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schnauzer Sep 29th, 2007 07:27 PM

Schnauzer's 50th birthday solo trip to Provence- trip report
Well the trip has come and gone already. It is always amazing how much time and effort goes into the planning and then suddenly it is all over and you are home again. Many thanks to everyone on this board who helped with ideas and suggestions.

I chose to celebrate my 50th (next month so still 49 for the minute!) by going to Provence to attend a French language school for two weeks. I also spent four days in Aix en Provence beforehand and 4 nights travelling around the Luberon etc after the course. I have written a fairly detailed report about the school on the education board, so won't repeat everything here as well.

I went from Australia via Bangkok to Paris and then to Marseilles and then to Aix. I travelled business class because for that distance in one hit it would be a nightmare travelling economy, anyway too old for the back of the bus now. This was a good decision as I arrived half decent. Door to door it was probably about 29 hours. Travelling alone in todays climate was also quite difficult, in the repect that you had no-one to turn to if you were unsure of anything. I did not enjoy the continual queuing for security even though I appreciate the reasons why. My heart seemed to be racing even though I was not doing anything wrong!! I arrived safe and sound and so did my bags so I was already ahead of the game.

I stayed in Aix en Provence at La Maison de Carlotta. This was a typical Provencal B & B in the heart of Aix on the rue Frederic Mistral, just off the Cours Mirabeau. I found Maison de Carlotta on the web and Kevin Widrow also gave me the thumbs up after speaking with Aline the owner. Cezanne's wife used to live here so there was some history attached. My room however was very small, it did have a king sized bed, a small table and chair but I could not open the wardrobe fully which was a bit annoying. Also I did not have any windows just a sky light. The bathroom was fine, small of course, but with a lovely big shower head. I was a bit disappointed in the room as I paid 105E a night. There was a little terrace opposite my room which was lovely to sit and read a book or write postcards and have breakfast etc. Aline also had another room which was 120E a night. I saw this room which was much much bigger with windows etc and if I had known I would have paid the extra to have had this room. Aline the owner was extremely friendly and helpful and her daughter is studying the piano for the conservatorium of music in Paris, she practiced occasiionally and this certainly added to the ambiance. The situation was fantastic and I think this is what you paid for. 50ft from the Cours Mirabeau. I would certainly recommend the larger room, the smaller, no.

I spent the first couple of days recovering from Jetlag and wandering around soaking in the atmosphere. The markets of course were great, some good stuff, mostly the produce with the usual tourist stuff added in, some great some very ordinary. Markets are the same everywhere eh? I just loved the feeling of Aix, very safe by myself.

On the Saturday I took a walk with a guide from the tourist office through the old part of town. There were only two other people so that was great. Learned quite a bit of history. In the afternoon I then took a tour again from the tourist office to Cassis. Really it was only a bus trip to Cassis and back again with time allowed for you to go on one of the boat trips to the Calenques which I did. I did the five Calenques trip which lasted one hour. This was probably enough, there was an 8 Calenques trip but unless you had all day there it probably wasn't worth it. Lovely scenery and very enjoyable. I was thinking about trying to get to Cassis from Marseilles airport on my last day but it didn't look too easy, anyway I was glad I did the trip from Aix. Cassis was very small and apart from restaurants along the front and a few shops there wasn't much else unless you went walking. Very pretty though, it reminded me of Cinque Terre. It was very busy and bustling and had a fun atmosphere.

I had dinner at Le Passage a restaurant recommended by many. I was a little disappointed in my meal of Veau Tagine. some of the meat was very tough and fatty. Lovely flavours but I didn't know if it was that I was by myself that I got last nights leftovers. The dessert of Minestrone de fruits rouges and sorbet was lovely. The restaurant had a lovely atmosphere and the service was good. Another night I had dinner at a restaurant called Le Refuge in the Forum des Cardeurs. I loved this forum as it contained heaps of different types of restaurants and you could just wander from one to the other before making your final choice. I had the duck with red fruit and baked potatoes and tarte tartin for dessert. Both courses were great, however it was only when I received the bill that they told me they didn't take credit cards, fortunately I had the cash but would have preferred to have know before I ordered.

I really enjoyed Aix and loved walking to the Pavillon Vendome which is situated in lovely gardens. I bought terrine, cheese and a roll and fruit at the market and took myself for a picnic in the Parc Jordan. Quite pleasant but not like the grand parks of Paris. On the last day I witnessed the Fete de Calisson, which are the traditional sweetmeats of Aix. Everyone was dressed in traditional costume and dances were held in the Place de quatre Dolphins. A special treat for me.

