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kleeblatt Sep 29th, 2020 04:47 AM

Originally Posted by scrb11 (Post 17159692)
France isn't faring too well.

One of the most common vectors of transmission has been indoor dining and drinking. UK is trying to impose restrictions on pubs.

France and Spain both ruled out reimposing lockdowns and now cases are surging in both countries.

But as in the US in the summer, most of the new cases are coming from young adults. They're not getting hospitalized or dying in high numbers but they're very effective spreaders. Consider that early on most of the fatalities were older people in retirement facilities, where they were infected by the much younger staff.

That is why you can't simply say "oh it's okay, it's mostly young people getting infected now and they will survive it."

It's a tough time for today's youth. Their genes are programmed to meet, greet and see where it leads. I feel for them.

Sarastro Sep 29th, 2020 07:37 AM

Our daughter is a freshman this year at a college on the east coast of the USA. It is just not the same for these students which is really unfortunate.

As I walk around the city of Paris, many shops have closed. I should think that many restaurants/hotels will not survive. Paris will continue but expect it to be different.

Traviata Sep 29th, 2020 07:46 AM

Sarastro....I hope you will be saving a seat for me???

scrb11 Sep 29th, 2020 08:36 AM

College students are driving the spread.

In WI, which didn't have a huge outbreak, it started in the fall with students going back to college. First the 18-24 got it and with mild or no symptoms, they didn't get tested and they continued to move around and infect others. Now that age group has stabilized but infections are spreading in all other age groups.

It wasn't just about education. All these college towns depend on the influx of thousands of students, many from out of state, to rent apts., patronize the bars and restaurants. Many of the infections appears to have occurred in the week or two before classes began, as kids moved in then started socializing.

Dr. Fauci recently said he doesn't understand why any restaurants or bars are open for indoor services. Well for some people it's important to keep these businesses afloat. For others, they want to live and behave like things are back to normal.

kleeblatt Sep 29th, 2020 08:42 AM

I wouldn't limit it to college students. Young people need to mingle and despite all the warnings, etc.... they still find ways to meet up and then forget about social distancing after some time.

scrb11 Sep 29th, 2020 08:59 AM

True but the late summer/autumn surges seed to coincide with the return to college.

Sarastro Oct 1st, 2020 07:59 AM

The late summer/autumn surges seem to coincide with people coming back from summer vacations.

kerouac Oct 1st, 2020 08:49 AM

They have been back for a month. Incubation is 10-14 days at the most.

ldatt22 Oct 1st, 2020 10:00 AM

Businesses shutting down
Sad to hear that.

kerouac Oct 1st, 2020 11:24 AM

It's happening everywhere in the world. No need to feign sadness.

scrb11 Oct 4th, 2020 10:26 PM

Tant pis, the bars are going to close.

Nothing about restricting indoor dining though.

Just saw a CNN report. France is using a benchmark of 250 cases per 100k people to raise restrictions to stage 3, which includes closures of both bars and restaurants. Both Paris and Marseille are at 270 new cases per 100k.

But the restaurant owners strenuously objected so the govt. backed off.

kerouac Oct 5th, 2020 02:41 AM

Starting tomorrow, restaurants will remain open but all cafés and bars will be closed until further notice.

AJPeabody Oct 5th, 2020 06:58 AM

Open. Close. Limit. Relax limits. Make rules. Make exceptions. Do this here. Do that there. Argue.
It's a freaking pandemic. It is everywhere, will be everywhere, affect everyone either by infection or injection (vaccine when and if).
This will be our world until ???

kerouac Oct 5th, 2020 07:44 AM

The openings and closures are based on medical statistics for each region. Would you prefer the "one size fits all" option?

AJPeabody Oct 5th, 2020 08:14 AM

Not one size fits all. Sizes and locations and restrictions on/off will be changing over and over, here and there and everywhere. The world will be unstable. The only thing that will fit all is the virus.

baharesadeghi Oct 19th, 2020 06:40 AM

As I have seen, restaurants and coffee shops continue to operate, only the distance between our tables has increased and the waiters and chefs use masks and hygienic clothes, but I think all this is useless. This is because people remove their masks while eating, and in this environment, all the breath, whether contaminated or clean, enters the environment and allows the infection of Covid 19 virus.

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