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TrendGirl Apr 19th, 2004 10:22 AM

Don't agree with SoBeTraveller. I like "THE EDGE" and what NYCFoodSnob writes. I admire her "communication skills" in her posts. The information she writes about is of interest to me, and fun.

anaheimhills7719 Apr 19th, 2004 10:27 AM

I must have sent 10 emails from 2 different computers and from 3 different screen names, and I can't even get an autoreply!!!! Any suggestions???

AMCHO Apr 19th, 2004 10:40 AM

I have sent 2 emails, 1 fax and 1 call trying to make the reservation; the guy told me that I can't make reservations by phone, that's why I sent the fax, but I haven't had a response yet.....
I'm so worried because my visit is at the end of the month, and I'm not sure if I could make the tour.

SoBeTraveller Apr 19th, 2004 11:07 AM

Trendgirl, for the most part I do applaude NYCSF. But her style unfortunately tends to close out any alternative information, thus depriving other posters of some options. She basically tries to overwhlem the discussion and convince readers she has not only the best word, but the final word. You must realize she is probably tied in with certain people in each city - this means she always stays the same places and eats in the same places. A creature of habit, good habits, but habits just the same. That may be interesting, and her writing style can be fun at times, but it's all too limiting. But it's nice you enjoy her, she does seek to impress us.

sera Apr 19th, 2004 11:41 AM

I'm just amazed she isn't using "snob" ironically. :-)

SoBeTraveller Apr 19th, 2004 11:56 AM

lol, but nycfs is all business, serious, and not a shred of irony, humor or self deprecation. It's really too bad ... she has much to commend her.

NYCFoodSnob Apr 19th, 2004 01:17 PM

Well, thank you for the rocking-chair analysis, kids, and here's to you, TrendGirl, for your kind words of support. But, who on earth is SoBeTraveller? I feel the bait and here's my bite:

<i>&quot;But her style unfortunately tends to close out any alternative information, thus depriving other posters of some options.&quot;</i>

I love options which is why I love Fodors. No one person can be everywhere at all times. The real issue for me is how many four-star options are out there, affordable or not? Not everyone aspires to greatness and I'm always is search of perfection. Yes, my standards are high (regardless of budget). I've always been honest about that. A reader needs to know what makes me happy before considering any advice from me.

<i>&quot;She basically tries to overwhelm (spelled correctly) the discussion...&quot;</i>

I respectfully disagree. My name ain't ziana and my posts are quite limited in number when compared to others. I admit, I'm rarely at a loss for words.

<i>&quot;...and convince readers she has not only the best word, but the final word.&quot;</i>

I don't feel the need to convince anyone of anything and I could care less about having the final word. Yes, some threads end with my reply but I figure other posters simply ran out of things to say. (I rarely do.) Readers, consider my opinion or don't. I'm all for personal choice! The information is there for those who wish to run with it.

<i>&quot;You must realize she is probably tied in with certain people in each city&quot;</i>

If, by this, you mean I've done the homework and sought out every possible choice and found the closest thing to perfection I could find, you're damn right. When I meet someone with a special talent or discover some business that I'd be proud to finance as my own (not that often), I shout to the roof about it. But, this doesn't mean my door is closed to new discoveries.

<i>&quot;this means she always stays the same places and eats in the same places&quot;</i>

<b>Absolutely not true!</b> I tried three new restaurants just last week in NYC and one of them claims to be Jean-George's favorite place for sushi. It was divine! So much more enjoyable than Nobu.

My last trip to Rome found me in four new restaurants and one turned out to be my all-time favorite there. And, I tried five new places in Venice on the same trip.

Yes, I now stay in apartments in Paris, Rome, and Venice. But, I didn't always and I've been in practically every worthwhile boutique hotel in each city over the last fifteen years, photographing one special room after another. When you do this sort of thing for a living, <b>you just have to see it all.</b> Even though I have a lovely roof over my head in Venice, I still managed to rent and photograph the Royal Suite at Il Palazzo. You do what you have to do to get the job done.

<i>&quot;A creature of habit&quot;</i>

Only if you're talking about my breakfast ritual; great coffee, homemade bread, farm fresh butter, and prune and pecan jam from Sarlat. Beyond this, I can't stand routine.

<i>&quot;but it's all too limiting...she does seek to impress us&quot;</i>

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and yours couldn't be further from the truth.

<i>&quot;I'm just amazed she isn't using &quot;snob&quot; ironically.&quot;</i>

There's plenty of irony, humor, and self-deprecation. Unfortunately, my inner circle and I are the only ones who get to fully enjoy it. I can't tell you who I am and, unless you know me, the laughs and irony remain mostly for me. However, my veteran travel advice is for everyone. Enjoy!