I will continue with a short report of the school and my last four days in the Luberon a little later. Schnauzer

adlmllr Oct 1st, 2007 07:22 AM

Please don't delay too long! Really looking forward to hearing about the Luberon portion of your trip.

And Bon Anniversaire! My 50th is coming up in November and my husband is taking me on a 5-night trip to Provence and the Lyon area....the actual gift is dinner at Maison Troisgros.

Maybe we enjoy another fifty wonderful years (at least).

johanna Oct 1st, 2007 08:19 AM

Very interesting report. Looking forward to the french course you took. I, also, took a solo trip to Provence a few years back and loved it. Stayed in Avignon and took day trips to the towns you mentions. Bought provential talblecloths and napkins that I use for Thanksgiving each year. Looking forward to go back. Thanks Johanna

schnauzer Oct 2nd, 2007 03:14 AM

I had wanted my report to be full of funny and witty musings but alas it is not! This is the first time that I have travelled totally on my own since being married 22 years ago. I was so looking forward to the "peace and quiet" being allowed to do exactly just what I wanted, just when I wanted to do it. The experience was very interesting, I actually felt quite rudderless and lonely. Not pining for my husband or my very difficult teenage son, just very much alone. I have travelled to France many times before so it wasn't as if it was completely alien to me. I speak a bit of the language so felt comfortable there also. Maybe I had anticipated just a bit too much as to how wonderful it was going to be and the reality was quite different. I loved Aix but maybe it was just too small to spend four days. This came about due to flight constraints, the world cup was on and the flights were already filling even though I booked nearly a year beforehand. I had terrible trouble sleeping for the whole three weeks, if fact did not sleep through the night once! This probably did not help with the feeling anxious during the day. I was cursing myself for feeling so "flat" - trying to talk up this wonderful opportunity that I had. My report is reflecting I think a little of how I felt. Sorry. I did not think to check out the solo travel tales at Fodor's as I didn't for one moment think I would need any tips. I will try and up the mood a bit, if anyone is still reading this!!!

The Language School: I booked into Crea Langue near Moustiers Ste Marie for a two week intensif language course. Actually they had an even more intense one but I chose the lessons in the morning and activities in the afternoon course. The standard of teaching was absolutely great, they used every method of teaching possible, the teachers were wonderful and the group of 20 students also worked very well together. The ages varied mostly from late 30's to 70's. At nearly 50 I fitted right in the middle and felt very comfortable.

I tried just a little too hard to impress, in order that I wasn't put into the lowest group and ended up in the highest group. I struggled in this group for three days with two other people, a german lady, french being her third language and a swiss gent also with french being his third language. They both had really strong german accents and I struggled to firstly get through their accents before I could even try and decipher the french. I found myself shutting down occasionally as I didn't feel comfortable in this group. Eventually they dropped me down a level where I felt much better. However three of the first five days were sort of lost. If I had been able to sleep occasionally I may have been able to cope a bit better. I was very emotional all the time which is not really me and I think they thought they had a right nut case on their hands. I know I am just about 50 but did the menopause have to arrive in France just as I did??

The food was sensational, two three course meals a day cooked with fruit and veges straight from their orchards and greenhouses. Miss Piggy of course could not refuse anything and at the end of two weeks the pants were just a bit more snug!

The activties in the afternoon were very varied, I canoed down the Gorge Verdon, visited the L'Occitane factory (the only one in the world), visited old towns, went mountain bike riding etc. I really enjoyed these afternoons as the atmosphere was very relaxed and I found it much easier to speak. The rules were that you had to speak French all day everyday. For the most part we all did but occasionally out of earshot a few words of english or german etc were heard. The school is not for the budget conscious as it was pretty expensive but also very good. I really like the whole concept and the atmosphere at the Monastery was so friendly there wasn't one person who did not fit in.

I have written a more detailed report on the educational travel section if anyone is interested in finding out more.

Will do the Luberon part of the trip next. Happy birthday adlmllr, enjoy your time in Provence.

adlmllr Oct 2nd, 2007 06:23 AM

Ah, it must be a middle-age thing -- I had been hoping to spend a week or so in France by myself, as well, as a volunteer on La Sabranenque village restoration project. Unfortunately the dates didn't line up properly for me, but my husband and I were just saying that perhaps we should have posptoned our "dinner" trip until the spring so I could spend a week on the project first. It's in the village of Saint Victor la Coste, east of Uzes and west of the Rhone.

chiarachiara Oct 2nd, 2007 06:32 AM

Schnauzer, please do not stop! We are following your trip report with great interest!

fbc34 Oct 2nd, 2007 11:24 AM

See Schnauzer's report about the language school on the Educational Travel forum.

