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Melissa5 Nov 5th, 2005 12:16 AM

Skipping the Rock of Cashel: Your opinion?
It's our first family trip to Ireland in July and we're skipping the Rock of Cashel. I'm starting to book our B&Bs, so soon everything will be locked into place.

What do you all think of the Rock of Cashel? I regret not fitting it in, but I left it out in order to create an itinerary which allows us some 3-night stays in interesting areas, so that we can settle into each B&B for 3 nights and take day-trips from there. This will allow time to explore some less-travelled lanes. It will also allow time for family members' very different interests to be exlored: trad music; nature and biology; shopping; pubs; story-telling; bookstores; history; castles; meeting and chatting with locals; dance. Those are our interests. Travelling with biologist hubby and 2 young adult daughters. Here's our plan:

Fly into shannon.
1 night in Bunratty or Ennis.
3 nights on DINGLE Peninsula (with Blasket Island day-trip)
3 nights in COUNTY CLARE (w/day-trip to Aran Islands)
3 nights in COUNTY MAYO (Westport as base)
2 nights near BELFAST (grandmother's birthplace)
3 nights in DUBLIN
Fly home.

What is your opinion? I should add that we are flying all the way from San diego, so we will have major jet-lag upon arrival. Thanks!

Barbara_in_CT Nov 5th, 2005 03:37 AM

It's okay to skip the Rock of Cashel. Travel is all about seeing what 'speaks to you' and not a list of things to check off. No matter how much time or how much money, it is never possible to see it all.

I think you've got a great trip planned for your family.

NJSally Nov 5th, 2005 03:43 AM

Having driven way out of the way to see the Rock of Cashel, I think that you could read the history of the Rock and look at pictures and be satisfied. If you were planning several days in the Tipperary area then you would want to include it. I LOVED the Dingle Peninsula and I cannot wait to go back to MAYO. You have a good itinerary - keep it. Don't forget the car ferry at Tarbert - something we didn't do. If you are staying in Ennis, skip Limerick and take the Ferry, I'm told it's great. If you stay at Bunratty it is a bit of backtracking to go to the ferry. We went through Limerick- it didn't take any time at all. Remember - it was my first trip to Ireland. It was just my sister and I and I drove everywhere. I didn't think to look for this talk group until afterwards when I wanted to post some problems we encountered. Sally

Ozarksbill Nov 5th, 2005 06:08 AM

Sure, I loved Dingle. And glad you do include Dublin. But missing Cashel?
I wouldn't! Problem is you have plans to include Belfast as well as Mayo and Aran Islands, etc. so you are talking about alot of territory to cover. All depends on what you take time to view.


mkdiebold Nov 5th, 2005 07:28 AM

I can understand you're wanting to "book your B&B's now," but one word of caution: KNOW all there is to know about each one, especially the exact location. Assuming that you've never been to Ireland, you must understand that there are unbelievable numbers of places to stay, and that lots of them are located in "the middle of nowhere" as we might say. They can be very difficult to find, especially in the pitch dark of night, and after visiting a pub or two. I totally regret booking our accommodations (and paying for them) ahead of time. Yes, skip the Rock (although I found it to be one of the more interesting sites) if you must, but be certain of your accommodations! Have a wonderful trip!

chatham Nov 5th, 2005 07:59 AM

Melissa, You have to skip something and the way your itinerary is, it would be The Rock. Yes it is very impressive and I enjoyed a 3 night stay at Cashel Palace Hotel. That said, I think you should stick to your itinerary. To me it would be more important to visit the place of my grandmother. Save it for another trip. My Best, Joan

Shadow Nov 5th, 2005 04:16 PM

Melissa-I am torn on what to tell you....I could go either way...keep your itinerary the way it is as it is a good itinerary.
However, I LOVE the Rock of Cashel...its elevated and you can see all around with the lovely green fields with sheep on them and the building itself with its history. I have landed in Shannon and driven there and spent the first night there before. I *think* its a 2 hour drive which is about the MOST you would want to drive after arriving (and I come from LAX too with a 3 hour drive from the high desert before that).
Having said that, Ennis would be fun too...more going'd get a good first night of music there.....
Sorry, hard call!! Again, if you've read about the Rock and seen the picture you are probably making an informed decision.

janisj Nov 5th, 2005 04:29 PM

You aren't just missing the Rock of Cashel, but a hundred other places too. Just can't be helped - it is impossible to see everything. No matter where you go you will miss many things as good as where you are going.

So don't fret over it, just enjoy the itinerary you have now - you'll probably decide to go back to Ireland again and can see the Rock then.

Budman Nov 5th, 2005 04:37 PM

3 nights in Dingle is too much in my opinion. 2 nights would be more than enough and skip the trip to the Blasket Island. With your limited time, not enough bang for the buck. Stop at the Blasket Cultural center would be sufficient.

