rd, 2007 04:45 AM

Apparently the "legalized" drugs known as nicotine and alcohol and caffeine aren't as potentially dangerous as cannabis and sex.

scrb Aug 3rd, 2007 04:57 AM

Starbucks is making inroads into Switzerland and Vienna?

Yet I don't think I've seen them in Italy.

Maybe they can't compete with the low prices at Italian cafes when you take the coffee <i>al banco</i> if I got the Italian expression correctly.

kleeblatt Aug 3rd, 2007 05:13 AM

You'll find Starbucks in the bigger cities in Switzerland. Here's a link providing their locations:

kerouac Aug 3rd, 2007 05:17 AM

Starbucks opened 35 locations in Paris and the suburbs -- and not a single location anywhere else in France.

I have read that it is losing a fortune in France, because the customers stay and stay and stay, whereas Starbucks needs people to buy their stuff and run. However, it is trying to hold its ground because the advertising effect is priceless for other foreign visitors. Only time will tell if this strategy will succeed.

hetismij Aug 3rd, 2007 07:34 AM

Italy is also fighting of th eStarbucks world domination attempt. Another good reason to go there.

PalenQ Aug 3rd, 2007 08:03 AM

&lt;we don't have any Starbucks And I hope it stays that way.&gt;

probably said the same about MacDonalds before they came.

Now there are many and i note that they are inevitably packed when i go by them.

Part of Starbucks allure is that they are smokefree and i think Dutch have nearly no smokefree koffieshops (and ceratinly not 'coffeeshops'!)

So like in Paris Starbucks may be a welcome addition to Dutch scene by the many who seem to want to drink lattes, etc. and not leave the place stinking with cig smoke.

kerouac Aug 3rd, 2007 09:37 AM

But which way will the wind blow when every cafe, restaurant and bar in France is non smoking in 5 months?

PalenQ Aug 3rd, 2007 09:39 AM

Starbucks will still be packed. For being clean and customer friendly - not having to deal with oft surly waiters, etc. WI-Fi access too and just a chic reputation.

Folks everywhere like casual places rather than more formal ones.

Same reason Mack-Donalds are thronged in Paris - fast food vs the long typical cafe service.

kerouac Aug 3rd, 2007 10:01 AM

You are so simplistic sometimes, PQ (do you know what that means in French?) - McDonald's is thronged because of its prices. I used to go there myself when I had to count the coins in my pocket.

Sorry, but Starbucks is not &quot;chic&quot; in Paris, just expensive and spacious. If you want to spend as much money, you can find caf&eacute;s in Paris just like that. And since municipal wifi is now free in every Paris park, as well as quite a few streets and just about any city building, why bother with Starbucks? I have to admit that I am pretty sure that it will pull out of France in a few years with its tail between its legs, just like Burger King and a number of other American chains did.

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