Dejais Oct 2nd, 2007 12:21 PM

Bookmarking to continue readng your adventure. I am traveling in April to celebrate my big 5-0. Which we are lovingly referring to as the big 30 + 20 in my house. Please continue!

Sue4 Oct 2nd, 2007 01:39 PM

I'm enjoying your report, so please keep going! I've taken lots of solo trips to France, and love doing it. I love doing everything MY way, and seeing what I want to see, etc. etc. I've thought about taking a French language course for a couple of weeks like you did, but always seem to change my mind about that, as I hate to take the time away from other pursuits (seeing the sights!). Maybe someday.

Anyway, I think you gave yourself a lovely 50th birthday present!

CRAZY4TRAVEL Oct 3rd, 2007 06:29 AM

We're planning a trip to Provence next year and I'm very much enjoying your report. The info about Cassis is very useful as we plan to do a day trip from St. Remy.

Looking forward to hearing about your experience in the Luberon.

connecticutyankee Oct 3rd, 2007 07:34 AM

Hey schnauzer -

I can really relate to how you felt during your trip. Looking forward to it and then feeling "flat." Totally, what my life has been like in the last few months. And the NOT sleeping thing - aaarrrghhh!! That alone is enough to drive one insane.

So don't be too hard on yourself for not being "over the top" in love with your trip just yet. Wait a few weeks or months and the trip will mellow in your mind and be exactly what you wanted it to be.

So big KUDOS to you, girl for taking on this trip when you did. I really admire you for it. I've done a couple short trips to England by myself, but this was before I lost my mind. Thinking about doing it now is too much effort.

Hang in there, honey - looking forward to reading more. Don't ya just love France??


cigalechanta Oct 3rd, 2007 07:46 AM

Happy Birthday, Shnauzer,
Moustiers and Cassis are two of the places I really like. A wonderful book to read (about Aix) is written by MFK Fisher,
Two Towns in Provence (Aix and Marseille)
Another by her, The Boss Dog.
I think she really captures the spirit of Aix.

schnauzer Oct 4th, 2007 04:29 AM

Thanks Cigalechanta for the birthday wishes and the book suggestions. I have been following your report also, we were there at the same time. I had made contact with Kaydee regarding the GTG but as circumstances happened we didn't make it, it would have been lovely to have met you all. If I had been totally solo at this stage I certainly would have made the effort but my friend, naturally, wasn't that keen not really having a clue what I was talking about "Fodors get together"

The Luberon experience:

Crea Langues dropped me off at Marseilles airport where I was meeting my friend Denise who was flying in from Scotland. I only had a half hour to wait for her plane so that was excellent timing. I decided to get our hire car organised at Hertz and everything went very smoothly there. Denise arrived and we headed north. I suggested we headed straight for St. Remy as I had heard so much about this town. It was one of the places we had considered staying. Just before St. Remy proper we stopped at Glanum the Roman site. It was a free day with free parking, better and better. Very interesting and well worth a look. It was very hot and Denise who had just come from very cold Glencoe was in need to sustinance and liquid. We decided to head into St.Remy central. We arrived very easily and I immediately liked the town. I hadn't realised it was as big as it was, not too big, just the right size! I immediately decided I liked St. Remy and felt a pang of disappointment that we weren't actually staying there.

We had lunch at the first cafe we came to as it was now 2.00pm. We both had a duck salad and a long cool drink. Nothing too flash but pleasant enough. We wandered around and at a tea shop, (there seems to be heaps of tea shops in France) which also sold ice creams I suddenly remembered I had to try Lavender ice cream. yup, they had some and at great expense 2E for one tiny scoop we got to try this Provencal delight. Actually it was quite different and I probably wouldn't put it on my list of "have to eat that again". hmmm. Finished wandering around and used the disgusting public toilets next to the tourist info centre. Why are public toilets so disgusting - for the most part - in France? It can't be that hard to have some reasonably clean, can it?

Headed off to Le Thor, near to Isle sur la Sorgue where we were staying. We had great difficutly trying to cross the river and every road just led us round in circles. We did not want to take the freeway style roads, and after driving in circles for an hour we finally found the right way. Very frustrating and un France like I thought. My memory had been that the roads were usually clearly marked. Hah, not this time. A little hot and bothered we arrived in Le Thor. Now, normally I am detail personified but for some strange reason I had presumed, uncorrectly that Le Thor was a one street town and the B and B would just jump out at us. I had no detail map as to where the Mas de la Marteliere actually was. Tricky... we found some young girls in the town square and here was the opportunity I had been looking for to practice my newly found French skills. They didn't actually know themselves but told us to wait whilst they ran off to the Tabac to ask. Fortunately the Tabac lady knew of the B & B and the young girl rattled off the directions to me, grottoes, church, roundabout, straight ahead, little road on the left. Yup, got all of that, yay off we went. Sure enough she was spot on as was my French and we found ourselves driving up some tiny roadway, never in a million years would we have found it. The road was actually a couple of kms out of Le Thor itself.

