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BarbWire Oct 17th, 2017 09:52 AM

Solo accommodation -- London -- Dec 19-ish
I've just read through more than a dozen threads about Xmas/NYE time in London, checked and found good economy saver award availability for flights and am ready to head to the UK Dec.19-ish for a couple of weeks.

I am looking for suggestions for accommodation in central London. On previous non-holiday-time solo trips I have used YHA and private hostels in central London, LSE dorms, and a (now gone) small hotel near the British Library. Budget is $100 -- $125 a night.

I would like something a bit more upscale (less student oriented) than a hostel or LSE as it is the holidays. I hope to take in MANY concerts (including trying to get tickets to a couple of events at Royal Albert Hall) and a play or two. And finally do the Harry Potter Studio tour. And walk and walk and walk if the weather is dry. But it it is not there are marvelous museums to re-visit.

Does renting a small apartment for two weeks make sense? Is LondonConnection reliable?

I will head over to TripAdvisor for hotel suggestions as well as usual check. But suggestions here would be most welcome.

tuscanlifeedit Oct 17th, 2017 10:25 AM

I think that renting an apartment makes very good sense for you. You know the city and can settle in; no real need for a hotel that I can see. Our last three London apartments were from London Perfect (expensive but a winter sale); AirBnB and VRBO. The last two were inexpensive. Neither of those was at all luxurious but they were comfortable enough for cheap digs.

marvelousmouse Oct 17th, 2017 10:27 AM

Following with interest. Your budget seems really low for London, but I'm sure you knew that.

PalenQ Oct 17th, 2017 01:43 PM

Does renting a small apartment for two weeks make sense?>

Sure - hopefully some London expert like janisj will see this as she knows everything to know about flats. tuscanlifeedit's 3 listings will fill your bill.

Rates for B&Bs can be especially affordable if you are willing to commute by train or tube (and also live in a more real London neighborhood than the city centre.

BarbWire Oct 17th, 2017 02:08 PM


Yes,I know that the budget seems low for London, but then, I usually hostel it there, so going up to $125/night seems like a real splash! I've found a few on in the Knightsbridge/ Chelsea area but to get the rate in my budget I've got to book non-refundably -- not there yet.

London Connection seemed to be going for the luxury market. I will look at tuscanlifeit's suggestions.

As soon as I get this sorted, I can get back to planning Jan/Feb/March in Portugal, Spain and Italy ....

Andrew Oct 17th, 2017 02:26 PM

For anyone spending less than two weeks in London (not the OP, I know), consider Priceline or Hotwire - they still seem to have good deals in decent locations in London. I used Priceline a few years ago and got a fantastic deal, well under $100/night, for a decent (if faded) business hotel right off Oxford Street. You should do your research on sites like BetterBidding to see what hotels people have been winning recently, though - that's what I'd do if visiting London now.

BarbWire Oct 17th, 2017 02:44 PM

I've never used Priceline or Hotwire -- I will put those in my "budget traveler" kit bag.

Just did a quick search on Priceline -- some interesting options only slightly above $125/night. But non-refundable so I can't pull the trigger yet. Interesting.


Mrs__Wilde Oct 17th, 2017 02:55 PM

We almost routinely rent an apartment when in London; so much more homely especially if you want more privacy or are under the weather. London Connection does have some inexpensive apartments (they are running a special on some of their apartments at half-price in late December to early February but none appear to be available during your dates - 12/19 for two weeks?). I have found them to be very reliable - we stayed in two of their apartments on our last two trips.

I tried Homeaway with your dates and found this apartment that's near St. Katherine's Dock marina:

It's a bit over your budget at 1,514 pounds for two weeks (it includes a service charge of 114 pounds) but is in a location where I would like to stay because of recommendations from janisj - she is probably your best resource here.

marvelousmouse Oct 17th, 2017 03:42 PM

I usually hostel, too, that's why I'm curious. I'd go for well located lodging in that budget if I could find it!

Sounds like an amazing few months of traveling! Good luck!

janisj Oct 17th, 2017 04:12 PM

I know exactly where that Tradewinds Court flat is. Looks nice. It would be a bit of a hike/climb to Tower Hill station but lots of amenities in the Marina which is a short walk away. The Waitrose is very nice.

Unfortunately the five flats I love in the Marina proper (even the 2bdrms would have fit in your budget in the winter) are now down to one and almost impossible to get into. They sold off and/or converted to long term lets four of them and now just rent out one. :(

Even basic properties like Chelsea Cloisters will be just a tad over your budget. I just did a dummy 14 day booking on and it came out $128 per night pre-paid/non refundable. That is one thing -- most places to get discounted rates you would need to pre-pay. But Travel insurance would take some of the sting out of that. Chelsea Cloisters is in a really good lobation but their cheapest units are pretty small studios.

Andrew Oct 17th, 2017 04:55 PM

BarbWire: <i>I've never used Priceline or Hotwire -- I will put those in my "budget traveler" kit bag.

