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wayfinder45 Apr 9th, 2013 06:18 AM


Cathinjoetown Apr 9th, 2013 09:12 AM

Agree with Toucan, sorry your adventure is over, I enjoyed coming along for the ride!

With the pace you keep, it's no wonder you were ready for some down time.

Thanks, as always, for a great report and several new trip ideas (not sure Vittel is on the list).

Nikki Apr 10th, 2013 06:54 AM

"Where to next, Nikki?"

I'm planning a trip to Scotland in August, going to the Edinburgh festivals, probably a few days in London first. (How close are you to London, annhig? Cornwall sounds nice.) Then, with any luck, the trip to India that we had to cancel this fall, trying again probably in December.

Thanks to all who stuck with this report to the end. Writing it really helps me to consolidate everything in my mind and to extend and preserve the experience. Now it's time to put it all together with the photos in a book using the software at .

taconictraveler Apr 10th, 2013 05:00 PM

Great report Nikki! Many thanks for the trip. Very amusing few days you had (alone?) in Vittel. It is curious, if not unnerving, to find yourself in such a situation.

cynthia_booker Apr 18th, 2013 01:23 PM

Nikki, just wanted to update you about gloves. Today I was out at Musee Marmottan Monet, and it was a beautiful, sunny day, high nearly 60. When I got on the bus from there to Hotel de Ville for the exhibits there, I noticed two very elegant ladies, appearing to be in their 70's or maybe even 80's, with perfectly tailored coats over what I imagined to be perfectly tailored suits or dresses, and they both had dark leather gloves on. It goes without saying that they were also immaculately coiffed and perfectly groomed. Soon a third got on the bus. My imagination went wild, thinking of their life stories and what they must have seen, but I especially noticed the lovely coats and gloves.

annhig Apr 18th, 2013 01:33 PM

hi cynthia,

did you enjoy the Marmottan? we went when we were in Paris to see the Monet exhibition [we only knew about it because of information here] and liked it very much, as well as the area around it.

nice story about the elegant ladies! Perhaps they were all going somewhere special.

cynthia_booker Apr 18th, 2013 02:09 PM

It is what I think of as an upscale neighborhood, and I loved the museum. Because it is not in the 'city center' it probably does not get as much traffic. I noticed that most of the visitors today were either groups of school children or rather well off appearing mature people. Older than baby boomers but not really seniors. I felt a little underdressed, to tell the truth. I did not bring my pearls to Paris. LOL
In addition to the permanent exhibit, the current temporary exhibit is of the work of Marie Laurencin, an artist that I was not aware of before, but I found her work interesting, to say the least. I want to learn more about her.
And the elegant ladies did not seem to be together at all, but just out doing their errands, shopping, or maybe out for tea or something.

annhig Apr 18th, 2013 02:22 PM

And the elegant ladies did not seem to be together at all, but just out doing their errands, shopping, or maybe out for tea or something.>>

so like Cornwall - not.

here wellies are definitely "de rigueur" preferably accompanied with a surf-board!

when we went to the Marmottan it was wall to wall Monet - just lovely.

Toucan2 Apr 19th, 2013 06:57 PM

There was an exhibit of Marie Laurencin at l'Orangerie last year when I visited. Very interesting, couldn't decide if I liked it. I wanted to get to Marmottan. Maybe next time (meaning there needs to be a next time, right?!)

StCirq Apr 19th, 2013 07:59 PM

Thank you for this. Really wonderful reporting!

cynthia_booker Apr 19th, 2013 11:53 PM

Same here, Toucan; that is why I used the word 'interesting.'
Of course, next time. There must always be a next time.

Nikki Apr 20th, 2013 03:15 AM

Cynthia, last year in March I was wearing gloves in Paris and a little boy was fascinated by them on the metro, while nobody was wearing them in the street. Now thanks to you, I know what was confusing him: I wasn't elegantly coiffed and groomed.

Thanks again to all those who have left such nice comments.

cynthia_booker Apr 20th, 2013 12:03 PM

I bet you were, Nikki. My bet is that you were not 80 years old like the glove wearers I observed!

cynthia_booker Apr 20th, 2013 12:13 PM

Nikki, I remembered your story and that is what made me notice the glove wearers.

cigalechanta Apr 20th, 2013 03:00 PM

when she said it to when we were there, I started noticing here that I was one of few wearing cloves.

Mamaw May 15th, 2013 05:14 PM

Totally loved the trip report...Thank you

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