The Mas was a very welcoming sight, beautiful traditional farmhouse, pale green shutters and lovely outside eating area. Bliss, even the pool looked inviting but the jug of water and the glasses won the day. gulp, gulp. I had found this B & B on the internet and was not disappointed. The couple who run it were delightful and friendly. It had probably about 5/6 rooms. There were 4 Belgium couples staying as well as us. Our room La Suzette was very big, lots of wardrobe and hanging space and shelves. Lovely large, clean bathroom, fluffy towels and great shower. Me first!!! I thought the beds were great, you could have two singles or a King. Much softer than the Monastery but Denise thought maybe a bit too soft.

We had booked in for dinner as they also did table d'hote. We had a beautiful tradtional provencal meal of four courses. Terrine to start, beef stew, cheese course and tart tartin. You can also buy bottles of wine and reasonable prices, which we did. We ate outside all together (with the Belgs) who could of course speak any number of languages fluently. Makes you spew!!!! Off to bed after a long day.

The web page for the Mas is

Talking of bed it is late here is Oz so I will leave day 2 for tomorrow night.

For Connecticutyankee, I don't know whether to feel better or worse after your post!!! Thanks for consoling with me, but you mean I will lose my mind as well??? Mind you I am sleeping a bit better now I am at home and not worrying whether I am impressing anyone with my french!!

Until tomorrow, schnauzer

luvparee Oct 4th, 2007 06:01 AM

"Thanks Cigalechanta for the birthday wishes and the book suggestions. I have been following your report also, we were there at the same time."

I have been watching for Cigale's trip report but have not seen anything. Where did you find it?

I celebrated my 60th birthday last summer in Provence and then Paris and had a most wonderful time! I was with 6 girlfriends and we saw alot in our 8 days. That was my second trip to the Luberon/Vaucluse area and can't wait for the next!!!

Thanks for the trip report -- love them!



NeoPatrick Oct 4th, 2007 06:09 AM

Phew. I figured a schnauzer turning 50 would be like what -- 350 in human years?

Sounds like a great trip!

connecticutyankee Oct 4th, 2007 09:33 AM

Ah, ma petite schnauzer! I did not mean to depress you.

I've been struggling with several health issues lately that, combined, are really kicking my a**.

I must say, though, that a book I'm reading called "Menopause and the Mind" is making me feel a bit more normal.

Anyway, I love your report of France. Thanks for the Mas website link, too. I don't think we'll be seeing France again for a while but it sure looks nice.

Can't wait to hear more.

schnauzer Oct 4th, 2007 02:00 PM

Neo Patrick, I think you have hit the problem on the head!! That is why I felt so blinking flat, I am so blinking old!!!! Never thought of that. Thanks for the laugh.

Luvparee, Cigale's trip report is under a title Cigale goes to france and comes back wingless.(or something similar) Just click on her name and scroll down you will find it easily.

AnselmAdorne Oct 4th, 2007 05:56 PM

Schnauzer, I'm glad this thread has come back up to the top. I've been visiting my father for the last week and I suspect I've missed many good posts.

Your comment about feeling rudderless and lonely while there by yourself: I've made two solo trips to Paris and am about to make another trip by myself to northern France. While usually happy and energetic, I have had a couple of days of feeling exactly as you did--a bit lonely and a bit adrift. Luckily it didn't last long.

The language school sounds wonderful, and wise choice about booking business class for such a long journey.

Looking forward to more ...


cigalechanta Oct 4th, 2007 06:23 PM

I think being alone the first time in a structured envireonment would be difficult for me. I made my trip by myself in 1993 at age 60. It was the best of my life.

schnauzer Oct 6th, 2007 05:28 AM

Luberon Day 2:

Up for a lovely breakfast. I had been used to the bread roll and jam style brekkie and it was lovely to actually have some cereal and yoghurt. Lovely fresh figs and plums were also served with danish and croisants. The day was starting to feel very warm even at 9.30am.

