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charnees Sep 6th, 2011 06:35 PM

I agree with zeppole on this one. Forget about your shoes. Actually, they should be so comfortable that you do forget about them. I love Clark's for that reason.

elnap29 Sep 6th, 2011 06:48 PM

You will never regret having your most comfortable shoes.
For our most recent trip in April, my feet were already in pain, so before the trip I bought the most comfortable I could find, SAS brand. I would definitely put them in the ugly category, but I could baely walk in any other pair. Luckily, the pain subsided before the trip and I decided those shoes would be too hot anyway. I then purchased a pair of Mephisto Allrounders for daytime walking and a pair of "dressier" walking shoes made by Romika. (We walk everywhere).

The Mephistos were so comfortable (and cooler on the feet) that I wore them constantly. I only pulled out the "dressier" shoes twice in 18 days and could have done without them.
Go for comfort.

CYESQ Sep 7th, 2011 04:45 AM

I don't wear Clark's but I saw their new fall line in London and the display included a nice looking pair of heels. Has anyone tried them yet?

Judyrem Sep 7th, 2011 04:55 AM

Zeppole, Love your reply. :-)
Life's too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.

Ronda Sep 7th, 2011 08:11 AM

I'm so glad to find this thread. I am going to Paris and Rome in October, must wear orthotics, have Asics I can wear, bought some Ecco's but they slip on my heel and I can only wear dress socks with them. Love my Keen hiking boots so trying to find some other keens that I could wear. You all say you wore your keens but are you talking sandals or shoes? I need lace up shoes. How about these:

Brown looks somewhat hiking bootish. Black better?

The Mary Jane styles still seem to slip on my heel.

These are the Eccos that slip:

KathyCapri Sep 7th, 2011 09:07 AM

Love all these responses - I'm laughing out loud while reading. Thanks for keeping me amused while I should be working : )

elnap29 Sep 7th, 2011 09:32 AM

Ronda, I would avoid a shoe that slips on my heel. That's how blisters form.
(You might pack some Mole-skin with you, just in case).

hazel1 Sep 7th, 2011 09:36 AM

It never ceases to amze me when people think that they should wear shoes similar to whatever they perceive the "natives" wear, so that they will "blend in". First, I completely agree with zeppole - it just doesn't matter, no one cares what kind of shoes you're wearing. And secondly, all of those "natives" are simply living their daily life, going to work or shopping or whatever, but they are not touring their city and on their feet walking all day long. You can bet, as zeppole said, that their shoe choice is completely different when they are the ones vacationing. You don't see Italian tourists in San Francisco (and there are lots) wearing stillettos while they are touring this city - mostly I see them in comfortable shoes just like me, usually trainers, like Skechers.

As everyone here has chimed in, your foot comfort is of primary importance to your vacation happiness. A blistered tourist is an unhappy tourist.

Ronda Sep 7th, 2011 03:05 PM

Thanks enlap. I was just at a specialty shoe store looking at socks. The clerk suggested that I actually put moleskin on the inside of my right shoe heel to keep it from slipping. The eccos are very comfortable, and my orthotics fit (such a pain trying to find shoes that they fit in besides athletic shoes).

As far as blisters, I have used the bandaide blister bandages (gel) and they work wonders. I always carry them just in case. My husband once wore new shoes on the plane and by the time we walked through the airport, he had a huge blister on his heel. Put one of those blister bandaids on and was able to continue wearing the shoes the entire time.

PS I'm wearing those shoes a little everyday trying to soften them up. If I don't have them broken in by the time we leave, I guess it's the Asics :( for me

lennyba Sep 7th, 2011 03:19 PM

Ronda - I have the Keen Toyahs (in black). They are SERIOUSLY comfortable.

Tentek Sep 13th, 2011 06:11 PM

I totally agree with hazel1. No need to "blend in", you are still going to stand out as a tourist. The other point I was going to make is that I find it important to change shoes throughout the day. Wearing the same shoes, no matter, how comfortable, tires my feet. On my last trip, I ended up buying two pairs of Birkenstocks, just because my comfortable shoes were not providing enough arch support despite the green Superfeet inserts.

Underhill Sep 13th, 2011 09:26 PM

"Women's shoes walking in Italy"...well, I've noticed that shots of feet walking are big on the screen these days. So why not in Italy?

sandyatlanta Sep 14th, 2011 01:42 PM

I know this will sound crazy but I have found my new walking shoes and they are flip-flops. We have been to Europe many times & do serious walking, miles per day. In Italy this spring I took a pair of Yellow Box flip-flops and couldn't have been more comfortable. My feet never hurt. I wore them every day! They have about one inch of padding, so a little thicker than the average kind.
Walked just fine on cobblestones, etc., too. I know it's not for everyone:)

kybourbon Sep 14th, 2011 02:22 PM

If you want to blend in then flipflops and sandals are what the Italian women are wearing in summer (evev in Rome). I'm seeing less women in heels. Saw one take a tumble on cobblestones last week. Wear what's comfortable.

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