TrendGirl Apr 19th, 2004 01:54 PM

LOVE THE REPLY NYCFoodSnob, you are a woman with style and go girl!!!!

massagediva Apr 19th, 2004 02:57 PM

I have taken several of the Scala Reale tours and they have been the highlights of my trip. I am going to Rome in May and have five scheduled! I'm normally not a tour type of person,but in Rome I become ravenously hungry for knowledge!

Georgine Apr 19th, 2004 03:58 PM

Dear Travel Bug,

If this has any meaning for you, I e-mailed the Officia Scavi at the Vatican 6 weeks before our requested tour date.

Within three days, I received an automated e-mail response.

One week before our departure date from the US (or 8 days before our requested tour date), we received an e-mail giving us a confirmation number for our tour, the time to be at the Scavi Office, and all the accompanying rules and regulations as to costs, checking personal possessions, etc.

I was very liberal when requesting a tour time and language. I simply asked for anytime on Saturday morning (4/3/04)and a willingness to accept a tour in any language. (This would have been the Saturday before Palm Sunday, which is also World Youth Day in Rome.)

We did get an enthusiastic and knowledgable guide. The tour lasted a full one and one-half hours----I would recommend taking the time to e-mail and then pray you get reservation space.

SoBeTraveller Apr 20th, 2004 07:35 AM

Well, NYCFS, I took time to read and consider your remarks. I'm paid nice amounts to assist people who wish to alter how they communicate with their fellow human beings. I've had some success, at times. Allow me to pay my respects, and wish you well.

InMiami Apr 20th, 2004 11:36 AM

What repartee! I love it when you ladies take the silk gloves off. Dare I ask a related question? Are there more economical tours available in Rome?

robbiegirl Apr 21st, 2004 03:21 PM

I am so excited, thank-you to NYFoodsnob we have booked John Boyden for our October trip to Rome.

I am lucky enough to go to Italy but realize that I can not stay in anything but 2-3 star hotels. I am happy with the places we have booked, Aberdeen,Bellettini, and La Calcina in the cities we have booked. As this is our first time, I love hearing of the experiences of others. I am more apt to listen to the experience of someone who has been there and done it all and can voice their opinion in a concise and clear manner.

I am still puzzled over what gives someone the right to state they do not like the way someone voices their opinion. I certainly do not understand why someone would dignify those repsonses with an answer or explaination.

Jackie Apr 21st, 2004 04:09 PM

InMiami: I looked into both these tours and also EnjoyRome. Their Ancient Rome tour is $15. I have an email from them that I could send you if you send me your email address.

InMiami Apr 21st, 2004 07:45 PM

Jackie, perfect! Just what I was looking for, you have been most helpful.

Sally Apr 21st, 2004 08:35 PM

For our trip to Rome in December, I had emailed to get a Scavi reservation at least six weeks before. I did not get any response.

However, when we went to St. Peter's, we walked past the Swiss guards and went to the Scavi office to tell them that we had tried to make reservations by email. The Scavi official looked up our name on his computer and told me that he had a record of sending me an email response and said that we did have a reservation for later that week. So we went back at the appointed time and really enjoyed the Scavi tour.

I have no idea why he sent us(and evidently many other people, too) an email that we did not receive. I wonder if there is not some kind of computer incompatibility between here and Italy. We had similar trouble emailing with several other Italian email addresses for hotels and convents. I think their spam blocker worked too well and blocked our emails.

When I tried sending emails to the problem addresses from my Yahoo address instead of my regular one, then the emails went through with no difficulty.

At any rate, when you get to Rome, try going to the Scavi office to see if you can make a reservation in person. Actually not everyone showed up for our tour, so you could have just walked on and joined the tour.

marcellus Apr 22nd, 2004 03:06 AM

Just a note.. we just returned from a week in Italy and had tour of the Vatican with Scala Reale led by Elizabeth Lev... it was wonderful.. her breadth of knowledge and enthusiasm were amazing and it was one of the highlights of our entire trip.. Recommend most highly. Everyone in our six person group thought she was wonderful!!!

Joelleinitaly04 Apr 22nd, 2004 04:29 AM

Elizabeth Lev is who is scheduled to lead us on our tour of Early Christian Churches in Rome in a few weeks. Glad to hear a good report of her. Never did hear back about the scavi tour. Maybe we will try our luck after we get there.


shetraveler Apr 22nd, 2004 04:34 AM

I have done the Scavi and Scale Reale tours on the same day...very do-able if coordinated ahead of time. I've taken 2 tours with Liz Lev (both were slightly different). She's quite the Vatican Museum insider - she actually showed us a Caravaggio that had spent the last few years in restoration and was re-mounted only an hour before we showed up!
I haven't taken John's tour, but I can vouch for the quality of Scale Reale's tours and guide. they are of the highest caliber, so I'm sure John's tours are of the same order ....

sera Apr 26th, 2004 07:12 AM

Just as a follow-up, got an e-mail with my reservation for the scavi tour today. Woo hoo!

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