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Underhill Oct 1st, 2006 10:43 AM

San Remo from Nice?

Underhill Oct 1st, 2006 10:44 AM

I hate to ask this kind of question, but my Italy guidebook is ancient. it worth a day trip to San Remo via the train? If so, what to see that doesn't require a whole lot of walking around?

P.S. My Italian is lousy from lack of use, not that I ever knew all that much.

uktravelover Oct 1st, 2006 11:22 AM

San Remo is a lovely small town but there are lots of places to see from Nice - Monte Carlo, Eze, Villefranche, Menton, in one direction and then Grasse, Cannes, etc. - enjoy making your choices.
If you want to do a day trip to Italy and enjoy markets then I suggest go on Friday to Ventimiglia or Saturday to San Remo.

Underhill Oct 1st, 2006 11:54 AM

Re the French places...been there, done that quite a few times. We're just thinking of going somewhere new for a bit this time around, as well as revisiting old haunts.

cafegoddess Oct 1st, 2006 05:03 PM

Yes, you should go to San Remo. It is a nice little place to visit and the drive is quite lovely. I had a delicious eggplant dish at the market and I still think about it to this day. (I was there 8 years ago.)

i_am_kane Oct 1st, 2006 06:03 PM

We visited San Remo by train while we were staying in Menton, France.

Actually, we were underwhelmed. I just pulled my photo album out, and there is a terrific street for shopping just off the main piazza. As I recall this area is on a higher elevation from the train station.

We walked downhill on a busy street toward the water where there is a small park and families were strolling along - nothing going on.

We had a quick lunch and left. For us, San Remo was unremarkable. Maybe we just didn't do enough planning or research on this city.

Sorry to be a wet blanket.

sandi Oct 2nd, 2006 04:21 AM

We did this trip many years ago. Not being early starters, we arrived in Ventimiglia where we had to change trains, but no one spoke a lick of English, until from the distance we heard and American voice "I'll help." Happened to be an American gal living in San Remo on a frieghter she owned - strange - but she was most helpful.

Waited about an hour for continuing train to San Remo, about 40-min on train. Arrived during lunch hour, shops closed, so took this lovely woman to lunch, then went our separate ways.

Spent afteroon (after 2pm) shopping before returning to train and returning to Monte (where we were staying). And no confusion when transiting Ventimiglia (been there, done that earlier).

It was a nice day, but it was the adventure of getting to/from that I recall and the fun of it... San Remo, itself, would not be on my list of places to return, and beats me what we purchased while there.

Underhill Oct 2nd, 2006 06:57 AM

Well, that makes up my mind for me! We'll stick to France.

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