3 nights in County Clare too much in my opinion. 2 nights would suffice to tour the Loop Head Peninsula, Cliffs, Kilkee, Lighthouse, Doolin, Lahinch. ((b))

dewdrops Nov 5th, 2005 05:13 PM


I have to say it is nice staying in a spot 2 or 3 nights and venturing out from those spots. We stayed in Doolin 3 nights and drove all around the area including up to Galway for the day. It was beautiful going along the coast north and stopping at the beaches. Nice to see since we are in Florida.

I enjoyed the Rock of Cashel but if you have a car the best thing is just driving through the areas and coming upon beautiful ruins of churches etc. While staying in Dublin we went over to Newgrange which was very interesting. My 7 year old niece even liked that.

Doolin is a nice place to stay as the ferries to the Aran Islands are near there as well as the cliffs. I love the Ballyvara House there and have stayes twice. Very nice people.

MaryZ Nov 6th, 2005 11:31 AM

I love the Rock of Cashel, but I also love your itinerary. I'd skip the Rock.

There's real wisdom, I think, in giving yourself more time in fewer places. It's true that you could cut your time short in some spots, but who knows what you'd miss if you did? It could end up being something even more precious to you than a look at the Rock.

I think you're on exactly the right track, and you've got an interesting trip planned.

CU Nov 6th, 2005 01:58 PM

Hi Melissa,
Good itinery. Should see a lot. Rock of Cashel can be viewed for what it is on
I would respectfully suggest that you spend your first night in Bunratty as there is a lot to see there and the distance from the Airport is only 5 miles. Then the following day you travel on towards Limerick City and on to Dingle via the beautiful village of Adare. When you are returning to Clare go north to the Tarbert car ferry for the 20 minute crossing to Clare from where you can hit northwards towards the Burren. If you have time call to Lisdoonvarna 2 miles from Doolin where the dancing starts at the Spa Wells at 11 a.m.(thats 11 in the morning)and drink a glass of Sulpher waters from the wells. It will knock years off you and your daughters can have a chat with the matchmaker (
Whatever you do or wherever you travel may you travel in safty.

Melissa5 Nov 6th, 2005 09:28 PM

Barbara in CT: I like your philosophy, travel is all about seeing what speaks to you, and not a list of things to check off. Very profound!

NJSally: Your advice makes total sense, about including the Rock of Cashel if we're going to be in the area for a few days, but not going out of our way just to see it. That's basically what I've been trying to do, focus on several areas rather than a list of individual "Must-See" sights. Thanks for your ideas. I think I should leave out the Rock of Cashel unless I can come up with at least 2 nights to spend in the area, not just 1 night.

Ozarksbill: Yes, the problem is while the Rock of Cashel does sound appealing, I would have to miss either County Mayo, Dingle Peninsula, Dublin, or Belfast area to really see Rock of Cashel and still have the kind of slow trip we enjoy. Can't give up Belfast area because grandmother was from there! So I hope I'm making the best decision for us by deciding the thing to leave out is the Rock of Cashel.

MKDIEBOLD: Yes, the location of your B&B is important, you're right, especially after having a couple of beers at a pub at night! But that's why I love the forums, with good research you can find out about the well-located B&Bs from other travellers who have been there. Thanks for your reply.

Melissa5 Nov 6th, 2005 09:40 PM

Thanks for helping me weigh the pros and cons of skipping the Rock of Cashel or squishing it into my itinerary! After loading my head with info, I have to choose what criteria to use to fish out the best of the best. I guess I realized that for me, places that seemed evocative of my Irish grandmother's memory called out the most to me. Hard to explain, but wonderful as the Rock of Cashel is, I just don't think I will "feel" her there. Music, tea leaves, and stories, and a little white cottage (from her stories), and a wonderful Irish sense of humor, and walks in the countryside...that's my Irish grandmother.

Also I always take a family vote, and the itinerary the way I have it set up best combines everyone's wishes.

But I just wanted to see what you all would advise, because I seem to have left a lot of highly recommended sights out such as Rock of Cashel and Newgrange for example.

Melissa5 Nov 6th, 2005 09:54 PM

Budman, I always enjoy hearing every side. You and I seem to have opposite styles of travel, it's interesting. I would say I don't have enough time for the Dingle Peninsula, I need 4 nights really, but I only have 3. You say 3 is too many. I wonder how you spend time on your trips?

For our family, we enjoy having extra time for each person to pursue what delights them. Those unexpected delights take extra time and really make the trip.

Want to hear an example? In Costa Rica my daughter decided it was a good idea to catch a toad and leave him in the hotel room so he could eat the insects. (Yes, in Costa Rica there are insects, and when you open the door, they fly in!). So she and my son caught the toad and placed him in their room. Hubby and I found out about this later in the day when we returned for lunch. Then it took more time while the young adult kids ran round the room, moving furniture, capturing the toad to put him back outside. One of the highlights of the day, totally unplanned! Then of course it took more time to put the furniture back into place.

