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franco Apr 11th, 2006 02:39 PM

of course you're right - I forgot about S. Ivo's opening hours, shame on me! Though S. Ivo is maybe even better from outside than inside, and from outside, it's always accessible. And though I'm quite sure that I didn't visit it on a Sunday last time, rather, I talked the doorman of the surrounding palace into opening it for me (but of course, this is only possible for who speaks Italian). I've suggested S. Ivo since I think it's even more gracious and even fancier than S. Carlino; but of course, S. Carlino is by far the better choice, being also situated much nearer to the Trevi fountain. And I absolutely agree with you, Eloise, that few things in Rome are greater fun than comparing S. Carlino alle quattro fontane to S. Andrea al Quirinale!!
(natc143, you see that we're already deciding about your entire visit? we'll end up wanting to do this trip OURSELVES!!!)

natc143 Apr 12th, 2006 05:54 AM

Thank you for all your feedback. I dont mean to begin wedneday at noon. It was an error actually.

kr Apr 12th, 2006 06:39 AM

Here try this it worked for me

See the Pantheon. Head north, take quick peek in La Maddalena Church.
Turn right towards Piazza Montecitori. Pass Gilitti and Parliament to Piazza
Colonna. See Column of Marcus Aurelius. Walk south past Temple of Hadrian.
Stop in Sant' Ignazio di Loyola Curch. Head south to Piazza Collegio Romano.
Head west to Piazza Minerva. See Santa Maria sopra Minerva Church.
Finally wind your way west to Piazza Navona.

Day X
Walk east on Via Seminario to main street of Via del Corso. Head south to
Piazza Venezia. See Victor Emanuelle II Monument. Head southwest to steps
to Piazza Campodoglio (2nd steps). Walk up to Piazza to see statue of
Marcus Aurelius. Leave Piazza at bottom left corner past Wolf statue down to Forum.
Enter Forum by Arch of Septimus Severus. Walk around but continue south past
Arch of Titus. On your right is entrance to Palantine Hill where there are the ruins
of the emperors' palaces (for hard core fanatics only). Continue past the arch down
the Via Sacra to the Colosseum. Head north along Via dei Foro Imperali passing
smaller forums and Trajan's column. View Trajan's Markets (but no need to enter).

Day X
Take taxi to Museo Vaticani. See Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. Walk around
Vatican walls to St. Peter's. Visit church and square. Exit Vatican City via main street
heading east (Via del Conciliazione). Walk to Castel San Angelo. Cross Tiber River
on Ponte San Angelo through small streets to Piazza Navona.

Day X
Walk east on Via dei Pastini crossing Via Del Corso. Continue east of Via Delle Muratte to
Trevi Fountain. Optional: head southeast to presidential palace at Piazza del Quirinale.
Head west nack to Via del Corsi. Walk north (shopping) to Via Condotti. Make right
and walk to Spanish Steps. Walk up to top of steps.
Take Metro (Spagna stop) to Flaminio. See Piazza del Popolo. Optional: walk up to
Villa Borghese.

Day X
Head southwest to largo Argentina. Head west to Campo de Fiori (market in the morning).
Head east to Piazza Mattei (Turtle Fountain). Head southeast through Jewish Quarter.
See Portica d'Ottavia, Theater of Marcellus. Head south on main road towards small
Republican temples and Santa Maria in Cosmedin (see Bocca Del Verite). Walk behind
church to view Circus Maximus. Backtrack along river to view Tiber Island.

Optional trips
Catacombs (just outside Rome)
Hadrian's Villa & Villa d'Este
Baths of Caracalla (in Rome)

natc143 Apr 12th, 2006 12:04 PM

Thank you for your reply. I"m going to read through it now.

thateodchick Apr 12th, 2006 12:39 PM

I agree with the others that stated that your schedule is so inflexible. I understand wanting to see everything. What we did was to pay for a Red-Line Tour bus. This gave us a map and a general location of where everything was. Then we used the subway to get everywhere. Be careful of pick pockets. Some didn't like the Trevi Fountain...I absolutely loved it...there are a lot of people and there are vendors, but block them out and enjoy yourself.

natc143 Apr 12th, 2006 01:17 PM

Thanks again.

kswl Apr 13th, 2006 08:57 AM

Agree that the subway is your best bet for rapid transportation. However, it is <b>filthy</b>. Be prepared!

If you add Wed. morning into that day you should be fine. I, for one, like an ambitious program while on vacation, just as you apparently do. Have fun!!

tcreath Apr 13th, 2006 11:07 AM

I usually enjoy taking subways, but I hate using Rome's and always try to avoid it at all costs. On top of it being dirty, its just always so crowded. Because their are only two lines, people pack into the trains like sardines. Sometimes I feel like I can hardly move. On our past trip, a few weeks ago, we opted to walk and use the bus system instead and were quite happy. Busses can get you almost anywhere, and its nice to actually be able to look around while you are riding.


Eloise Apr 13th, 2006 11:16 AM

I agree with Tracy 100% about using the Metro. It only takes you to a very few places, and busses will take you to all of those places as well as to many others.

Even when they are full, which they sometimes are, the busses are more agreeable and, in my opinion, safer (from pickpockets and such) than the Metro.

ItalyLove May 22nd, 2006 07:51 PM


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