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markwill12 Mar 26th, 2015 08:35 AM

Renting a car after train to Florence
Long story (involving Hertz letting me down on a rental) but, to cut to the chase, I'd like to understand the best option for renting a car in the Florence area after a train ride from Rome. The specific type of car we need (three rows of seats) seems to be only available from Florence (not Chiusi, etc). Our Tuscany accommodation is south of Florence so it's pretty easy to go all the way there, rather than renting from a smaller town between Rome and Florence.

But, we also have a couple of older folks (70+) in our party. They are pretty mobile but I'd like to minimize the hassle in Florence. I can grab a car, I assume, from close to the Florence train station but I am not sure about the implications with the restricted zone. I saw some comments suggestion that it's best to NOT rent from that location for this reason (not sure I understand why exactly, given that there's apparently a Hertz location there). The alternative is to get off the train and then travel (bus, taxi, etc) to Florence Airport. However, I'd really like to avoid that leg if possible.

Any suggestions on how I do this?

By the way, as I have been typing this my enthusiasm is waning - the deal I saw on that car ($194, BFEORE fees/taxes) explodes to almost $900 by the time all the various fees and taxes are paid. So, I am scrambling a little here :(


bilboburgler Mar 26th, 2015 08:39 AM

I'm pretty certain there is a car park under the stazione (which you pay for) but you may need to dig out a map using google. Given mobility issues that is the best solution. I've seen too many tired older people trying to go "just a little further" in stations to recommend it. Get them out of the train, sat down with water and go get the car.

markwill12 Mar 26th, 2015 08:50 AM

Yes, that's the approach I am swaying towards. But further investigation suggests Hertz is pretty inconsistent with their pricing. I had a car (of the right type) booked from Chiusi last Friday. The total cost - including drop off at Rome Airport - was $520, which seemed like a good deal. Then, with no warning and no indication on their web site (I was concerned so I called), they said they were cancelling the booking since they didn't have that car after all. So, in searching all over again, I'm looking at the rental location at the train station - and they have decided that they will charge me a $275 "drop fee", which wasn't charged if I pick up from Chiusi (by the way, this is additional to the "location fee" I'd have to also pay if I got the car from the airport).

I'm really struggling to justify $275 extra merely because I am picking the car up from near a train station.



bobthenavigator Mar 26th, 2015 09:33 AM

And call if you want answers---do not trust the online.

kybourbon Mar 26th, 2015 01:19 PM

AFAIK - No certain car is ever guaranteed (by any company), just a class of cars.

>>>and they have decided that they will charge me a $275 "drop fee", which wasn't charged if I pick up from Chiusi (by the way, this is additional to the "location fee" I'd have to also pay if I got the car from the airport).<<<

Yes, there is typically a drop fee at an airport for a one way rental. The first rental might not have included it (you may have gotten the surprise when you arrived or dropped off).

>>>The specific type of car we need (three rows of seats)<<<

Is this a minivan or a 9 person passenger van? How many people are in your group? It's unlikely 6 people plus luggage will fit in a minivan. Bigger vans are not always practical touring around hill towns.

markwill12 Mar 26th, 2015 01:51 PM

Thanks. I should been more clear - it was the class of car I was looking to have confirmed (no expectation of a specific make/model). However, they did specifically offer me a Ford Galaxy (and quoted me an exact price) - and then, when I called, they backtracked and said they couldn't provide that after all or anything similar.

We have five people in our party but want the space (don't want someone squeezed in the middle, especially if we end up spending quite a time touring around). An SUV-like car (three rows) is what we prefer but I am having problems locating that.


markwill12 Mar 26th, 2015 01:59 PM

By the way, there are two charges added which rack up the fees significantly - a location fee of about $150 and a one-way fee of $275. Both of those are additive to what I was quoted from Chiusi.

By the way, can they really get away with quoting me a very specific price (and documenting it in eMail) and then saying they "forgot" hundreds of dollars in fees when I actually pick it up?


sandralist Mar 26th, 2015 03:56 PM

I am far from being a car rental maven, but in your situation, traveling with older people, I would walk out the door of the train station to the taxi rank and have them drive us all to the door of the airport car rental office. Is it really cost prohibitive to get the type car you are looking for there?

Things I tend to think of first when traveling in Itay are: How happy will I be with my plan if it is 90 degrees in the shade that day or if it is pouring rain in buckets? I especially try to imagine the worst when it comes to carrying luggage.

Other nice thing about the airport pick-up is the worry-free access to highways with no risk of ZTLs.

Might be too wimpy for some prople, and too loose with money for others, but when I am hauling luggage and navigating people in their 70s, I go for easy over money.

kybourbon Mar 26th, 2015 04:00 PM

You should price through AutoEurope or Kemwel and see if you get better prices.

markwill12 Mar 26th, 2015 06:17 PM


Thank you for the response. I'm not trying to be overly frugal here and agree with the priorities you describe. However, I am looking to understand my options a little more because I don't want to pay over the odds when there is a reasonable alternative. The difference between picking up from Chiusi and Florence (even if NOT Florence airport) is over $400 - but that was based on the price I was quoted by Hertz before they told me they don't have the car after all.

What's not clear to me if why I would have the hassle of getting to Florence airport after the train ride, as compared to just renting from the rental location at the train station. That seems like less "stress". I have driven in Italy (including in the Florence area) and really didn't find the ZTLs any issues at all - all seemed well documented and easy to avoid. So, is there any reason to avoid the train station location?

By the way, we are in Italy for 10 days and all have just one bag, so no real luggage to lug around :)

Kybourbon, thanks for the pointer. I tried Kemwel, so far, but they showed me options that I know not to be available at Hertz (your point about calling is well made, but then I think I may as well just call anyway :)). I haven't tried AutoEurope yet, but will check them out. Thank you.


macanimals Mar 26th, 2015 08:35 PM

Try AutoEurope and call them as has been suggested. They're offering what you are looking for (I think) but I don't know your details. Your issue is where is the best chance to get your desired vehicle and I agree, with seniors, its best to have room with a larger one.

The so-called train station locale is not actually at the train station, its several ( about five) long blocks away on Borgo Ognissanti--long if you are walking and schlepping luggage, we've done it. A taxi would probably be in order with your crew and it would be a short ride. Good luck.

bilboburgler Mar 27th, 2015 12:11 AM

AutoEurope have always sorted me out well

sandralist Mar 27th, 2015 02:34 AM

My main reason for recommending that you just get off the train and walk to the taxi rank and take a cab to the airport is because navigating your crew + luggage to the local rental office will take some time and be a lousy walk if the weather is not ideal. It's no hassle to get to the airport, where it will be air conditioned and have amenities if you need them. It's all set up for people with luggage. Also, airports usually have a greater range of possibilities for getting a larger car, plus you have a choice of companies. I generally use AutoEurope.

I don't know where you are going after you pick up the car, so hard to know which would be the easier drive from Florence to your location, ZTLs or no.

vincenzo32951 Mar 27th, 2015 03:39 AM

I'm with sandra. Your premise seems to be that you're going to get off the train, walk to a rental office at the station, and drive off. As macanimals points out, the rental office is several blocks from the train station. No easy trip with a group and luggage through city streets.

And I may be off on this, but typically, wouldn't an airport facility have a wider choice of vehicles, giving you a better chance to getting the type of vehicle you need for your group?

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