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mcnyc Mar 22nd, 2006 09:01 PM

Returning to the US on July 4 - do others have concerns?
My silly question for the night, before I turn in on the East coast.

Does anyone have any concerns about returning to the US on July 4, or on the dates surrounding it? For instance, we are deliberately <b>not</b> returning on July 4 for my own irrational reasons. Call it a mental block, call it trauma, but I could not bring myself to select July 4 as a return date when I was choosing my plane tickets for this summer.

Mind you, I admit to being a tad traumatized by the events of 9/11 as I work a couple of blocks from the former WTC, where my friends and I used to meet up daily for meals and breaks, etc.; have more stories (personal and otherwise) about that day from NYC and DC than I know what to do with; etc. I know 9/11 is different from July 4, but both are dates of reknown for the U.S.

Sorry for my late night rambling...but am I the only one with travel concerns on July 4?

h0b0 Mar 22nd, 2006 09:30 PM

Personally, I think it's irrational to worry about flying &quot;around&quot; July 4.

I must admit, we flew from LA to Boston ON July 4 immediately after 9/11 and I gave it some thought... As it turns out, it was one of the best flight we ever had... our whole family (of 5) got upgraded and as we landed in Boston at 9 pm we were treated to THOUSANDS of fireworks! (so many, that folks without window seats were standing up to see the specatcular shows despite the orders from flight crew to sit down!) It was really fun and thrilling - especially for my kids.

Personally, if I had a choice of flying ON or &quot;around&quot; the 4th of July, I'd opt for &quot;ON&quot; because of the above. :)

LoveItaly Mar 22nd, 2006 09:57 PM

Hi mcnyc, I would never have thought about worrying about returning to the US on July 4th. But if you do, well that is the way you feel. We all know doubt have some irrational fears, and I sure wouldn't put someone else down because they do. But returning to the US would not be an issue for me..something I wouldn't even think about..and now that you have metioned it it still wouldn't be a concern for me. Just to answer your question. But don't leave me alone in a room with a moth..I will go bananas, LOL.

laclaire Mar 22nd, 2006 10:05 PM

My mother made me change a July 4 ticket a few summers ago because she was terrified I would be a target. I personally have no problem with flying on any date, but I understand that some do.

WillTravel Mar 22nd, 2006 10:58 PM

I understand your concerns, but there are many dates that could be possible targets, for whatever sick reason the terrorists have. (Sept. 11, March 11, July 7 all had some significance for whatever reason.) Terrorism does cross my mind periodically, and I can't say don't worry, but wouldn't particularly worry about July 4.

Heimdall Mar 23rd, 2006 12:00 AM

Sad, isn't it, how the threat of terrorism has affected so many lives. As an American living in England since the 60s, I admire the way the British just got on with their lives during the IRA terror campaign. The aim of terrorism is to influence the way we think and act, so if we allow that to happen we are letting the terrorists win.

Now for your question: the terrorist attacks against US intersts have been at times and places where it was least expected. They know that our guard will be up on days such as Jul 4, so IMO are unlikely to pick that date. Security on international flights has always been stronger, and that's why the 9/11 attackers used domestic flights. If the terrorists are planning another attack, it will probably be something completely different.

I never worried about going to London during the IRA years, and I have been to Nairobi since the embassy bombing there. I was in Luxor only a week before 16 tourists were gunned down by terrorists. None of this has affected my travel plans in any way.

Intrepid1 Mar 23rd, 2006 12:18 AM

Sorry to say that the terrorists have accomplished their mission with you. But the fact that you at least can tell us your feelings are irrational is a good, healthy start. Now, rather than seeking affirmation from others (&quot;am I the only one with travel concerns...&quot;) and getting angry or disappointed when you don't get it, you need to ACT..and that will garner much more support.

Good luck.

barbmike Mar 23rd, 2006 01:11 AM

The first three words of your thread, &quot;my silly question&quot;, sums it up!!! Mike

tedgale Mar 23rd, 2006 01:18 AM

1. I empathize but I think that risk-avoidance behaviour is actually a way of convincing ourselves that we are mastering and defusing the risk to ourselves -- when in fact we are not reducing our risks at all.

