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gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 02:12 AM

Paris November--Getting Ready!!
I always plan ahead, as everyone knows!

I just had word from my Paris friends that they have made reservations for me with Daniel, at Spring. They will be joining me, too. I am delighted! Anxious to see what Daniel has done. It has been a long haul for him!

I have also just received an email from Catherine Constant asking if our group (4 Americans and 2 Parisians) wolud like the Violon d'Ingres chef to prepare us a special Thanksgiving menu!! I am passing that on to others in the group..or should we just add a few T/G touches...will see what others think.

Getting other things put together with people coming and going during that time and making reservations here and there..Have l'Obe (Crillon) reservations made..others in process.!!

a bientot...


Byrd Sep 3rd, 2010 03:58 AM


Yes! Fun, Fun!

We, too, are planning and planning for our November trip with our granddaughter. She is busy reading her guidebook and each day finds new placaes to put on our "must do" list.

I have been laughing at the postings here on Fodor's that ask "Is a week too long in Paris?"

Our days and nights are filling quickly!


gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 04:02 AM

Hi Byrd,

Looking forward to meeting you. Give me your thinking re T/G dinner..whether special for 'us' or just add some traditional touches.

I stay for at least a month and that is too short!!

a bientot...

Byrd Sep 3rd, 2010 05:00 AM


I am certainly inclined to turn the menu over to the Violon d"Ingres chef. I'm sure his version of a Thanksgiving feast will be wonderful.

As I've said, we can have "tradional Thanksgiving" any year, but "Parisian Thanksgiving" is an event to be remembered!

Counting the days...


gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 05:58 AM

Hi Byrd,

I know I was up early, but my head was not completely with me. We are 6 Americans and 2 French for T/G!! Yes, all have agreed let's have a French/American Thanksgiving dinner in Paris. I have already told Catherine to do that. In fact, I told her she should try to drop in to see it! I know Christian will be there! He will have to sample it.

Working on a couple lunch reservations at Spring now..will see!

a bientot...

lrock Sep 3rd, 2010 05:59 AM

Lucky, Lucky you to be going in November. We are going in March for 2 weeks. I find myself wishing mydays away so March will hurry and get here. I simply cannot wait.

gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 06:30 AM


I will be back mid April-mid May. Never enough time for things.

March will be here before you know it. You have time to be making all your plans....
a bientot..


tod Sep 3rd, 2010 06:35 AM

Hi there Joan, I got back on Saturday and it's those withdrawal symptoms I'm dealing with right now! Will be posting a very l o n g trip report as we were in Paris for 3 weeks and got up to all kinds of non-touristy things.
Your daily postings in November will keep us feeling like we are there too, so wish you Bon Voyage!

gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 06:56 AM

Hi tod,

I will watch for your report and find out what you were up to!! I know you had a great trip....


TPAYT Sep 3rd, 2010 07:07 AM

Thanksgiving in Paris-----you have so much to be thankful for!

I'll be watching for your trip report. Happy travels.

gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 07:36 AM


The 2 French friends mentioned above joined me at Violon last year for T/G. I saw Christian the day before and mentioned that it was our Thanksgiving..I could see the 'wheels turning'..he came to our table and apologized for not realizing it sooner.

I think it will be fun/interesting this year to see what they come up with. November is a month that I enjoy in Paris. Actually a good time is mid October to mid December. I have that definitely in mind for 2011!

a bientot..


avalon Sep 3rd, 2010 11:37 AM

I must be weird but Spring has been so over reported on and over hyped that I have no desire to go there

gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 12:03 PM


Daniel does do a good job. It has taken a very long time to get the new place open. I stopped by the boutique when last in Paris and visited with him.

My dining at the old place was always very good. The new place will be much more attractive, I am sure.

I don't pay much attention to over reporting on any place. I judge for myself and for my own liking of a spot. There are some that people rave about that I do not care for..c'est la vie!

I will be reporting on the 'new' Spring in Nov. I have good friends who will be there for lunch in Sept. I will hear from them at that time..and a review that I know I can probably agree with, as we agree on our likings!

a bientot..


Sue4 Sep 3rd, 2010 02:04 PM

Joan, be sure to post pictures of your French Thanksgiving feast!! I'll be keeping up with (and envying) your November Paris adventures.

gracejoan3 Sep 3rd, 2010 02:32 PM


I will be posting daily, or nightly, so all can have the early morning read. Will remember to take pictures. Many for our French/American Thanksgiving! We will not know what we will be having until it is served. Sounds fun! We will get Christian involved, too!

We will begin at my apartment to meet one another and have a glass of Champagne. ET will be in it's glory for the evening show at that time of the year. We may drop by Cafe Constant a for an after dinner something or other, if still open when we give up at Violon!


gracejoan3 Sep 10th, 2010 02:09 PM

I will now be staying a bit longer in Paris and returning on Dcember 4th.

I also have 3 dinner reservations at Spring during my November/Dec stay!! One early in the month when a friend from Green Bay area will be with two Paris friends who will be joiing me in the middle of the month and one when two guests will be joining me the end of Nov. Friends and guests are delighted that I have them. I will not mind dining with Daniel 3 times, either!! My 2 tables for 3 will seat 4 and I have told various friends if they would like to catch a flight and join us for dinner, they would be welcome! Will see who makes it...

a bientot..


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