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Ben Haines Jan 14th, 2002 01:33 AM

Serbia trip report
Ms Chen of Ontario has send me questions on Serbia, to elicit a trip report. I was there from 28 December to about 6 January. I have on disc a full guide to Serbia, collated from the internet, which I can e-mail to you if you're interested.<BR><BR><BR>Besides Novi Sad, any other town interesting? <BR>Yes, Subotica, Sremska Mitrovica and Vrsac are all small Baroque gems, very central European. I didn't reach the south, but hear well of Nis.<BR><BR>any unusual museums/sites? <BR>The Jewish Museum in Belgrade is unusual in that after refurbishment it has returned to much the condition of thirty years ago, with cover for all of former Yugoslavia, and of the Partisan era.<BR><BR>What type of exhibitions (interactive? preservation?)? <BR>Exhibitions are almost none of them interactive. Indeed, I think there's no such museum in the Balkans, except perhaps the Experimentarium in Belgrade.<BR><BR>How do people celebrate New Year and Orthodox Christmas? Did you join them? <BR>Serbians go to bed on New Year's Eve, as I recall, and celebrate New Year's Day with much walking the streets in parties, and with rock music in the central city square. I escaped to Szeged for that night. But I did go to the Mayor of Novi Sad's New Year concert, given free to an enthusiastic and full audience in the Synagogue, now restored, and used as concert hall.<BR><BR>Why did you say Belgrade is heavy? <BR>Belgrade has buildings in great blocks, rather grey, rather plain, whereas the Baroque city centres are light and colourful. Belgrade looks a bit too much like central Berlin.<BR><BR>How do people cope with the instability? <BR>I'm afraid I don't know. Many try for visas to work in Canada, the US, Australia, Austria, and so on. Some have monthly payments from siblings who have prospered in the New World.<BR><BR>What kind of progress in market economy? <BR>I'm afraid I don't know. The shops have every luxury, but few sales<BR><BR>Any difficulty travelling in the winter by buses and trains (Once I was snowed in central Ontario for several days while visiting farms)? <BR>The busses run like clockwork, and are faster than the trains. They seem to have found a way to heat the Bucharest Express within Serbia. In March last it was unheated till Timisoara, since the Serbian engine's heating pipes couldn't be attached to the Romanian train. Chilly. <BR><BR>Any interesting little story or highlight? <BR>In Sremska Mitrovica but not in Belgrade nor Novi Sad they have power cuts, so the Hotel Sirmium had lights from midnight to noon, but not from noon to midnight. Arrived in the evening I walked into a murky lobby, and went to bed by candlelight.<BR><BR>Ben Haines

beth anderson Jan 14th, 2002 02:06 AM

welcome back Ben. we were just talking about you at dinner last night. wondering when you were coming back!!<BR><BR>(I am in London right now, went to dinner with Kavey and Linda, another Fodor poster...)<BR><BR>Beth

Judy Jan 14th, 2002 09:47 AM

Mr.Haines: Thank you for the report,I would be very appreciated if you could e-mail me a copy of Serbia file. Thank you in advance.

leslie Jul 13th, 2002 05:29 PM

I will be traveling to serbia and montenegro in august and i am interested in any information you have on this destination. I am traveling with 3 families.thank you for any information you have

Ben Haines Jul 14th, 2002 10:47 AM

I replied to Leslie by e-mail.<BR><BR>Ben Haines

PerthGirl Jul 25th, 2003 08:40 PM

Planning 3 weeks in Serbia in October/Novemver 2003 with my partner and our three children. Wanted to know if anyone has visited any of the Spas - such as Bukovica Banja - and whether they thought one was better than the other - we're travelling with two 4 years olds and a 6 year old. My partner is Serbian, but hasnt been back since his last holiday in 1998. Ive never been. Any tourist must sees or nice experiences for kids / families??

ben_haines_london Jul 26th, 2003 08:53 AM

Two big Danube fortresses, each a frontier of Christendom against the Turk, in Belgrade and over the river from beautiful Novi Sad.

[email protected]

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