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Kaka Jun 9th, 2007 07:35 PM

Single carless gal's GERMAN itinerary
ok Fodorites. here's the challenge.
2 weeks.
Starting in Munich ending either on my way to Vienna or Prague.

Not too busy. Don't want to spend too much time scooting around on buses (I will not be renting a car at all)

What is the best itinerary under the circumstances?

Thanks in advance!

Kaka Jun 9th, 2007 08:38 PM


janisj Jun 9th, 2007 10:09 PM

Kaka - we don't have any idea what sorts of things you want to see/do so how can anyone recommend an itinerary.

Give us a bit more information - When? Any particular places youe especially want to visit? What do you like? etc.

It is REALLY hard when someone posts "I have 2 weeks - plan my trip for me". Much better if you offer us a tentative plan and let us make suggestions to improve it.

quokka Jun 10th, 2007 02:19 AM

Buses in Germany? There are no long-distance bus routes in Germany, except to Berlin. The train is the way to get around.

May I suggest reasing a travel guide first?

Dukey Jun 10th, 2007 02:23 AM

Well, you were at least honest when you said it is a "challenge."

Perhpas if you re-p;ost with a heading such as "I'm Going"...that sort of thing seems to work wonderfully well for some people here.

ira Jun 10th, 2007 03:10 AM

Hi K,

Challenge? You call this a challenge? :)

Fly into Munich, 3 nights (visit Fuessen?); train to Salzburg, 3 nights (visit at least one lake by bus); train to Vienna, 3 nights; train to Prague, 4 nights. Fly home.

Or, do Munich, Salzburg and Vienna

Or do Prague, Vienna and Salzburg.

Enjoy your visit.



yk Jun 10th, 2007 07:47 AM

Kaka - you've posted several threads about your Germany Itinerary and have received many replies. So - you don't like any of the replies you got? I thought you wanted to stop in Munich and Berlin with a side trip to Bavarian towns.

Kaka Jun 10th, 2007 09:49 AM

Hey YK,

Sorry about posting so many variances of the same question.

Please don't think I'm not valuing or listening to the responses I'm getting. I'm simply overwhelmed by it all. I have three months to plan a 2 month trip and I'm just collecting and processing all the amazing insights I'm receiving on here.

I am taking alot to heart, and I am starting to solidify and get clarity on what is important to me.

I am so grateful that I found this site and that there so many people who take the time to answer questions.

I promise I will not be so annoying once I get the hang of it and become a lil more confident in my own decision making.

Thanks again for the advice so far.

Padraig Jun 10th, 2007 11:44 AM


I misread the header and thought I was in for a salacious read. It's just another travel discussion.

Kaka Jun 10th, 2007 03:53 PM

sorry to disappoint padraig....I'm sure I'll have juicy tales to tell upon my return however....fingers crossed

thereyet Jun 10th, 2007 04:11 PM

What happens in Vienna, stays in Vienna.


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