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sandralist Aug 1st, 2015 10:15 PM

Oh, who cares if people write trip reports? Honestly. What is this constant scolding and pushing other people to conform? People here enjoy answering travel questions. The more the merrier! Some people enjoy writing trip reports, but nobody is obliged to.

Half the time when people come here and put up a question, the first thing that they get slammed for is not giving enough information, and then when they don't come back every hour, people here slam them for "running away". Sure, the regular "Fodorites" are all perfect people, but haven't their travels taught them by this this time that the other 99 percent of the world's population are unique individuals with busy lives? Working? Family? You can notice it all over the world.

Anyway, I don't think going with a tour company who is going to fix every minute of your trip is a great idea. You need flexibility. Luckily you don't have to worry about a budget, and you shouldn't, but a lot of people won't understand that mentality.

I do not think you are getting ripped off for the price you were quoted if you want to be driven rather than take the train (which I also don't think "will suit"). You can maybe find somebody somewhat cheaper, but you are paying for a premium service at a peak seasonal moment.

welltraveledbrit Aug 1st, 2015 11:13 PM

Well that told me didn't it!

Zenfoodist I hope you have a great trip. I suggested a company because you seem to be paying a premium but still taking on the hassle/decisions. You're juggling a lot of requirements/expectation and cramming quite a lot into a short time the decision making seems to be a big responsibility. But then again perhaps your enjoying all the planning?
I wasn't in any way suggesting you find someone to plan every minute of your trip, but presumably that's obvious?

annhig Aug 2nd, 2015 02:41 AM

join the club, wtb. I too would be interested in reading the OP's trip report, not least how she overcomes her bathroom difficulties, which is an issue with many of us who are not in the first flush of youth.

as the family trip planner I too bear the responsibility and though I enjoy the planning process [who could not enjoy coming here and being told how wrong I have got everything?] it would be nice to share it. OTOH, whenever I delegate I feel that I could have done better so more fool me!

zenfoodist Aug 2nd, 2015 06:20 AM

Wtb, I enjoy planning very much. And have traveled quite extensively and successfully. I've never used a travel agent and don't suspect I ever will. Boards such as these have made that completely unnecessary. You are right. I have never written a trip report. I didn't know it was a prerequisite for requesting information. Your detective work should have also turned up that save this trip, I have never requested any extensive information before. If my 80 hour Autmnn work weeks permit, perhaps I will write something up when I return. If not, so be it; I hope my heartfelt gratitude will suffice. I'd still like to think any future searches of these boards will have turned up information, initiated by my queries, that will aid future travelers who perhaps will have the same questions and concerns. I know for a fact that posting all of the correspondence I received with regard to my charter boat estimates assisted a handful of people who were reading along. I also know I personally spend a lot of time looking over previous posts and hopefully some initiated by me will help some future travelers out. No one is obliged to read or respond to my posts, although I am quite grateful to the people who have.

Which brings me to Sandralist and Sass and quite a few others. I think you "get" me, and even if you don't I am genuinely grateful for the expert assistance you have provided throughout this process. Thanks to you all, my air and hotels are booked, the majority of my restaurants reserved, and now I am just working on train schedules, tours and excursions. Also need to decide on a hotel near the airport in Barcelona for our return flight to NYC. And fully commit to two different itineraries for our day on the charter in the Amalfi area. "To Capri or not to Capr? That is the question" And will most likely be another post ;) Please avoid it if you find it, troublesome. You've been forewarned.

Enjoy your day! I will be at Maialino, Sandralist. And then the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck for their horchata ice cream! And checking these boards every hour!

kybourbon Aug 2nd, 2015 07:06 AM

If you can't make it 30 minutes on a train without a bathroom, then you won't make it once you are inside Pompeii. It can be quite a trek from certain areas of Pompeii to a bathroom which will likely have a line.

>>>MyriamC on Aug 1, 15 at 1:27pm
Costs per person:
entrance ticket (1 day) Pompeii: 19.50 euro <<<<

Myriam - That is a marked-up price from a reseller.

>>>Blueeyedcod on Aug 1, 15 at 5:52pm
Pompeii admission is 11 euro.<<<

That is an old price. Current price is 13€. You can also buy a combo ticket for 22€ good for 3 days which gets you into all 5 sites (Pompei, Hercolaneum, Oplontis, Boscoreale, Stabiae).

Sorrento/Pompeii is 2.80€ one way on the train unless you are taking the tourist train that only makes a few runs per day (with stops only at Herculaneum and Pompeii).The dedicated tourist train (new this year) costs more.