Multiply this by many creative daily moments, and you see why we like lots of time in each destination!

Melissa5 Nov 6th, 2005 10:20 PM

DEWDROPS: Yes, I see we are kindred spirits, enjoying those 2 or 3 nights in one place and getting to have time for day-trips, especially for stopping wherever you come upon something fascinating. Sounds like you had a nice trip!

MARYZ: Thanks for your encouragement. It is helpful to hear that although you loved the Rock of Cashel, you believe my itinerary will still be good without it.

CU: I appreciate the very practical advice on which routes to travel, starting with a night in Bunratty, then through Adare to Dingle, then by Tarbert ferry to County Clare. Your advice on this makes sense. Lisdoonvarna really has dancing at 11:00 in the morning? Good to know! As for the matchmaker, is that Lisdoonvarna's version of computer dating?

Ozarksbill Nov 7th, 2005 06:50 AM

OK, Melissa, just for the sake of discussion, in looking back on our trip,
Cashel and Newgrange (actually Knowth) were highlights. But so were Trim Castle, Tara, Glendalough in the East or Dublin side (not mentioned for your trip).

Choices, choices...we didn't take in Aran or Blasket Islands which would indeed take a day each. Nor explore County Mayo. Nor for that matter Cork or Waterford in the South. In the West did enjoy seeing Limerick, the Burren, Cliffs of Mohr, Craggaunowen, Ballyvaughn, Lemeneugh Castle, Kilmacduagh Round Tower, Bunratty, Lady Gregory's Coole Park, W.B.Yeats home, as well as Killarney and Dingle Penn.

Your biologist hubby should know about the unique Burren and want to see it. I recommend a 25 page booklet "The Burren" by our expert guide Maryangela Keane, Jarrold Publ. in Norwich, UK.
We did thoroughly enjoy Dublin for several days...the theatre, historical sites, museums, pub music, and all.

Bottom line: Grandmother's birthplace of course. I myself am big into genealogy, but do you know the actual place she lived or just Belfast? Then it's a matter of what you have time for...maybe Cashel over Dublin
(tough call there). I do agree with Budman about a few too many nights here and there.

Oh yes, remember that old Irish blessing: "May the sun shine brightly on your room each day and may the toads in your room not jump into your bed!"

[email protected]

McShane Nov 7th, 2005 02:16 PM

You're so right about the pace of a trip! When we traveled to Ireland in May of 2004 we spent a week in one of those charming 'thatched irish cottages' on Cruit Island. Loved it. Of the entire trip, all the things we saw and did, what my son (11 at the time) likes to talk about is this: 'remember the little dog who followed us on the beach all the way to town and we had to find a string for a leash to keep him safe on the road...' Such a simple day, no photos, but absolutely seared in our memories!

CHELLOLIVE Nov 8th, 2005 06:35 AM

We did Cashel this past summer with a group of teenage school kids and the rock was really quite nice and the town was great also. Do try and fit it in.

losarbolitos Nov 8th, 2005 07:22 AM

I am so glad you are doing Dingle and not Ring of Kerry! Good thinking and planning.
The first night try Adare Manor, not much of a drive to touristy Bunratty. The meal and pagentry of Bunratty can be had without staying there. Ennis....dont bother. There are a lot of old hotels and houses around the area within half an hour or so of Shannon. Gourtolouga House is charming, and Adare Manor ( the old part) would be a thrill for your girls.
We lived in the area in a village called Castleconnell.
I think you are spending too much time in Dublin. The countryside of Ireland is where the beauty lies. We love The Rock of Cashel---but truth be told, you can drive any road and find lovely places to stop. The Rock is a magnificent place--and of course we know you are prepared to never see sunlight on the entire trip---or to have magnificent weather.
Music on the Dingle is wonderful as is nature. Think about leaving a night or two without reservations. The person who mentioned regretting spending money up front and reserving is right. There are not only the B&Bs, but farmhouses everywhere.
Cliffs of Moher? ( while you are in Co.Clare) For me...nothing beats that wind driven place to think of my own Irish relatives and look toward the States. On a clear day you can see Galway in the distance.
You are so smart to leave time in a few places. It is too bad you need to go in the summer--for us it always meant too many Americans. Check your schedule against Bank Holidays on the Irish calendar. They are always on Mondays---and the Irish hit the roads for those weekends--so be careful driving. We would stay home only on Bank Holiday weekends.
Another thing. If you have contacts in Belfast that know of your family then that will be great. By in large the Irish look at the American obsession with Irish roots as a joke. 2 nights will be very adequate. I would just leave that last planned night in Dublin to be free as birds and go somewhere you missed, or just try a new road out of the city.
Have a wonderful time!

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