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gracejoan3 Sep 6th, 2008 03:41 AM

Paris, Mid Sept. - Mid Oct.
I am leaving on Wed. and will be in Paris for one month..returning Oct. 11th.

I will have my laptop. I am staying in a apartment.
I can post dining, sight seeing and even search for something for some of you, perhaps.

Let me know if you are interested.


JulieVikmanis Sep 6th, 2008 03:51 AM

What an offer. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Perfect time of year. Enjoy.

I have friends leaving for Paris Sept. 17. If you are familiar with Casa Olympe in the 9th, they'd be interested to get your perspective. They've booked for lunch but are having second thoughts after reading reviews with somewhat differing viewpoints.

Will also be interested to hear about your parisperfect accommodation.

Have a wonderful month.

kvfawcett Sep 6th, 2008 04:33 AM

Joan's post are always wonderful.

How I wish I were going to be in Paris when she's there.

I am going to be in Dubai for part of the time.

..Looking for anything and everything French ;-)

<a href="">Bonjour Paris</a>

Cholmondley_Warner Sep 6th, 2008 04:42 AM

A bunch of us are meeting up for breakfast* and tattoos on the 26th.
Why not come along - if only for a drink if you don't fancy breakfast?

Details here:;tid=35138735

*well they call it lunch - but they're just trying to mess with my head.

gracejoan3 Sep 6th, 2008 05:12 AM

I just went to the GTG website and asked if I could join!! No tatoos, though!! Sounds fun.

Karen, have not seen you on Fodor's before. Yes, I'm sorry that we have missed each other, again. We can try for Spring!! Hope you made that airport transportation reservation OK.

Re Paris Perfect apartments. They are regular stays for me. I find that I can't do better. I like the St. Dominique/Bourdonnais area. Feels like home when I arrive.


ira Sep 6th, 2008 05:20 AM

Enjoy your visit, Joan


elsiejune Sep 6th, 2008 05:36 AM

Have a wonderful trip...of course, we'll be interested in hearing from you. As you know, DH & I can't wait to return to a ParisPerfect flat in spring '09. Meantime, we'll visit vicariously through you! Bon voyage, EJ ((#))

travelbunny Sep 6th, 2008 06:32 AM

..have a great time. I am off to Paris just as you leave. I am looking forward to any comments you may make esp re small restaurants for an evening meal.

gracejoan3 Sep 6th, 2008 07:03 AM

I will do some posting while there...I always try some good new places...all prices. Have made these advance reservations..La Regalade, the Bristol Hotel High Tea/High Fashion Show, Les Ambassadeurs (Crillon) for brunch, Spring for both lunch and dinner (not on the same day!)Gerard Besson, l'Epigramme, Fables de la Fontaine (always the Constants, on a regular basis)..many, many more on my list. Will do my wandering around..Never too much planned in advance..depends on the weather for the day. No problem in keeping busy!

I am confirmed to join the lunch GTG on the 26th at Chez Lena et Mimile! Sounds like fun..minus the tattoos!!

Now to just hope that my luggage arrives with me..........


plafield Sep 6th, 2008 02:51 PM

Looking forward to your restaurant posts. I've heard mixed things about l'Epigramme: from raves to disappointment, so I'm very interested to hear some details of your meal there. La Regalade was our top pick last time and we'll return again when we're back in Paris in May 09. Don't miss it. Spring was good, but I thought over hyped.

Have a great time!

gracejoan3 Sep 6th, 2008 03:01 PM

I have been to l'Epigramme twice for dinner. Both times were really very good..and the price is certainly most reasonable.

I have also been to La Regalade twice for dinner. It is an excellent spot.

Daniel Rose has a good thing going. I have been twice and will be doing lunch and dinner this trip..

There can be what appears to be an off visit anyplace..sometimes you make a mistake in what you order. Can happen anyplace, anywhere!

I have lots of new places that I am going to try. I do enjoy some of the "big" hotel bars for their "light lunches". I have enjoyed Le Meurice a number of times..Will add others to my list. Might be something that many would like to give a try!

All will be fun!!

gracejoan3 Sep 6th, 2008 03:09 PM


I have another Paris Perfect apartment rented from April 14 to May 13, 2009.

Never know, our paths may cross.....


shellio Sep 6th, 2008 05:25 PM

We're virtually overlapping, Joan. I'm hoping for good weather although this time of year you have to pack for all possibilities. We're also planning to go back to la Regalade this time, and were thinking of l'Epigramme.

We've had two dinners at Spring in the last year and adored the first one, just blown away by the quality and inventiveness, while the second was quite fine, but nothing spectacular.

JulieV, I loved our meal at Casa Olympe last fall. We went on the recommendation of a friend who's been eating there for years; it's his favorite in Paris. Although not necessarily a comment on the food, it's also a favorite of designer Jean Paul Gaultier. We saw him there and I've since heard it's his "cantine". He was certainly greeted as if that were the case.

Cholmondley_Warner Sep 7th, 2008 04:15 AM

gracejoan3 Sep 7th, 2008 04:50 AM

I bet all those tattoo places will get a sudden rush after your post!!

gracejoan3 Sep 7th, 2008 05:07 AM


A few good spots:

Au Gourmand, 17 r. Moilier

Le Florimond, 19 ave la Motte Picquet

Le Clos des Gourmets 16 ave Rapp

Le Folle Avoine 91, r. Grenelle

Huitrerie Regis 3 r. de Montfaucon

Chez Pierrot 9 r. Amelie(simple place)

Au Petit Tonneau 20 r. Surcouf (simple place)

La Ferrandaise 8 r. de Vaugirard

So many, many more....


gracejoan3 Sep 7th, 2008 05:08 AM

Correction Aur Gourmand the street is Moliere


JulieVikmanis Sep 7th, 2008 05:09 AM

Shellio, thanks for the recommendation on Casa Olympe. My friends will be relieved and now excited to be dining there. Appreciate your reassurance.

Nikki Sep 7th, 2008 05:12 AM

Drooling here.

plafield Sep 7th, 2008 05:57 AM

Joan, seems our taste in restaurants is quite similar! I really enjoyed Au Gourmand as well as many of the others on your list.

Unfortunately, I'll miss you in May because although I land at CDG on the 9th, I'm onto Belgium for a week before spending another week in Paris.

I am hoping for a GTG at some point while we're there and so wish I could be there for the upcominjoy!

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