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kerouac May 31st, 2016 12:05 PM

Pickpocketing prevention tip
Lots of people visiting Europe are extremely worried about pickpocketing as though it did not exist in their own country. Well, it exists just about everywhere but at home you are not nearly as distracted by things as when you are a tourist.

One effective prevention method is the "Velcro solution" but frankly who wants to put Velcro on every pocket flap or bag or backpack?

I have found another method extremely effective: the plastic bag. They come in all sizes and thickness so they can be adapted to just about every situation. If you stuff a small plastic bag on top of anything in your "interesting" pockets, it will confuse and thwart just about anybody with an agile hand. If you flatten a plastic bag over the contents under the zip opening of a backpack or handbag, it will prevent the items underneath from being snatched.

Plastic bags are becoming rare in many places for ecological reasons, but a wad of paper or a couple of sheets of newspaper are equally efficient.

I will not claim that this is 100% effective because your personal vigilance is required as well, but these methods will certainly help you to protect your stuff without the purchase of super duper expensive bags or special anti-theft travel apparel.

sparkchaser May 31st, 2016 12:08 PM

Not bad.

Surrounding yourself with easier targets works too.

FranknSense May 31st, 2016 12:56 PM

When in Europe, I always protect my wallet behind Kevlar Body Armor apparel

burta May 31st, 2016 01:03 PM

I like the idea of confusing the pickpockets.

This reminds me of a trip I took with my older brother. He felt a hand going into his pocket on the Metro, then saw the young pickpocket jumping off quickly at the stop. The accomplice, however was a little slower. My brother managed to grab him around the neck with his arm and prevent him from getting off the car. Realizing his accomplices predicament, the pickpocket threw my brother's wallet back at him in the car, and my brother released the accomplice. Off they went.

thursdaysd May 31st, 2016 01:09 PM

Interesting idea. I will continue to wear my money belt, though.

IMDonehere May 31st, 2016 06:23 PM

I squirt mustard on people first as a preemptive measure.

Pepper_von_snoot May 31st, 2016 08:24 PM

A loaded gun would work so much better, but, alas, France has those very tiresome firearms laws.

We just shoot thieves in Philadelphia (and Texas).

If you think I would stuff the pockets of my Brioni trousers with sandwich baggies, you more daft than Michel Houellebecq.


joannyc May 31st, 2016 08:43 PM

I usually carry a plastic grocery store bag or two in my day bag for stops at the local store to pickup wine, snacks, or whatever. I will now put them on top of my other items but it will be a pain to make sure my camera is always beneath the bags.

Whathello May 31st, 2016 11:40 PM

Do we have to tip the pickpocketer ?
I put dog poo in my pockets. If somebody get dirty hands I know he is a thief.

Honestly, I do what everybody says not to do : I keep my wallet in my front pocket. I think I'd feel if somebody went into it. I also pay attention, tourist or not.

But there is an scam/trick going on on parkings of supermarkets : a girl comes towards you and drops her bag. you help her getting her stuff together, and she is lovely and wants to thank you. Then she proposes to accompany you in your car and does things I cannot write here. Then you realize you wallet is gone. It happened to me last saturday. At 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm and 6 30 pm.

sparkchaser May 31st, 2016 11:49 PM

You poor thing, whathello.

Tulips Jun 1st, 2016 12:33 AM

Where was this Whathello? I'm sure some of the fodorites want to know, so they can avoid this place. Or not ;-)

Rubicund Jun 1st, 2016 12:40 AM

Four times in 8 and a half hours whathello? Those were the days!

bilboburgler Jun 1st, 2016 12:57 AM

find it best stitch up my pockets, but then I can't get my hands out.

Andrew Jun 1st, 2016 01:40 AM

I was nearly pickpocketed last week in Riga. First time ever, in ten trips to Europe! I was climbing some steps near the train station with my bags, carrying a bag of fast food in one of them. Very stupid - I guess I've become complacent!

Anyway, as I struggled slightly up the stairs, a young couple dressed like tourists whisked past me and the woman ever-so-slightly reached her hand into my front pocket as she brushed past. I immediately yelled and pushed her away, almost knocking her over. Of course, they yelled at ME like *I* was crazy - and for a moment, I thought maybe I was. But another guy near by saw the commotion and chatted with them before they fled. Then he told me, "Those bad people!"

This was a very brazen attempt, too - the area was not crowded at all. I've been climbed up many steps just like this that were mobbed with people and it would have been easier perhaps to squeeze in and snatch something. (Then again, harder to run away.)

I had been thinking about how to prevent this in the future (besides putting my wallet + passport away more securely not not being so stupidly vulnerable when moving with bags), and I too had thought of the "paper in my pocket" idea. I was planning to try that in St. Petersburg this week. (I have a few plastic bags with me too.) Great minds think alike!

bvlenci Jun 1st, 2016 03:34 AM

I keep so much junk in my handbag that even I can't find my wallet.

Another fool-proof method is to refrain from bathing and carry all your stuff in a grocery cart.

Paragkash Jun 1st, 2016 04:41 AM

I follow a few things
1. Never carry large chunk of money with me. Keep my passports and money in the hotel room locker. Distribute my small currency (not more than 100 Euros) in different front pockets and some with my wife.

2. Wear a flat money belt inside my pants. This has been very effective. And god forbid, if someone reaches inside your pants, then you have a lot more to lose. I also have a sling like a revolver belt that comes in my armpit, but found it inconvenient.

3. I invest in good sleeveless reversible jackets that have 4 pockets with zips on either side. I keep my money (small quantity apart from my money belt) and passports in the inner zip pockets of my jacket. When it is cold, I either wear a full sleeves jacket with inner pockets or a jacket over my sleeveless jacket.
We also get a cotton inner wear like a banyan with a pocket in the front. Layered clothing always works.

4. I never use a day bag or a sling bag or a wallet to carry currency notes. Don't allow my wife to carry money in the purse. Carry everything distributed on the body.
Never take a small haversack on my back while boarding a bus or a train. I take it in the front on my chest while boarding.

5. I use prepaid currency (Euro in Europe) cards that I buy in my country before I leave. They work like debit cards.

6. I have a sling bag for my DSLR, which does not look like a camera bag. I try not to look like a tourist. Try not to carry a paper map but use a mini pad or phone app for the maps.

Tulips Jun 1st, 2016 05:23 AM

If my husband wears a sleeveless reversible jacket with pockets on holiday, he can go on his own...

Or do you think I should buy him one for our upcoming holiday to California? Do we need a moneybelt in San Francisco? Or should I put all my money in my bra while in LA?

I was just thinking of taking my new Jerome Dreyfuss bag, or maybe a cross body LV satchel. Silly me.

sparkchaser Jun 1st, 2016 05:25 AM

<i> Or should I put all my money in my bra while in LA?</i>

Yes. This or in your sock is the preferred method to store cash.

Tulips Jun 1st, 2016 05:28 AM

Thank you Sparkchaser, I'll keep that in mind. Any tips on how not to look like a tourist while in the USA? I fear they may target me, as a clueless European.

sparkchaser Jun 1st, 2016 05:36 AM

As a native American (not Native American) I would be more than happy to assist you.

Do you have a ball cap? If not, get this and wear it everywhere, including restaurants. ttp:// If it comes with a hologram sticker, leave it on and DO NOT bend the bill.

Get some flip flops and wear those instead of whatever European footwear you were planning on bringing. Or, if you want to store your money in your socks, get some Nike running shoes. The more garish the color, the better.

Oh, and don't forget to rent a gun.

Have fun!

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