>>>Private van + driver for Pompei, for 5 hours € 230, each extra €46<<<

I don't get the point of hiring a driver for 5 hours. Much simpler (and cheaper) to take a taxi each way. Taxis are readily available (and there are taxi vans if your group is that big). What's the point of paying a driver to sit while you are in Pompeii? I think some people assumed that was a guide quoted in that price (perhaps because PQ started talking about guides). A driver is not allowed to guide you in Pompeii. All guides in Pompeii are required to be licensed for that site and they are very strict about it.

Mimar Aug 2nd, 2015 07:19 AM

I think your group is traveling in August? In the heat, you might want flexibility. The train or a taxi offer that. So if one or two members of your group get tired or overheated, they can hop back to Sorrento while others continue touring Pompeii.

zenfoodist Aug 2nd, 2015 07:40 AM

I feel the exact same way about the 5 hour thing. Useless for me. I was last in Pompeii when I was my son's age. He's a visceral sort of person like myself. Wants to look at everything, have a rough idea about what he had seen, react to it, and then move on. He's not a huge history buff although he did enjoy reading The Thieves of Ostia for his 6th grade History class this year. However, it was assigned reading, and he never would've chosen it himself. An hour to 90 minutes walking around and looking at things will suffice. I'm certain of that. I'm thinking a taxi both ways as well, unless the traffic will be so horrific that the train will make it exponentially faster. I don't anticipate needing to rush to a bathroom, I just like to know what I'm getting into as I have had situations in the past where I need a bathroom somewhat quickly. I took my son and his friends to the Taylor Swift concert a few weeks ago in New Jersey and the lines for the bathrooms were almost 200 people deep. My stomach went out on me, and I ran to first aid and they let me in immediately. Since I have gotten the feeling that bathrooms will be scarce, I will most likely fast the day we go to Pompeii. I will drink a ton of water with the extreme heat, and eat well when we return. I do the same thing when I'm air traveling. I can't risk a small bowel obstruction (quite a few abdominal surgeries and the adhesions they bring have caused these issues for me) when I won't have access to a hospital etc. Fingers crossed all will be well. I have not let my health issues prohibit me from living a full life. I just need to plan accordingly. And I do!

MmePerdu Aug 2nd, 2015 08:36 AM

Given your mention that an hour or so will be enough for you, why not go to Herculaneum instead? You can see the whole thing, I have it on good authority the buildings are more intact (though I haven't been to Pompeii myself to compare) and you'll be closer to the facilities at all times, at the entrance.

MmePerdu Aug 2nd, 2015 08:39 AM

"close to the facilities" is more accurate. The site is not huge but it is very satisfying, in my experience.

zenfoodist Aug 2nd, 2015 08:40 AM

I've seen both and prefer Pompei.

MmePerdu Aug 2nd, 2015 08:56 AM

Where's that Lounge thread when we need it.

PalenQ Aug 2nd, 2015 09:19 AM

If you can't make it 30 minutes on a train without a bathroom, then you won't make it once you are inside Pompeii.>

Adult diapers needed for any European trip - McDonalds are not everywhere and many caffes IME do not like folks just popping into relieve themselves.

Blueeyedcod Aug 2nd, 2015 01:23 PM

There are no toilets on site in Herculaneum at all - just one and that's near the bookshop/audio guide pickup.
Love how you all say 'bathrooms' - any wonder Europeans struggle learning English.
You won't walk past the signs for the toilets - just look for the line. The ones inside the Autogrill cafe seem to be constantly broken down (well my last four visits they were).
Contrary to what Sandralist says, Regions 3, 4 and 5 of Pompeii are closed/unexcavated. Via dell Abbondanza is closed halfway along due to building collapses and restoration work so getting to the amphitheatre is a bit of a trek around the 'side streets'. Please don't miss the Villa of Mysteries which has opened after significant restoration. There is a toilet near it but it's outside the exit and you can't duck out, use the facilities and come back in.
If you exit at the villa of Mysteries it's a short downhill walk back to the station and past a shop that sells the best gelato - you may need it after all that walking in the heat.
The numerous water fountains around the site are good for refilling water bottles. The water is a pure as it gets.

socaltraveler Aug 2nd, 2015 01:31 PM

Thinking same MmePerdu

MmePerdu Aug 2nd, 2015 01:33 PM

Smiley face, socialtraveler (too lazy & uninterested to find one).

zenfoodist Aug 6th, 2015 07:22 AM

Thanks to EKC, a Fodorite on another thread and on Chowhound, I found a wonderful driver with whom I connected instantly when we spoke. In addition to picking us up from the Naples airport and taking us to Positano from Sorrento for our charter on one of the days, we negotiated a bit and came up with an acceptable price to drive us to Rome instead of taking the train as we had initially planned. We will leave Sorrento early that day and visit Pompei when it opens on the way. Very happy with how things turned out.

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