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lauren_s_kahn Jul 29th, 2015 04:41 PM

Return to Paris after 15 Years
Well, I am back in Paris after a 15 year hiatus. The trip began with a major snafu when my friend and I missed each other where we were supposed to meet, but all is well now.

Here is the blog for the trip:

I will not be placing any love locks on any bridge but plan to have a fine time.

Please be aware that I have been to Paris many times and won't be doing any of the sites with long queues (including the catacombs where I witnessed an epic proportion queue yesterday (July 29, 2015).

nukesafe Jul 29th, 2015 06:05 PM

I would like to read your blog, but the third person format really puts me off, as does the "Alte Cocker" appellation.

Sassafrass Jul 29th, 2015 07:56 PM

Can't say I like the third person writing either, or the name, but I am reading your blogs and they are enjoyable as well as very informative. So, keep on writing. Thanks.

lauren_s_kahn Jul 29th, 2015 11:19 PM

Thank you for your compliment, Sassafrass. After a good night's sleep, AlteCocker will be off to the Musee Picasso after checking out of the hotel. AlteCocker will move into her friend's apartment this evening for the remainder of my stay in Paris.

nukesafe, when you dislike someone's writing, you can simply choose not to read it. Everytime I post a blog you feel compelled to make the same criticism, but then you read the blogs. Pardon me for not being able to figure that out. The blog is averaging almost 1,000 hits per day recently so AlteCocker must be doing something right.

fourfortravel Jul 30th, 2015 12:03 AM

nukesafe, no doubt you write a blog that is universally-appealing to all readers. Would you care, perchance, to share it with this forum? I maintain a blog of our ex-pat lives overseas that could no doubt better entertain and inform our friends and family members, and would love to see an example of master web writing.

AlteCocker, your report caught my attention as our two teenagers head to Paris next week for five days of faffing about and, ostensibly, DD practicing her French. This is not their first trip to Paris, and although we have a rough itinerary I'm always open to new ideas. Thanks for the live updates on Paris in the summer.

Ackislander Jul 30th, 2015 02:11 AM

My whine is that I almost never click through to trip reports on external sites because of the danger of viruses.

I MAY do it from my iPad but never from my Real Computer. I'm sure I miss a lot of good stuff, but the risk isn't worth it.

lauren_s_kahn Jul 31st, 2015 02:36 AM

Your choice.

DonTopaz Jul 31st, 2015 03:18 AM

I wish that I'd made the same choice as Ackislander.

Coquelicot Jul 31st, 2015 04:03 AM

I'm glad to see you blogging again. I've read all your blogs and enjoyed them. I didn't even remember that you write in the third person, so I guess it didn't bother me.

IMDonehere Jul 31st, 2015 06:05 AM

Writing in the third person was a 19th literary device, long fallen out of favor. It is currently employed by basketball players and others as an affectation to exude a sense of self-importance.

lizanne Jul 31st, 2015 11:38 PM

I am thoroughly enjoying your Paris return and catching up on all your other adventures. Gosh, but you have been busy traveling and so many adventures! I could not be more impressed with your energy and enthusiasm for all that, despite the occasional health/medical setback and the annoyances and inconveniences involved with all that.

The entire site is brilliantly organized and chock full of useful information.

manouche Aug 1st, 2015 12:49 AM

I enjoyed reading about the OP's home exchanges - it brought back memories of the year my wife and I spent in Montpelier in 1986, while she was completing her pharmacy fellowship there. There were the usual hiccups due to cultural differences, but overall, nothing to get really excited about. Home exchanges used to be much more common than today, but I suppose people (Americans, in particular) have become much more cautious about sharing their homes with strangers. That's a real shame, because there is so much to learn. Reference the recent reports by "kovsie", doing a home exchange in some deep, dark suburb an hour outside central Paris. All the "guidance" from people who have no experience really immersing themselves in a foreign culture was totally incorrect.

As far as using the "Imperial Third Person" - I can't for the life of me figure out why people on forums like this insist on being literary critics. There is room for everyone's personal writing style - anyone who is bothered by mistakes in grammar, etc should really go back to teaching English. Trip reports are like postcards, nothing more, and do not deserve the "red pencil" treatment.

I have no idea what AlteCocker means, or why so many people have gotten all upset about it. But I don't really care, since the story was the point.

Coquelicot Aug 1st, 2015 05:44 AM

manouche, you are so right--it's all grist for the mill. Each report has its own style, and that's how it should be.

I usually learn more from a traveler like AlteCocker than I do from people who went to Paris and followed a well-beaten path.

pariswat Aug 1st, 2015 07:32 AM

Let me be the devil's advocate then.
First, Fodors is public, anyone is entitled to write what he/she wants.
If Altecocker wants to write in third person, ok.
I don't like it, but ok for me.
What I don't find ok is OldDog criticising Nukesafe.
If everybody can write how and what she wants, everyone is also free to say he/she doesn't like it.
What bothered me is not so much the third person as the repetivity. I read one paragraph and should have counted the nr of 'Altecocker'.
So the blog gets 1000 clicks - ok, got one for me, and only one.

LancasterLad Aug 1st, 2015 07:38 AM

<<<I have no idea what AlteCocker means, or why so many people have gotten all upset about it.>>>

'Old Fart' or similar. But I'm another fan. Money changing in a Rangoon hotel was hilarious!

Lois2 Aug 1st, 2015 07:44 AM

honestly who is making anyone read the blog? This is not a literary forum but rather a travel forum...really can't believe some of the stuff I read here...i guess not surprising since little to no moderation. Anyway enjoying the blog myself and thanks for writing!

nukesafe Aug 1st, 2015 04:24 PM

I apologize if my comments offended some of you, especially the OP. My intention was merely to tell the OP that I would have liked to read her trip report, but was put off by the use of the third person writing style, as well as the self deprecation in continually referring to herself using such an insulting and belittling term. I had to look up Alter Cocker, and found it means like "Old S#*t" in German.

There are many valuable trip reports on travel fora that I am willing to spend my time perusing, but cannot waste my time on the ones that make for difficult reading. Those who write in solid blocks of print without the use of paragraphs particularly get ignored, and now those in the third person will join the list. Perhaps my loss, but there it is.

LancasterLad Aug 2nd, 2015 01:28 AM

<<<I have been to Paris many times and won't be doing any of the sites with long queues (including the catacombs where I witnessed an epic proportion queue yesterday>>>

I worked/lived in Paris for nearly 4 years (1996-19990, and the Catacombs were always on the 'must-see' list when we had visitors...

...and fortunately we never encountered any queues. Too many people would spoil the occasion, as it's best when it's quiet and much more spooky.

You get yours bags searched when you leave, just in case you've nicked a ghoulish souvenir!

Another great place, which is often overlooked on the Left Bank are the Paris Sewers...

...which as well as being offbeat, is very educational and fun.

pariswat Aug 2nd, 2015 03:48 AM

So right Lancaster !
Sewers have been on my list for quite a time.
I've gone as far as locating the entrance.
I must go this year...
(Been on the catacombs in march, towards end of the day, got a 5' queue - lucky ?).
Going bck to Ste Chapelle next week for a concert.
I never get tired of these 'must see's.

Nukesafe : always the gentleman.
Let us see if OldDog acknowledges your apologies.

Micheline Aug 2nd, 2015 04:24 AM

I'm always interested in reading this OP's blogs must admit I do find that style of writing a little annoying. Nukesafe's travel reports are wonderful.

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