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nylilly Jun 18th, 2019 01:52 AM

Packing for Greece
Hi all -
My trip to Athens - Naxos - Mykonos - Paros is finally approaching and I’m making my packing list. Since we’re flying with only carry on baggage, every ounce counts and I wanted opinions about what to bring along. Do I need a shell or rain coat? Do the nights get cool enough that I’ll want a sweater? Anything else you always pack?

isabel Jun 18th, 2019 03:21 AM

I always have a sweater with me (I need one on the plane if nothing else). I've been to Greece three times in summer and don't think I wore one much but I'd never travel there (or anywhere) without at least one light sweater. I would not take a rain coat. High summer in Greece (or Italy or Spain) is about the only time I don't have jeans with me, I usually have one pair of very light long slacks (usually the kind sold in hiking stores, North Face, etc.) but rarely ware them (again, on the plane maybe). Just lots of lightweight skirts/skorts, dresses.

travelerjan Jun 18th, 2019 08:55 AM

Lilly you don't give exact dates OR length of trip which makes it harder to give the most helpful answers -- you require guessing on our part. i clicked on your name thinking perhaps you'd provided details earlier, but the best i got was "A thursday morning in June" and "10-12 days". Details DO help. For the basics of How Hot Will it Get by Day and How cool by night ... Have you thought of googling 10-day weather forecast Athens??? It will give u an idea, of the Highs -- tho the islands will be several degrees cooler, and a constant breeze of course.

I just got back from Greece yesterday (I am still on Greek time; woke up at 2 am today).... from May 31 - June 17 ... and it was Much warmer than previous trips I've taken during this period. But it wouldn't have helped to go earlier... for other problems. Like everywhere else in the world (despite claims of "clilmate change is a hoax"), Greece weather has been very upsy-downsy .... much of May was unusually rainy. This time, at least half the june days got up to 90°F from about noon to 5-6 pm. And this coming week, the highs seem to be 93-94 in Athens = 90 in islands. Herewith my wardrobe re-thinks:

• 2 lightweight cardigans, usually very useful over the shoulders after sunset. Only 3 times in 18 days. Take ONE, just because you'll need on plane
• TOPS - A 3/4 length cotton shirt i normally wear to dinner 3-4 times -- never wore it. Had 4-5 knit SS -- wish at at least 2 had been sleeveless tanks.
• LEGS - 2 ltweight cotton trousers; wore 1 pair on plane to/from; other never. 3 cropped cotton capri + 1 knee-length knit pair - wore always.
• OTHER -- If u have lightweight loose sundress, sub for a top/capri ... I also had a loose-fit print jersey trouser I used for 2 dressier evenings w black top.
• FEET - STURDY Sneakers, wear on plane. SANDALS - the Sturdy type, not fawncy. Skip the flip-flops to save space.

ALWAYS-TAKE -- Sleep Mask -- a "What-IF" Zip-Lock Bag -- with rubber bands, Large Safety pins, PAPER tape, my BEST instant spot remover.

nylilly Jun 18th, 2019 10:17 AM

Hi and thank you for the information. Generally, I'm a bit coy with dates because I don't necessarily want to advertise when I'll be out of the country for safety reasons. My packing list is as follows: 3 sundresses, 2 pairs of shorts, 1 skirt, 1 3/4 sleeve top, 2 tanks, 2 t-shirts, 1 cotton blouse and running/swimming garments. My concern was how cool it may get at night, so I think I will bring a longish cashmere sweater and a couple of cotton scarves. Since we'll be ferrying between islands and in case of rain, a light rain shell may also be useful.

suze Jun 18th, 2019 11:06 AM

You can say the month of the year. I don't think that's a big security risk :-)

I would not bring 3 sundresses, 2 is plenty. I wouldn't bring a skirt since you have 2 or 3 dresses.

Don't you want something to sleep in? What are you wearing on your feet?

You need some kind of sweater/jacket on the plane ride, they can be freezing, so that piece could do double-duty for breezy evenings.

Odin Jun 18th, 2019 12:37 PM

How do people manage with such a small amount of clothing on holiday? Do they wear the same thing over & over or do they get their clothes laundered the whole time? Neither of those options are appealling. Are you going in summer?

suze Jun 18th, 2019 12:58 PM

Yup that's how it works... If you want to pack that light you HAVE to be willing to wear the same clothes over and over again. Whether you launder them or not in between is your choice :-)

She won't say when they are going but the OP stated "finally approaching" and is taking "sundresses" so I'm guessing yes to summer-time.

travelerjan Jun 18th, 2019 01:34 PM

ODIN -- She;s only going for about 10 days and probably starting next week -- Weather predictions are for above 90 all days, including in Islands, and not down to the 80s until 7 pm or so, she'll never use a cashmere sweater OR rain gear -- maybe a lite cotton cardigan as I found useful a few times..

