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chevre Jun 17th, 2012 03:23 PM

Pre-paid Visa?
I'm considering taking a pre-paid Visa card with me on my European trip next month. Has anyone out there done this? Thoughts?

ellenem Jun 17th, 2012 03:27 PM

Why are you considering this? For what benefits are you hoping that you wold not have by using your own credit card or ATM card?

It is my understanding that you will incur extra fees far beyond those for using your own cards. Therefore it will cost you more to use such a card.

nytraveler Jun 17th, 2012 04:31 PM

These cards are a terrible idea. There are numerous fees involved and the bank has the use of your money until you aactually pull it out. The only thing worse than this is travs checks - which no one will want to cash. This card is usable - but is probably the most expensive way to pay for anything.

wjm457 Jun 17th, 2012 07:51 PM

Schwab bank no fee atm. Chase chip and signature no fee credit card. Don't forget to call them to let them know when and where you'll be travelling.

jaja Jun 17th, 2012 08:08 PM

Besides the expense of fees, my grandson's prepaid card never did work in '09 and I had to spot him cash for snacks and souvenirs. His parents insisted on sending it with him even though I told them......

Christina Jun 18th, 2012 09:13 AM

Why are you doing that, you don't say. Are you unable to get a credit card or what's the deal. Do you not have a bank account and thus you want to use it for the ATM? Those are my thoughts, wondering why you would do it.

chevre Jun 19th, 2012 06:09 PM

I have credit cards. I was wondering about it. Saw it as a way to have a specified amount of cash just for the trip and I wondered if others had done it. It had occurred to me as I posted that among other things if it were lost I'd be screwed. Really just wondering...I've had my credit card number stolen in Europe on a previous trip. Not the card, just the number, so I was looking at ways to minimize damage should that happen again.

Christina Jun 20th, 2012 10:47 AM

I don't think I understand what you intended to do, it almost sounds like you didn't intend to take credit cards, just the prepaid Visa. That is a very bad idea and I can only guess it is because you don't trust yourself to not buy a whole lot of things on your credit card as you have spending problems, so this will limit you.

Because your last sentence doesn't really make sense as you could bring more than one credit card, so if you lost one or one got stolen somehow, you would have another one. I always have two ATM cards and 3 CCs when I travel, just in case. I've never needed them (but twice I've had problems with one particular CC not being usable because that network was down), but it's just a backup.

And you don't have any damage when your CC number is stolen on any CC I've ever known. YOu report bogus charges when you see them on your account, and the card takes them off (and investigates). Besides, your CC number can be stolen anywhere and is probably more likely to be stolen over the internet than on a trip to Europe, and that doesn't stop you from having one.

colauhu Jul 21st, 2014 03:38 AM

It always amazes how arrogant people can be. Not one person answered this question without being a jerk about it. It was a simple question. It is not up to you to question why they want to do what they are asking, they are looking for a helpful answer. Shame on every one of you. Please stop with the nasty remarks and "why would you want to" and "you'd be stupid to" comments. Like my momma always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anytning at all.

colauhu Jul 21st, 2014 03:40 AM

If it concerns any of you at all, I had a similar question becaue my 15 year old daughter is going to Europe with her girl scout troop. Obviously she cannot obtain a credit card, and for those of us who are not frequent travelers overseas (as obviously all of you are) we are looking for reasonable alternatives.

bilboburgler Jul 21st, 2014 03:41 AM

cola, you asked for thoughts.

My thoughts would be, don't touch one with a barge pole unless you were offered major benefits such as 20% off a major attraction. Since that is unlikely to be the case, don't.

kybourbon Jul 21st, 2014 04:28 AM

>>>Obviously she cannot obtain a credit card, and for those of us who are not frequent travelers overseas (as obviously all of you are) we are looking for reasonable alternatives.<<<

She can get an ATM card. You (or a parent) can open a joint account with her preferably at a credit union (less fees than banks).

Greenway Jul 21st, 2014 04:38 AM

My German son is currently visiting in the US and was provided with prepaid credit card, bought in the US. We were told it was only for use in the US.

nytraveler Jul 21st, 2014 05:32 AM

Who provided this to him? Who told him this would be a good idea?

Is he a child - so that he can't have any cards of his own. Assuming not, he should be using his credit card for all larger purchases and his ATM card to pull cash from a checking account. There are ATMs at every bank, drugstore,market, deli and hotel.

Mimar Jul 21st, 2014 06:46 AM

Another thread revived from 2 years ago.

janisj Jul 21st, 2014 07:09 AM

>>Another thread revived from 2 years ago.<<

It was revived by a brand new member who 1) thinks Fodorites are mean/nasty/unhelpful, and 2) has some misinformation about what a 15 yo can/cannot do money wise.

(nytraveler: >>Who provided this to him? Who told him this would be a good idea?<<

the 'he' is from two years ago. Now we have a 15 yo 'she'.

fmpden Jul 21st, 2014 07:55 AM

This is very strange. Colauhu joins just so he/she/it can pull up a two year old posting to criticize prior postings as inappropriate. I suggest Colauhu is inappropriate.

nytraveler Jul 21st, 2014 09:44 AM

Greenway (today) is talking about a "German son" - so a "he" not a "she". Apparently we have both - but everyone seems confused.

There is no reason a teen can't get an extra ATM card on a parent's account - a gazillion kids - who are going away to school (MANY college freshmen are under 18) or on some sort of school or group trip - have this. It's the simplest and cheapest - as long as one trusts the young man or woman not to either lose the card or become a big spender. And this can be remedied by keeping the amount in the account low until after the trip.

Greenway Jul 21st, 2014 10:10 PM

Sorry if I confused matters. I only wanted to point out that this US-issued prepaid credit card could only be used in the US.

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