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Carin Aug 20th, 2004 07:48 PM

Vote for Tylenol PM - worked great for me to Italy and Japan...

Gardyloo Aug 20th, 2004 07:54 PM

We're going to try one of the daytime transatlantic flights this winter when we go over to Scotland - leave the US in the morning, arrive in London in time for a late dinner and "normal" bedtime. The only time I've done this was when my flight was 13 hours late. :( I have a terrible time sleeping on planes, so will try this. Many travelers swear by them.

Clifton Aug 20th, 2004 07:55 PM

Whatever you decide to try, try a trial run at home.

I found that Ambien had bad effects on me. Worse, I found out on a flight that still had hours to go.

lyb Aug 20th, 2004 09:03 PM

>> I take .50 mg xanax with two double vodka and tonic..<<

What great advice!! NOT! It's always a DUMB idea to take medicine and alcohol!!!!!!

Budman Aug 21st, 2004 06:08 AM

How about no zanax, but a couple of double vodka/tonics before dinner, 3-4 glasses of wine during dinner, a couple of after-dinner drinks, then when you arrive, you get your wife to drive the rental car. b( ((b))

lyb Aug 21st, 2004 10:35 AM


Now, THAT sounds just fine! Though you may not remember much of what you see on the first day. :)

RufusTFirefly Aug 21st, 2004 11:19 AM

Personally, my codeine tabs and a couple of Baileys make everything fine--whether or not I get to sleep.

DonnieD Aug 21st, 2004 12:44 PM

Surprised nobody mentioned NyQuil. It's the only OTC med that can knock me out.

tpatricco Aug 21st, 2004 01:49 PM

Definitely do a test run at home before your trip.

2 Tylenol PM + 2 cocktails + wine with dinner on the plane allowed us to get a good 5-6 hours of sleep going from NYC to Rome. We were not drowsy in the morning, and went all day with some cappuccinos to get us started!

crefloors Aug 21st, 2004 05:49 PM

Eye mask on, head drooped over, mouth hanging open with a thin river of drool running down the chin and a huge line of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's coming from said open mouth. OH yea, I've seen all of you!!!!! LOL I actually don't sleep on the plane..ah hem...for all of the reasons listed above..a crying baby would be preferable I think. I fly from the west coast..the flight from hell..but I find, I don't drink alcohol, I get an isle seat so I can get up and down without climbing over one of the drugged persons listed above..I learned that the hard way my first trip. I drink a lot of water, take some good reading material and watch our progress on the screen on the back of the seat in front of me. "What do you mean we are over Newfoundland?!!! I've been on this #@$%^&*# plane for a month already!!!!!! Just about the time I am ready to hang from the ceiling they usually serve breakfast and then we are ready to land. I get to the hotel, leave luggage or check in, stroll around the neighborhood a bit, find a place for a light meal and turn in early. I am usually up VERY early the next morning, go out and take a walk, come back to the room, get cleaned up and ready to start my day. The second might I'm right on track, no jet lag. The only downside is, of course I really am tired that first day but there isn't a lot of time to do major things anyway, and i find it bearable. It's just a personal thing with me..just don't like pills..and then of course there's that drool issue..I seem to have a harder time on the return run. The second day home I find myself crashing about 2:00 in the afternoon.

Clifton Aug 21st, 2004 06:25 PM

crefloors: I think we live with all those otherwise embarrassing details because while "OH yea, I've seen all of you!!!!!"... we were out and didn't see you seeing us.

Actually, I don't sleep well on planes either. But as we go to Australia from the midwest from time to time... and the total flight each way is like 24 hours (16 after the LAX connection), I've learned to live with finding some way to sleep. 24 hours flying, a rollover the int'l date line and a 17 hr time difference and you forget all about how you look to the other plane zombies. ;)

crefloors Aug 21st, 2004 07:05 PM

Clifton: oh I know. I really want to go to Australia before too long, and I'm certain I would NOT be able to stay awake on a flight that long. It's a scary thought...just ask my husband!!! LOL I was watching something a couple weeks ago about that new giant Airbus (I think) that they are building. Oh to be rich..they have sleeping compartments actually for those really long flights. Oh wouldn't it be loverly!!!! I think on that plane they can have REALLY long flights. They said that they can go almost anywhere in the world from what ever point to their destination without re-fuling.

Underhill Aug 21st, 2004 07:17 PM

Just talked to my doctor about sleeping pills on the plane, and she said best not: it's more important to move around during a long flight to exercise one's legs.

Clifton Aug 21st, 2004 07:57 PM

I haven't heard that much about the new Airbus except that they were building one. I'd like to try it out once they have them flying. It's just something else, the long haul 747's, as it is. Getting ready to board one, looking at it sitting at the gate dwarfing 777s, 767s and Airbuses is just awe inspiring to me. The 737s look like toys next to it. 10 seats and 2 aisles across with a tall ceiling sort of makes it feel like an auditorium full of slack-jawed droolers. Can't wait to embarrass myself on one that's even bigger.

CRAIGdotWHITE Aug 21st, 2004 09:48 PM

An inside seat -- either window or center of the center section.
Making sure the attendants know that you won't appreciate being disturbed for a sack of nuts and half a glass of OJ every 2.25 hours.
Melatonin (go to the health food store and get some). They sell sublingual cherry flavor that gets into your head like woodrot. Added benefit -- you'll feel like you had 6 hours, even if you only get 4 hours of sleep (I do).
Opinions vary, but please stay away from alcohol on the plane. You are trying to get some sleep so that you'll feel better at your destination. Drink yourself into a coma on the ground if you like, that's what I do.


Underhill Aug 22nd, 2004 05:20 AM

No, no, no! Do NOT take Tylenol with alcohol: very bad idea, can be toxic to the liver.

SUNSHINE1223 Aug 22nd, 2004 06:08 AM

I used to take Tylenol PM but now take Tylenol Sleep Easy. I usually take 2 when they serve the first round of drinks. No I do not mix alcohol with it. Then I eat dinner and by then I am sleepy enough to fall asleep for a few hours. I do not feel as hung over with Sleep Easy a I did with Tylenol PM.

Travelnut Aug 22nd, 2004 06:31 AM

I think folks need to prioritize here. Do you want to (a)celebrate, feel good now then deal with your fatigue/jet lag when you arrive, or do you want to (b)put off your fun a bit, knuckle down and do what it takes to arrive in best possible shape?

(a) booze it up, woohoo you're on vacation!
(b) drink lots of water, turn off the movie screen, put on the eyeshades, lean on your little pillow, and rest if you can't actually sleep. Get up and walk the aisle a minute or two every 1-2 hours at least.

Never mix alcohol with any type of drugs, OTC or prescription. Choose a or b, but not both!

I am not a teetotaler. I might have a glass of wine in a terminal bar during connecting time, but nothing more when on the overnight flight. When I get out and about the next day, I look forward to a café break somewhere for my next daily dose. But I just don't think it helps jet lag to drink on the flight, and would never mix with any drugs. Be safe.

Surfergirl Aug 22nd, 2004 08:09 AM

I'm with Lucy's dad on this one.

lhopp Aug 22nd, 2004 08:52 AM

Sleeping on a plane for a number of hours without moving your legs isn't a good idea. Since I've had a pulmonary embolism in the past, I've learned a little bit about how to safeguard that from happening on long flights. Drink plenty of water, get up and walk around often, and flex your feet and ankles at least every 1/2 hr to keep the blood pumping. If you're going to nap, don't do so for longer than 30-45 min at a time.

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