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FromAtlanta Aug 10th, 2004 02:32 PM

PLEASE BE KIND: Put more information in your subject title
I am NOT trying to be rude (I promise) and I KNOW FOR A FACT that I am not the only one who feels this way.

There is ONLY 1 European forum (the box at the top is only for searching. Note it says "enter a word or phrase and/or a topic" - The threads themselves all go to one forum (as I stated)...

This being the case, wouldn't it be better for you (the person hoping for a response) and the people who are looking for threads that they are interested in (most people on here do not have the time or patience to read EVERY thread-nor would we want to if we couldn't contribute.) if the subject titles actually gave some information to what the thread was about?!

Instead of "where should we eat" (where you could be talking about anywhere from Greece to Prague) wouldn't it be better to say "Where should we eat in London" (or wherever it is you want to eat.

It gets very frustrating! There is a one word subject floating around right now that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I won't mention names because I really don't want to hurt any feelings - but I can not even understand how anyone could choose a subject title like that. (I'm sorry)

Use some common sense.

Scarlett Aug 10th, 2004 03:33 PM

Most of the time I just skip the generic titles that do not give me a hint of what is to come.
But then there are those titled something like 'water' that are so vague that I have to read it to see what in the world it means :)
Oh well, maybe if someone puts the word sex or naked in their titles LOL

rex Aug 10th, 2004 03:43 PM


Best wishes,


taggie Aug 10th, 2004 03:54 PM

fromAtlanta - I was just going to post saying "I bet you'll hear from Rex" and lo and behold... LOL.
There's a whole argument about whether or not separate forums do indeed exist.

But all that aside, I agree that people should be as specific as they can in their thread titles... unless they are clever and think up a real attention-grabber.

jlm_mi Aug 10th, 2004 05:04 PM

An argument about whether or not separate forums exist is really a useless argument. Call it however you want, when someone is browsing the Europe forum, there is nothing at all that indicates what "search topic" or "forum" was selected when a post was made. Only the subject or the post itself does that for a lot of people.

taggie Aug 10th, 2004 05:10 PM


Clifton Aug 10th, 2004 05:30 PM

And as long as we're at it, if you aren't going to a country don't ckick on it when you're building your post. Pick Albania or Romania as your search country and see how many posts come up that have nothing to do with those countries. Hotels in Athens, Barcelona, meals in London. Makes finding info on lesser travelled countries damn near impossible.

FromAtlanta Aug 10th, 2004 05:42 PM

It just makes me angry that people write a title like "water" (ok, someone else said it) and people have to open it to find out what the post is about ... I admit I do it all the time because I am so worried that I might be missing out on information I can use... but it is just so selfish of those people.

Is this the end of the world? No. Do I put the importance of this up there with ending world hunger? No. (I am anticipating the questions I will receive ;) ) But still, it is highly annoying. It reminds me of those people taking flash photos of the Mona Lisa right under the sign that says "No Flash"
It is just so selfish...and we are telling these people it is ok because we answer their stupid post!

Another argument is that they don't know any better. That they think their are seperate forums ... hey, I am no genius, but I managed to figure out right away that there was only 1 universal forum for Europe (or Fodors would have given us links to the seperate forums) and that stupid box at the top CLEARLY says "SEARCH"

How hard would have been to write " Water in Spain" instead of "Water"?

FromAtlanta Aug 10th, 2004 05:57 PM

I just thought of another argument ;)

How many of these threads do we read where someone feels compelled to answer the thread even though they have absolutely nothing in value to add ... maybe they just want to add something so it wouldn't have been a complete waste of their time having to read a post that they have no interest/knowledge in!

For all those people who say "I love the title, made me open the thread" How stupid. I'm sorry, but it is.

How many people who clicked on the "water" thread (or one of the several like it) have ever been to Spain or have anything to say about Spain? Europe is a big contenant.