Terrorists don't do the obvious. Who ever imagined someone's using a plane to bring down the WTC?

2. All the problems or frightening things I have ever encountered when travelling -- and that includes hearing but not seeing the bomb explode at the Tati department store in Paris some years ago -- came from the risks I could NOT have anticipated.

In the case of the Tati bombing -- now a distant memory -- I was running late, else I would have been passing in front of the building (r du Cherche midi) right when the bomb went off.

3. Twice last week, Tuscan drivers almost crashed into our rental car.
I mean seriously crashed into us -- one event involved much screeching of brakes (his) by a speeding cretin.

So I've been thinking about travel risks this week.

I have determined that the only truly risk-free approach is to stay home. Which I am unwilling to do.

Flyboy Mar 23rd, 2006 01:26 AM

I almost always fly on the 4th of July because of fare sales (domestic). With so little business travel on that date, it is usually a good time to find a great deal and fly first class with an upgrade for me. Watching the fireworks from above is always a little different (though they get pretty small from wayyy up there!) :)

grsing Mar 23rd, 2006 01:26 AM

I'd rather not travel on the Fourth, simply because I'd prefer to be with my family, barbequeing, watching fireworks, etc. than sitting on a plane. As for safety, you're still far more likely to die driving to and from the airport than in the air, even with the threat of terrorism.

alanRow Mar 23rd, 2006 03:28 AM

Let's put it this way, you are more likely to be killed by a fellow American than you are by a terrorist.

treble Mar 23rd, 2006 04:17 AM

We came home on the 4th last year, from Germany. Don't worry!

Budman Mar 23rd, 2006 04:26 AM

Are you concerned about flying on a Friday the 13th also? ((b))

viaggio_sempre Mar 23rd, 2006 04:28 AM

MC - you should feel safer because of stepped-up security. Relax and enjoy!


wtm003 Mar 23rd, 2006 04:34 AM

&lt;&lt;I have determined that the only truly risk-free approach is to stay home.&gt;&gt;

I don't like flying, but I can't let those fears stop me from experiencing what travel has to offer. I still think about the poor souls in Rockaway, N.Y. who were doing nothing but staying at home, probably enjoying a morning cup of coffee, when pieces of a passenger plane landed on their houses - two months after 9/11 and unrelated to terrorism.

Neopolitan Mar 23rd, 2006 04:48 AM

I remember flying on September 11, 2002. The plane was almost empty. I hadn't even thought about the date until an attendant explained why no one was flying. I guess if there were truly a major threat specifically about that date and a specific route, I might be concerned, but why would you worry about July 4? Has there been a suggestion that something will happen? If so it might be blowing up a nuclear power plant. You might be better off in the air.

Christina Mar 23rd, 2006 10:14 AM

I have no concern, and have flown on it on serveral occasions, as well as other holidays. I like flying on holidays because the planes often are less full, and you don't have the traffic problems in the city upon arrival, if everyone is off work.

I love flying on holidays, and July 4th is a good one because I don't personally celebrate it in any way, it's not like Christmas where you want to be with family or something and not traveling.

dec528 Mar 23rd, 2006 10:18 AM

truthfully I wouldn't have thought twice about it, in fact last july 4th I returned from europe to the states. But now that you mention it, I'm scheduled to fly back again this year, from London, on American Airlines, and you have me thinking about it now!

Poohgirl Mar 23rd, 2006 11:08 AM

I know I can't speak for terrorists, but it seems that a lot of the time they select days that don't have any obvious significance of which I am aware. After all, what was September 11 before 9/11? I don't recall the bombings in London being any significant date, either. Just a few examples. Personally, I wouldn't let any particular day stop me, but if you truly feel uncomfortable with a certain day, I'd avoid it if nothing else just to have less stress. But then, another poster DOES make a good point about that being a win for the terrorists...

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