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lsremington Apr 21st, 2014 08:56 AM

Paris Plages
Can you get in the water anywhere in the Louve to Pont du Sully section? Should you be able to get in the water, is the water clean? Thanks.

Michael Apr 21st, 2014 09:35 AM

I believe that Paris Plage is for those who can't get out of Paris and want to sit on a beach. It is not for swimming in the Seine.

BigRuss Apr 21st, 2014 09:40 AM

Paris is not coastal, its waterway is a highly trafficked river and therefore has a great deal of boat traffic and effluvia from the boats. Would you swim in the Hudson near Manhattan or the canals of Venice?

PalenQ Apr 21st, 2014 09:52 AM

the flower of the Seine is rather fast too - plus not healthy - Paris Plages are only during the August holiday period when a busy highway along the Right Bank of the Seine is blocked off and covered with sand to make a beach. A favorite gathering spot for gays especially IME - all along the Seine at all times of years you can sun bathe - lots of older gents in skimpy outfits and to me a sight for sore eyes.

I suppose Paris Plages attract a more diffuse crowd.

kerouackid Apr 21st, 2014 10:04 AM

It is actually illegal to swim in the Seine. I believe a few of the plages have pools.

Great strides have been made to clean up the river. However, some still think it is not clean enough for swimming.

You should also be cautious of the little critter. Occurrences of Pacu are rare.

StCirq Apr 21st, 2014 10:10 AM

You'd probably rust to death from all those vile lock keys.

MarySteveChicago Apr 21st, 2014 11:06 AM

You are a joke and I've been had! I defended you for not acknowledging the fantastic lists put forth in response to your rquest in a post 3-4 days ago. And now this stupid question?

Robert2533 Apr 21st, 2014 11:19 AM

The last time lsremington was on these boards was Sept 2012, when she was 'forced' to stay at the Ritz (San Juan), but is unable to follow it up with a stay at the Ritz in Paris (it's still closed for renovation).

adrienne Apr 21st, 2014 11:27 AM

Robert - not really true. She has a recent 2 weeks in Paris thread where she has not acknowledged any of the wonderful input. She probably hasn't even looked at that thread. She doesn't care about any of our input.

Isremington - please do swim in the Seine.

kerouac Apr 21st, 2014 11:35 AM

Paris Plages does have a temporary swimming pool, but I think it is mostly for children.

In the other area of Paris Plages along the bassin de la Villette, there are a lot of boating activities -- canoes, kayaks, rowboats and the inflated balls for walking on water.

MarySteveChicago Apr 22nd, 2014 04:03 AM

I apologize for handling this as I did. I don't need or want to be the rudeness police and then succumb to the same behavior.

lsremington Apr 22nd, 2014 04:50 AM

I work two full-time jobs and while I have read and printed out all the wonderful suggestions made on my question of a few days ago, I have not had time to respond or formulate follow-up questions other than this one, which I posted very quickly while at work yesterday. Paris Plages sounded like something my children would enjoy as we tend to be beach people and I simply wanted more information, not being familiar with the cleanliness of this river or any of the others mentioned in the comments posted here.

I greatly appreciate the assistance I have received in the past, but I won't be coming back here. Feel free to continue with the character bashing.

adrienne Apr 22nd, 2014 04:50 AM

MarySteveChicago - I loved your response. You've displayed some of the frustration I've felt when new or infrequent posters don't bother to acknowledge any input. This happens quite often and I don't understand why they bother to post if they're not interested in the answers. Perhaps they do read the responses and are exceedingly rude and can't be bothered to thank people.

adrienne Apr 22nd, 2014 04:53 AM

Well...we posted at the same time.

I guess it takes too long to type a couple of words of thanks or some acknowledgement that you've read the posts.

MarySteveChicago Apr 22nd, 2014 07:02 AM

Adrienne, that is so nice of you to say. Thank you. Yes, frustration caught up with me. Mary

Christina Apr 22nd, 2014 09:05 AM

Paris Plage is NOT a beach. It is just people lying out in the sun, "working on their tans" or skin cancer, along the banks of the Seine. They do truck some sand in, and lay it around, so it's like a big sandbox.

PalenQ Apr 22nd, 2014 09:18 AM

Sounds like a mini beach to me - why do they call it a "plage" if it is not a beach - do beaches need sand?

kerouac Apr 22nd, 2014 09:28 AM

There are several short strips of beach at both locations, but not dipping into the water of course. The childen seem to love it almost as much as a real beach, but what they really love are the mist sprayers.

PalenQ Apr 22nd, 2014 09:35 AM

Well kind of looks like a beach to me!

Michael Apr 22nd, 2014 10:05 AM

Sand is not a requirement for a beach--think of Nice.

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