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pattyroth May 22nd, 2014 05:50 PM

Photography Trip Ideas in Eastern Europe
We have free airline tickets and are planning a 2 week trip in October in Eastern Europe with photography as the primary goal and cultural experiences not far behind. Would love any suggestions!! We had originally thought of somehow combining Croatia and Slovenia, but now think Prague would be important. The Asia, Central America, and Africa forums have been so helpful to us in the past.

IMDonehere May 22nd, 2014 07:31 PM

Are these shots for sale and exhibition? For personal memories?

Why shoot what many others have shot unless you want to do stock work. Shoot what you find.

Cranachin May 22nd, 2014 07:47 PM

I'd recommend September over October, as the weather is warmer and it is harvest time in many places, which can make for interesting photographs (I was in Croatia for 6 weeks last September/October, with short side trips to Hungary, Slovenia, and Bosnia). I think you are more likely to encounter festivals in September, although you can find them in October as well.

I don't think you could go wrong with any of the countries you have listed. Be sure to go off the beaten tourist path. For example, I was mostly in Eastern Croatia. I did visit Zagreb a coupe of times, but I didn't get down to the Adriatic at all.

pattyroth May 22nd, 2014 08:11 PM

Thanks IMDonehere and Cranachin! We will likely rent a car and drive out to villages and around. The photos are for several things--enlarge for wall decor, an occasional contest, some for sale, greeting cards, ….

thursdaysd May 22nd, 2014 08:29 PM


JulieCallahan May 22nd, 2014 08:59 PM

My husband is a photographer and we live in Budapest. If you want cityscapes, this is fantastic. But my favorite pictures are from the countryside. In Hungary every town is reachable by train.

He does have great people shots from in the cities, too as there is an interesting mix of locals here.

I would go anywhere, and not worry too much... You will bring great shots home wherever you go.

pattyroth May 22nd, 2014 09:05 PM

Ah thursdaysd--thanks. Your input on the other countries has always been good. And thanks JulieC! I need to read up more on Budapest. Does your husband have his photos online anywhere?

JulieCallahan May 22nd, 2014 09:06 PM

Here is one of my favorites he has done. It was taken one evening at a dance competition in Szent Istvan Park in Budapest. This is more of a locals neighborhood so it was not a staged event. I love that this region has kept their traditions alive.

Throw a dart and go. I might consider Romania.

pattyroth May 22nd, 2014 09:19 PM

Oh my! JulieC, I love that photo! Now it's one of my favorites too! Great capture. So I think I'll look at Budapest more and Romania. THis weekend I should have the time!!

JulieCallahan May 22nd, 2014 11:29 PM

Good deal Patty... let me know if I can help you. My husband and I have lived in Central Europe for 3 years now. First Slovakia, and now Hungary.

Good luck!

PetrosB3 May 23rd, 2014 12:31 AM

If you want pure Eastern Europe, Croatia and Slovenia are not the best choices. They are two very beautiful countries, but they are much closer to the Italian Culture than the Slavic in matters of Architecture and History.

The real Eastern Europe jewels, are Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. I've made a trip like that some years ago and it was really interesting, and I am a Photography Maniac also. Here is my Itinerary:


These are the places I spent most of my days, but there are some great day trips around these cities also. In Krakow there is the Auschwitz, the Nazi Concentration Camp which is a must for historical reasons. On my way to Görlitz from Krakow, I visited the beautiful city of Wroclaw for a couple of hours. From Görlitz to Prague, I've visited the city of Dresden for a couple of hours also.

But the cities itself are amazing and unique. There is this Communist air of decay, the old Imperial Austrian glamour, the Jewish Heritage, the WWII monuments. Its a really interesting trip, and 2 weeks are enough.

thursdaysd May 23rd, 2014 04:30 AM

Budapest is great if you like Art Nouveau:

And I can recommend a great apartment (see the post before that one).

Northern Romania is fascinating, though. I was there in 2006, but I have friends who just visited and it doesn't sound like it has changed much: - Roaming Romania

JeremyinFrance May 23rd, 2014 05:35 AM

90% of tourists to the Czech Republic never leave Prague which is a shame as there are so many other beautiful places to visit - both cultural and natural. Both September and October are great months to photograph - and if you're lucky, November might get a few sunny days and autumnal colours.

pattyroth May 23rd, 2014 05:44 AM

Thanks Jeremy, Petros, thursdaysd, Julie,! This is all so helpful and I will rethink our itinerary w which isn't very well outlined anyway. Hungary sounds enticing. I'm off to work now, but will look through all of the links later. I love color, ordinary life, differentness, and it seems several of the countries offer that.

Cranachin May 23rd, 2014 10:36 AM

Three great reasons to visit Budapest the third weekend in September:

European Heritage Days (in Hungarian; I can't find a link in English)

I just happened to be in Budapest that weekend last year and enjoyed tours of some buildings that are not normally open to the public or that were free rather than charging admission. For example, the Parliament building—-which is jaw-droppingly beautiful inside--had free tours (they usually charge), and we got to visit some parts that are not usually included in the public tours.

The National Gallop

Sweet Days chocolate festival

isabel May 23rd, 2014 02:35 PM

I'm a photographer and have been to many of those places. You really can't go wrong. Here are my galleries - take a look and see if any of the places look more intriguing to you than others.

Prague -

Budapest -

Slovenia -

Croatia -

pattyroth May 23rd, 2014 05:34 PM

Oh Isabel! I just glanced, but your photo galleries are going to be SO helpful. Thank you so much for sharing!! I plan to look at them in length this weekend. Right now I'm out the door to take my granddaughter to the play Heidi. I'm impressed with your galleries. I have photos on phase also but I don't have my last two trips up yet.

IMDonehere May 23rd, 2014 07:28 PM

I like to shoot what other people haven't shot. We were to Poland and Czech Republic over 20 years ago, so I haven't scanned those pictures. But either by instinct or research you know what has been done, so why not put your own stamp on it?

isabel May 24th, 2014 03:06 AM

Why shouldn't she shoot whatever she wants, even if others have shot the same scene. Every photo is different, even if it's the same subject -there is different light, different angles, etc. And even if someone shoots almost exactly the same shot as is in all the postcards, it's still THEIR shot of it, their memories attached to it.

IMDonehere May 24th, 2014 04:44 AM

Of course she can shoot whatever she wants. And I understand light, blah, blah, blah, differs but how many shots of the same thing are really different. The differences are often so slight as not be noticed.

I have two sets of photographs, those for reminders and those I find interesting. I just got back from The Netherlands and Belgium and have just started sorting through the pictures. Here are a few. I assume if someone wants the standard stuff there are hundreds of sources.

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