We had decided to visit the markets at Isle sur la Sorgue as it was Sunday. Our hostess advised us to park at the Gare which we did easily and walked the few yards into town proper. The markets were in full swing, the stalls went on and on. I had my eye on a tablecloth, they looked so pretty with all the beautiful colours displayed. I had to do the 'research' first before making an executive decision. Up and down we went, stall after stall. I found a really cute jacket at one stall which immediately grabbed my attention due to the gorgeous fabric, too difficult to describe but needless to say I handed over beaucoup de euros and it was mine.

We decided to have a bite to eat and a drink as it was now pretty hot, nothing ordinary just a ham and cheese baguette. As we were finishing our lunch I noticed the stall nearby starting to pack up. Yikes, my tablecloth - we hot footed it back to nearly the start of the markets where we had seen the first lot of cloths, fortunately he was still there with them all displayed. Now decision time. I of course hummed and haaaed over several, which to choose? A small crowd (5) of ladies had now gathered to witness the decision making. Bets were on that I wouldn't actually buy one, my friend assured them that I had done nothing but talk of this cloth and yes I would buy. Finally I chose a beautiful cerise pink cloth with blue trim and yellow bits! My kitchen is blue and yellow but I just love cerise. Besides I already had the blue and yellow cloth already back home. I handed over the money and the ladies dispersed happy with seeing the outcome. After telling my husband this story he commented that this should tell me something about my lack of decision making. hmmm.

Purchases made we then wandered around the town looking at the lovely old mossy water wheels. We sat on a park bench by the riverside like a couple of old biddies. So peaceful, the only thing missing was the ice cream cone. We looked in some of the antique shops but my suitcase just couldn't fit an antique sideboard.

We found the "bridge" restaurant, the restaurant featured in the guidebooks, ie with the tables on a bridge over the river and as lunch had long passed there was plenty of room. We decided to have a cup of tea sitting on the bridge. Very relaxing watching the water flow by.

Back to the car and then onto Fontaine de Vaucluse. We had thought about canoeing up there and biking back, however Denise could not ride a bike and we couldn't find the canoe hire place. So that put an end to that, until of course we were walking to the car and there it was! Too late though to teach my friend to cycle.

It was quite late, after 5.00pm when we arrived in Fontaine but still quite crowded. We walked slowly up to the source,stopping first to watch the young men jumping off the weir to the encouragement of the young ladies. A quick look in the paper mill museum and then to the source. The water wasn't flowing but we climbed over the barrier, along with everyone else to look at the pond where the action all begins.

It was getting on by this time so we headed by to the Mas, showered and then went back into Isle sur la Sorgue for dinner at L'Oustau, recommended by our hosts and some guidebooks. It is a little way out of town but we found it easily. We ate on the terrace and had a very pleasant meal. We both had the fish terrine, I had the rabbit and Denise had the duck. No dessert tonight. Very lovely meal, I would recommend this restaurant certainly. Back to bed.

Day 3:

Up a little later than hoped as we have a long day of village visiting today. Breakfast taken and off we went. We drove to Gordes and stopped just beforehand as instructed by my guidebook to get the best view of the village. It was amazing seeing the whole village perched on this hillside. I am glad we stopped as it truly was the best vantage point. We did drive in to the village but didn't stop as we had decided to spend more time in Rousillon. Reaching Rousillon we parked in the carpark for 2E all day and went for a long wander around. The ochre cliffs are amazing, such colour and shapes. The village had a very welcoming atmosphere, lots of fabulous photo opportunities. We walked to the top and back down to the main square for a drink. We saw lots of people walking around with baguette style lunches so decided to follow suit. I really like this village, but there was more to discover elsewhere. BAck in the car and off to Saturnin les Alps. The countryside changed as we drove in this direction, more spread out and flatter. Some lovely old farmhouses on the way. Tried to see if I could spot Kevin's but couldn't. Parked in the village and went for a walk. Everything was deathly quiet, it was a Monday so don't know if this made a difference. Nothing was open but we had a good walk though all the little side streets. We decided that the residents like the colour purple in Saturnin as so many shutters were painted in this colour. After our walk we drove through very pretty country to Rustrel and then ducked south to Saignon.

The local kids were at playtime at the school and just as we parked and got out of the car the football came flying over the fence to my feet. I did a quick flashy throw sending it back to the boys. This then started a game of kicking it over the fence to the dopey tourist who keeps throwing back to us. After several goes at this I finally blew the whistle and we headed into the village. Very, very cute. A gorgeous central fountain with a couple of great looking hotels and b & bs in the same square. We walked to the fort which was constructed out of stone, but quarried into the rock not the rock making the fort. If that makes sense. Again we wandered around the little streets and stopped at Auberge du Presbytere a hotel in the square for a drink.

I need to stop now as it is very late here and I am falling asleep, will continue tomorrow.

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