As for launry, the tone of "how do people possibly manage?" that gives me a glimpse into how the haute bourgoisie still live.... yes, we do wear a tank top several times and no, our small lodgings (with wonderful balconies overlooking the sea) do not have uniformed staff in lobby, or in-house laundry services ... but they do have a tiny rack on that balcony, where a T-shirt or top will dry in less than 2 hours of a morning, while we're off swimming. Amaxingly no one can tell that it was hand-laundered.

scrb11 Jun 18th, 2019 02:02 PM

Read up on the toilet situation in Greece.

Take some air fresheners. ;)

nylilly Jun 18th, 2019 02:04 PM

Yes, summer trip. I know that I could pack less (some of our accommodations have laundry facilities) but I like to look my best and vacation days can mean changing 2 or 3 or times. What I wear for a long walk in the morning is probably not going to be what I want to wear at dinner. I’ve traveled a lot, but I’ve never been to any islands and wanted to get an idea of how cool the evenings really get. I know the temperature can be lower near the water.

isabel Jun 18th, 2019 02:04 PM

Unless someone has a 'sweat' problem (and seriously some people do) or tends to be on the sloppy side (again, I know people who are always spilling things on themselves) then re-wearing clothes is not a problem. Mix and match if boredom is a problem. And bring things that look OK when you wash them in the sink. I bring small containers of actual laundry soap which I find works better than using shampoo or body wash (which is what I used to do, it does work but laundry soap works better and it only takes a few drops really).

I find those options WAY more appealing than lugging a big suitcase - or then spending time taking clothes to be laundered.

nylilly Jun 18th, 2019 02:09 PM

I’m not opposed to hand washing or rinsing some of my garments out, but I’m also not critical of people who have different priorities than myself when they travel. I’m a pretty savvy, low budget capable, traveler but I feel most comfortable when my attire suits wherever I happen to find myself. I even pack accessories!

scrb11 Jun 18th, 2019 02:18 PM

I always plan to do laundry, preferably one of the wash and fold places.

Otherwise an apt. with a washer and dryer.

I pack enough clothes to go lis 8 days without laundry, though I have a couple of Ex Officio underwear for day to day.

But I do perspire a lot, in warm weather, because I'm walking a lot and carrying heavy photo gear around.

I don't remember what I did for my 10-11 day trip. Usually if you google laundry in x, a TA thread comes up. Could always ask the hotel where you're staying if there are laundromats at least nearby. Full service hotels of course will charge a couple of Euros per piece, making it kind of pricey.

suze Jun 18th, 2019 02:46 PM

I vacation twice a year in Mexico where there are similar temps to what's mentioned here. I pack a lot more clothes that the OP. Things get sweaty (not smelly, just wet) so I change several times a day. I need more clothes than this pack list regardless the length of the trip. I don't drag a big suitcase around, but I can't/don't want to go carry-on only either.

And I'm still wondering where are the sandals, sneakers, or shoes? Those take up a lot of room in a small rollaboard.

nylilly Jun 18th, 2019 03:50 PM

I’ll wear my running shoes and plan to bring two other pairs - a pair of flat, but nice black sandals and a pair of Birkenstock’s. The running shoes are near the end of their life, so I plan to discard them before the trip home. A little gain in luggage room for the return!

scrb11 Jun 18th, 2019 04:52 PM

Sandals will be more comfortable in the heat but if you anticipate doing any amount of walking, you might want something with tread.

And there are unpaved areas on the islands. So hiking shoes with soles which don't flex, might be useful if you have to trod on rocky surfaces, like hiking up or down a hill.

But if you're going to lounge in the sun somewhere, then it won't matter.

kja Jun 18th, 2019 05:22 PM

FWIW, I prefer to travel with skirts rather than dresses -- skirts give me more mix-and-match options for tops (which I can use with skirts and slacks) than dresses and the tops are easier to wash than dresses.

nylilly Jun 19th, 2019 04:20 AM

That's a good point about the skirt vs. dresses. I'll bring either a denim short skirt or a knee length cotton skirt. I really appreciate all of the input. Thank you!

suze Jun 19th, 2019 06:41 AM

Those 3 pairs of footwear are perfect, thanks for answering. I take the same but would also toss in a pair of rubber flip flops (for beach, shower, pool, as slippers in the room). They don't take up much room and come in handy. I'd bring both those skirts :-) and cut back one sundress!

nylilly Jun 19th, 2019 07:33 PM

Truth be told, I think I’m tossing in a pair of cute espadrilles, too. It’s summer and it’s Greece and it’s espadrilles. ‘Nuff said.

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