Gee, I don't know why I am so annoyed. :)) - I better just cool off.

nancy Aug 10th, 2004 05:58 PM

I have to admit I was a lame-brain when first visiting this site. I finally realized that when I posted under "England" it would also appear in "Europe." Sounds silly I know but several years ago I was not particularly adept at the computer. Yes, it is important to put in the city/country you're visiting/inquiring about. Doing this will also squelch the lectures :-) And, get you some decent answers. There will always be those who wish to make you feel really stupid. Methinks they have a boring life :-)

nytraveler Aug 10th, 2004 06:05 PM

Agreed - it would be so helpful if the posters would at least try to be considerate of others - instead of "clever". Good copywiters are paid $100s thousands per year to be clever - and even then often can't pull it off. Unless you're one of them - please don't try.

cigalechanta Aug 10th, 2004 06:08 PM

Nancy, I agree, and what puzzles me is when they go on vacation and post daily. Those are the ones who are usually nasty to the newbies. We are here so much, why waste prescious vacation time to please us, we can wait.:)

FromAtlanta Aug 10th, 2004 06:10 PM

I will be the 1st to admit I have a boring life. I have been bedridden for a week - all I have right now is this stupid addicting forum. ;) (and planning a trip that I hope I will feel good enough to take)

But come on, I am not the only one who thinks this way! (I am just the one who decided to devote a thread to it) How many threads have we all seen where someone patiently tried to explain to these people why a better title is needed...but they just aren't getting it.

I thought if they saw this, it might sink in.

I didn't set out to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone feel stupid ... I have enough people hurting my feelings and making ME feel stupid.

Somewhere along the way I guess I got a little carried away. I might just be tired and cranky ... I know its no excuse, and I am sorry ...

but I am not sorry for the purpose of this thread! I think we needed it!

cigalechanta Aug 10th, 2004 06:16 PM

FromAtlanta, not to worry, you are a kitten among many tigers here, I was recently homebound for three weeks and many times before so I know how you're' feeling. Get well. And PLEASE don't correct my spelling. Mimi has problems too.

mikemo Aug 10th, 2004 06:21 PM

Focus on details and review of prior posts are great! Nonjudgemental this trip.

FromAtlanta Aug 10th, 2004 06:24 PM

LOL! My next complaint will be that there is no spell check! (My spelling is AWFUL - and I keep writing things like THEIR instead of THERE (I'm a mess)

Anyway thanks Mimi (I love that name) - you made me feel better :)

dln Aug 10th, 2004 06:27 PM

FromAtlanta, don't feel bad about writing this post, as Mimi says. You haven't said anything that the rest of us (who have been around for awhile) think from time to time! We all get irritated with posters who aren't concise, or who haven't done a lick of research, or who expect rabbits to be pulled out of hats for them. ETC ETC.

I wish Fodors would revamp its directions on how to successfully use the forums. Even if it were simply a link to something posters have written themselves! I don't think the majority of people write their questions with the idea of making everyone tear their hair out; it's just that they haven't figured out the nuances. God knows Fodors doesn't give enough guidance on it. "Topping" was one thing that really frustrated me when I was a newbie, even though I read the explanation for it. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me, and I kept seeing those silly little letters everywhere! And I didn't know how to use the search box very well, either, until someone explained about using the word "and" to come up with better hits. And so on and so forth.

I have no qualms with posts like yours. I do have problems with the experienced old-timers who are overbearing towards newbies. I am of the opinion that you can catch more with honey than vinegar if you want to change someone's behavior. But that's just me.

Scarlett Aug 10th, 2004 07:03 PM

Well, I am guilty (quite often ) of posting that I love the title of athread or someones screen name or that I wish I could go there too.
While it might not add any needed information, it does TOP a thread a little more pleasantly than just plain ole 'ttt'.
The boards have been here for a while and have been fairly successful, I guess we old timers and newbies will have to just grin and bear it and be helpful and pleasant and enjoy Fodors.
I will forgive any weirdly spelled word, typo, or even Title to a thread but I cannot understand the egotistical, ugly toned replies and posts that abound at certain times here.

marcy_ Aug 10th, 2004 07:08 PM

Scarlett, we need more people who are "guilty" of transgressions as serious as yours!;;)

Patience and kindness are virtues that we can always use more of.

Scarlett Aug 10th, 2004 07:14 PM

Merci beaucoup, marcy, for the sweet words. ((F))

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