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KandKsmom Aug 15th, 2004 03:19 PM

Thanks Kavey, et. al. for the positive comments and suggestions for Camden Market. m_k2 thanks for the information about the more upscale Portobello Market. In this and other replies I have read, your tone can be a bit harsh, but you do take the time to give suggestions and advice. I'll take the good with the bad :)

Dr_DoGood Aug 15th, 2004 03:20 PM

Damn it! - am I doing something wrong? - I've probably been to Camden Market a dozen times over the years and never once been offered drugs. Do't believe I'm being mistaken for a copper either. I feel slighted!

More seriously KandKsmom i think your children will both be far happier if you take them to Camden rather than Portobello. However - you light prefer getting up early and doing Portobello yourself for some indulgent, what's that US-phrase?- "Me-time."

If you can arrange to do both in that matter I'd say that would be the ideal - if only one then Camden undoubtedly.

Dr D.

m_kingdom2 Aug 15th, 2004 03:22 PM

Drug pushers by their very nature try to remain inconspicuous - they don't want to be caught!

They would never ever approach children with their parent(s), they want to make a sale, not risk getting caught! I think you are all being rather alarmist, children are all very streetwise these days (but I think they always were) and can (usually) make informed decisions about such matters.

walkinaround Aug 15th, 2004 03:43 PM

i don't think i was being alarmist. These things do not bother me and as I said, i love to visit camden and the diversity and urban edgy-ness are its main attraction.

in reality, a lot of americans...especially from non-urban environments may be put off by it. that's all i'm saying.

here are the raw facts:
as you walk from the camden tube station and approach the canal, there are a lot of drug dealers who will be saying "marijuana, hash, etc" to you as you pass. that's the extent of it. it's not pushy, not intimidating at all and nothing to worry about. they don't stop you nor do you even have to answer.

you will also see bongs for sale and other equipment and alot of clothing with pro-drug slogans. again, no problem at all...just some people freak out over this stuff.

i know this area very well and this is just how it is. maybe the others approached from the other direction or perhaps didn't even notice.

i just wanted to give a mother the facts so she can make her own judgement and not be surprised, or worse, be freaked out about it and cause it to ruin her day.

would i bring kids here...yes. there is really nothing to worry about and everything will be completely safe. i'm sorry if it was interpreted as alarmist but i was just stating the facts.

allanc Aug 15th, 2004 03:50 PM

WIth 15 and 10 year old, I would opt for Camden. When you are finished, take a ride in a canal boat.

obxgirl Aug 15th, 2004 04:33 PM

Again, Kavey has excellent insight.

walkinaround, Your second post was much less alarmist than your first. However, I'd suggest the following is your opinion and not a fact:

>in reality, a lot of americans...especially from non-urban environments may be put off by it.<

I live in a very small US town and managed not to go apopletic in Camden on a Sunday morning with a preteen. It's not all Mayberry you know.

cigalechanta Aug 15th, 2004 04:43 PM

Well for me, markets are fun and always different, even in France I never raise expectations, but I bought a beautiful pristine Victorian blouse in Camden, and in Portobello, a pair of French binoculars that are gold relief design.

Scarlett Aug 15th, 2004 06:25 PM

Same here, Dr DoGood! No one ever offered me drugs :(
I have no good drug stories to tell~

cigalechanta Aug 15th, 2004 07:19 PM

Shoot, no one offered me a toke, though once long ago in San Fransisco when I was only walking down the street.
You are safe in the Camden Market!!!

Scarlett Aug 15th, 2004 08:08 PM

Cigale, LOL, we feel so left out :)

pilgrim Aug 15th, 2004 08:11 PM

Another small market is at Covent Garden. There are jewelry kiosks, antique silver, handmade crafts. It might be fun for a couple of hours exploration and definitely safe!

flanneruk Aug 15th, 2004 10:24 PM

KandKsmom was interested in what (presumably) KandK would like.

And I've yet to meet any 10 or 15 year old, however street smart or innocent, who got particularly interested in Portobello Road (though I've met lots well brought-up enough to disguise their boredom)

Camden Lock, OTOH, caters for a spectacularly wide range of tastes (yes, indeed, including exotic botany).

Even the pickiest, London-based, 15 yo (and believe me, on the few occasions they can be amputated from their mobiles, ipods or Xboxes, no animal species is pickier than a London 15 yo) can find something at Camden Lock to stop them, at least for 0.2 secs, yammering on about how BOOORING everything is.

tashak Aug 15th, 2004 11:05 PM

My favorite markets on weekends are either Spitalfields on Sunday morning or Greenwich (both Satuday & Sunday) Spitalfields is fun-- lots of street fashion, but not as sleazy as Camden. Greenwich might be fun because it is a great Sunday trip anyway-- the Tea Clipper and Observatory are interesting for teens...its a lovely town, and taking a boat down the Thames is lovely. The market there is good, and not too too big. (I mean, why go to London with the kids, and not find ways to cram al little culture into them along with the fun of shopping?

Both are really mixed markets, with a wide range of things that might entertain you and the kids.

toni Aug 15th, 2004 11:24 PM

Having been to both Portobello Road and Camden Markets last June, I would definitely vote for Camden markets. I bought my three teenage girls jewellery from there and it was a big hit. They saw our photos of the punks, Jamaicans and interesting street frontages and want to go there. You'll love it because it's a bit different.

walkinaround Aug 16th, 2004 12:36 AM

obx...i think i said "a lot" not "all".

KandKsmom Aug 16th, 2004 03:43 AM

Boy, I never expected to get such a response from this question! :) Can't wait to see what comes up in the coming year with the other inquiries that I will have. Thanks everyone for all of the advice. All of your opinions are welcomed. By reading through them I am able to decipher what applies to our family's situation and can make good decisions about our trip, I hope. Camden Market it is- I can't wait. I just ask that you all don't buy up all of the good merchandise before we get there! :) Thanks again.

Kavey Aug 16th, 2004 04:46 AM

Obxgirl are you in the UK? Can you drop me an email? :D

FromAtlanta Aug 16th, 2004 08:59 AM

Good website:

kakalena Aug 16th, 2004 12:25 PM

I can't say that I share the enthusiasm for the London markets. If I was short for time I'd skip them entirely.

It seemed to me that most of the merchandise could be found at a yardsale, Walmart or whatever the equivalent 5 and dime store where you are. It was mostly practical cheap mass-produced items and knick-knacks.

I'd much rather spend time in London shops if I was looking to buy something unique.


Kavey Aug 16th, 2004 12:34 PM

I'd agree with you that the markets have a lof of cheap and mass produced stuff.
There are also LOTS of small stall holders who hand make their craft and clothes and that's the stuff that pulls me. It's stuff you couldn't just pick up in the local shopping centre.
That said, I'm not big on having to do all the "must do" sights, I enjoy browsing in places like markets, especially when it allows me to see some stranger segments of the local population!

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