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lincasanova Jun 28th, 2004 10:29 AM

professional thieves in spain
just warning everyone AGAIN about all the pickpockets here in spain, especially on the public transport systems from airports, etc.. the madrid metro/crowded city buses.they are notorious.. they are very fast, and seem to be able to get their little paws into men's FRONT pocket in trousers with NO PROBLEM.
also quick at pushing into you and unzipping back pack zippers hoping to find your trip's cash, credit card, passport, there..

be very very careful. it is constant. you must learn to live protecting yourself.
nice neighborhoods are also prime spots. .. why? that's where the money is...

my friends have been robbed in metros.. buses, in museum shop barcelona.. barrio gotico barcelona, side walk cafes in residential area barcelona..
plaza virgen valencia.. sevilla, málaga, etc etc etc.

(this is not all the same person, mind you)!!!!

so, enjoy your holiday worldwide but DO put up your antennas while on the street. do not be fooled by unthreatening -looking people around you. the thieves are not derelicts.. they work in teams.. and are ordinary looking people who have found an easy ride home on the bus or train or on the street.

MFNYC Jun 28th, 2004 10:34 AM

You should always be careful, but from my recent experience in Madrid, we had absolutely no problem on the buses or metro or anywhere else.

capo Jun 28th, 2004 10:57 AM

Re: <i> they are very fast, and seem to be able to get their little paws into men's FRONT pocket in trousers with NO PROBLEM.</i>

Si. That's precisely why pickpockets are called that, rather than pickmoneypouches or pickmoneybelts. Front pockets may seem safe, but they're not.

Myer Jun 28th, 2004 11:05 AM

As I wrote in my report about our recent trip, the strategy I used was not to stop them but to make very little available.

At el Rastro, my backpack (on my back) was unzipped twice (they didn't want Klennex, and a street map), and the penny dropping scam was used in front of me and they got (and returned) my street map and sunglasses case.

We were sitting at an outdoor restaurant and my wife put down her carrying bag (with nothing of value in it). Somebody walked by and pointed to it and motioned 'no'.

artlover Jun 28th, 2004 12:06 PM

We've been to Spain several times and haven't had a problem, BUT my husband never carries a wallet--always wears his money belt and I never carry a purse.

ira Jun 28th, 2004 12:15 PM

I put safety pins on my trouser pockets.

I also carry my cigarettes in my socks.

mikemo Jun 28th, 2004 12:19 PM

Fortunately, I have a license to carry a concealed weapon - make that obvious overseas and you'll not be bothered by &quot;anyone&quot;.

bobthenavigator Jun 28th, 2004 12:23 PM

They never got me either---in my first 20 trips to Europe--but the pros in Madrid got my camera ON EASTER SUNDAY MORNING no less. Do not tell anyone. My reputation may suffer.

capo Jun 28th, 2004 12:39 PM

Re: <i>I also carry my cigarettes in my socks.</i>

Beware of the picksockets!

kismetchimera Jun 28th, 2004 01:22 PM

:) Cute Capo:):)

hopscotch Jun 28th, 2004 02:25 PM

Does that improve the flavor, ira? I wouldn't put my cigars down there.

Beatchick Jun 29th, 2004 11:35 AM

&quot;Beware of the picksockets!&quot;
Capo - LOL!!

susanteach Jun 29th, 2004 01:08 PM

Back in 1992, I( was in Spain on a study abroad term at 19 years old) I was the victim of an attempted gang of kiddie pickpockets in Granada. I had just purchased a little ring for myself and hadn't taken the time to insert my VISA back into my moneybelt--just put it into my front pocket &quot;for a moment,&quot; until I could get to a bathroom and put it back in without looking like a perv digging down in my pants (that's what it always makes me feel like I'm doing). Little cute gypsy kids were running around between strollers in a shopping district. They were tapping each other and passers by with empty two-liter soda bottles. As they ran by me giggling, I felt one bottle tap me lightly and a little hand smoothly go into my front pocket. I reacted quickly, snatched the hand along with the arm to whom it belonged up into the air about 3 feet. A kid no more than 5 years old had my Visa. I took it back, dropped the kid on the ground and kept walking. Never made that mistake again--who cares if I look like a perv????

lauralamb Jul 1st, 2004 05:21 AM

The Spanish people should try and do more to stop pickpocketing. Why don't they realize that the longer it goes on the more likely it is that tourists will take their dollars elsewhere? On vacation you don't want to be spending a lot of time looking over your shoulder.

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