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LaVisiteure Mar 20th, 2005 09:38 AM

Religious Experience?
I've been happily visiting this site for weeks & falling in love with it, but yesterday's conversation about "religious experience" in travel was the best. I bookmarked it, which has always worked to open a selected thread when I open the forum. But now, although I can still search for the topic and find it, my bookmark reverts to "jetlag." Can someone tell me why? (I'm also ignorant of "topping.")

ira Mar 20th, 2005 09:48 AM

Hi La,

Whenever a new message is posted to a thread, the thread goes to the top of the list.

This is what we do when we "top" a thread.

rex Mar 20th, 2005 10:17 AM

There are no posts in the past 48 hours with "religious experience" in the mesage header. Can you tell anything more about it?

The most recent "thread" on jet lag had this URL:;tid=34587107 - - is this what your bookmark looks like?

Best wishes,


LaVisiteure Mar 20th, 2005 04:51 PM

Thank you, Rex and Ira. The thread began with a question -- "Have you ever found travel a religious experience?" It started last July, I came across it yesterday, and lo and behold! It's back today! ("zippo" added a comment.) Still strange, though, because looking for "religious experience" under "general interest" gets wildly different results from moment to moment. I thought I might be losing my mind right here at Fodor's, but I probably just need to become more familiar with the way things work before enlisting your efforts on questionable queries. A new bookmark works just fine.

elaine Mar 20th, 2005 05:02 PM

the Search function is very quirky, and I often can't find what I'm looking for either. However in case you lose your bookmark, I was able to bring up the original thread;tid=34512743

by searching on the word religious and not choosing a topic (country or general interest)

rex Mar 20th, 2005 08:37 PM

<<yesterday's conversation about "religious experience" in travel>>

I'm sorry... I have to laugh! It was <i><b>yesterday's</b></i> &quot;conversation&quot; because <i><b>you</b></i> read it yesterday!?

How cute!

Rather like the &quot;new&quot; episodes of the Sopranos I've been watching lately!

Intrepid1 Mar 21st, 2005 12:28 AM

The &quot;Troll Police&quot; have been foiled once again!!!!

Dave_in_Paris Mar 21st, 2005 01:00 AM

That is precisely the problem -- at least my problem -- with the search function. Up comes a list that contains ancient posts, and you can call up a string and after a bit, forget you are tromping about in history and sorta bring it back to life by making a post. Why doesn't Fodors really &quot;archive&quot; this stuff by making it impossible to continue a string after a certain date?

ira Mar 21st, 2005 04:42 AM

&gt;Why doesn't Fodors really &quot;archive&quot; this stuff by making it impossible to continue a string after a certain date? &lt;

Why? There are many times that an updating of an old thread has been helpful.


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