Just did a quick search on Priceline -- some interesting options only slightly above $125/night. But non-refundable so I can't pull the trigger yet. Interesting.</i>

I think I'd be reluctant to stay at one hotel for two weeks anyway - so I'm not sure I'd recommend Priceline or Hotwire for two whole weeks. I'd rather stay at an apartment or B&B or something, if that were in the budget.

But FYI: Priceline is a bit more complicated than Hotwire. There are at least three different ways you can book hotels with Priceline: through their traditional booking engine (they own by the way, so prices/policies may be similar between the two), with Priceline's "Express Deals" (which is like Hotwire - they tell you the price but not the name of the place until you've committed to a non-refundable reservation), and Priceline's classic "Name your own price" service, where you are bidding in effect for hotels.

To save the most money, I've always used "Name your own price" - seems to be cheaper than their express deals, but it takes more effort, more research, more uncertainty.

Hotwire is much simpler: they tell you the price and some generic info about the place but not the name. It's non-refundable too. Occasionally I get better deals with Hotwire, but usually I do better with Priceline.

I'm not crazy about the uncertainty of non-refundable hotel reservations, but sites like BetterBidding can help remove a lot of it, because you can see what hotels other people have gotten in the same cities and zones that you might be interested in. The last few times I've used Hotwire or Priceline, I guessed exactly which hotels I was going to get (though I am kind of a veteran of Priceline bidding). Knowing I'm PROBABLY going go get one of say three hotels that I know are all OK, for a great savings, is usually good enough for me.

BarbWire Oct 18th, 2017 07:23 AM

Thank you to everyone for the suggestions/help.

I generally don't like to book into a place for more than a week -- and prefer refundable reservations. If the place is delightful, I have it on the list for "return next time." If the place is not, then I am glad to leave, and move on to the next place. And if the weather is awful, then I cancel the next place and move to another city or country and pick up my travels from there. (Did that a few years ago when the weather in the UK was especially dreadful in March, so I cancelled various reservations and headed for Spain).

Again, thanks to everyone. Back to the (virtual) drawing board. I need to get this settled -- or drop the idea of two weeks in the UK and start my travels in early January when I head to PT/ES/IT. I am woefully behind in planning that, too. :-)

Again, thanks all.

5alive Oct 18th, 2017 08:42 AM

If you are going to be there 2 weeks, I would move once. You get to explore two different neighborhoods that way. Have one near Albert Hall, one near the other theatres. Also if you end up not liking one of your rentals, at least you are not stuck there for two whole weeks.

My personal experience with has been very good for apartments. I had a problem with an apartment when I arrived and took my call on a Sunday night and solved it.

I found Homeaway in Scotland at least, to be a little cheaper and have properties other sites didn't. I did book from them.

Agree with everything Andrew said about Love getting advice there first. I did get help with Hotwire too.
(For others reading--be aware that if you are a family, Priceline only guarantees a bed for up to for two travelers. Hotwire you can find a hotel room that serves up to 4 people.)

thursdaysd Oct 18th, 2017 08:55 AM

The B&B/hotel I use in London has an en suite single for seven nights for your dates (didn't look at 14) for 101 USD/night. The room will be small and basic but breakfast is fine and the location in Bloomsbury convenient.

janisj Oct 18th, 2017 09:16 AM

I do understand wanting to have flexibility but I would definitely firmly nail down both weeks -- whether one flat or two. Dec thru New Years is a VERY busy tine for leisure travel in London and many flats will have booked up already.

BarbWire Oct 19th, 2017 11:49 AM

Thank you thursdaysd -- this is one of my favorite areas of London. (do you perchance blog at "my time to travel?")

5alive -- yes, that is my plan -- to move after a week to new digs. As you say, you get to sample two neighborhoods. One near RAH would be good in the week leading up to the 25th, as I hope to snag tickets to a couple of concerts there.

thursdaysd Oct 19th, 2017 11:55 AM

Hi BarbWire - yes, that's me. I post the text here as well, but for photos you need the blog.

BarbWire Oct 19th, 2017 01:14 PM

Ah, Thursdaysd -- thought so!

I've enjoyed your blog for many years! Thank you for writing it.

thursdaysd Oct 19th, 2017 01:50 PM

Wow, thank you for saying so, BarbWire!

BarbWire Oct 30th, 2017 04:22 PM

Reviving this post as I plan:

Woo-hoo! A bit of a windfall, so my London budget is now $150-ish a night.

Looking at flights and award availability, I am now thinking about nights Dec 15-18...might as well be a hostel as I won't be sleeping much anyway. Recover from jetlatg ... badly.

Dec 19-26: Lots of concerts etc. -- the pre Christmas frivolity Royal Albert Hall area? $150/pn budget?

Dec 26- Jan 2 -- move to Bloomsbury(Ridgemeount per the suggestion above) or similar area? Still $150/pn. Not much "seasonal" going on in London, but I will re-visit the CHurchill war rooms, day trip to Bletchley, etc. I also need a couple of days in the British Library. I don't care much about NYE: early to bed, and so on.

Hotel suggestions?

I also have an impulsive idea about Christmas in Wales, but I will make a new thread about that.


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