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dahlia Jan 10th, 2001 07:43 AM

Pacha Turkey Tour VS. Independent
We are planning to go to Turkey, April 2001. During our ist and 2nd trips to Europe (France and Italy), we did them independently and had fun. We are a bit concerned with Turkey though i.e., longer distance between interesting places, roads not as good, etc. We need help in deciding whether to go independent or just take an escorted Pacha Your. Thanks a lot!

Patrick Jan 10th, 2001 08:13 AM

Last year we visited Turkey and started with the idea that we would need to do a tour as "independent" travel would be more difficult. We looked at Pacha tours and several other firms. When adding up the daily costs of their included hotels and comparing those to booking the same hotels independently and renting a car and doing our own flights, we decided that we would not only save a lot of money doing it ourselves, but we would better be able to customize our intinerary and focus on certain areas of interest better ourselves. What a great decision! Driving in Turkey was a breeze -- so easy, very little traffic and great roads. We found independent travel in Turkey just as easy as Italy, France, etc. What a great country! Email me or post here if you have some specific questions.

paulo Jan 10th, 2001 08:17 AM

Have no terms of comparison once I've never taken a Pacha tour. We have visited Turkey on our own, by car, with no problems at all. The roads we drove were pretty good and we didn't face a single situation that could remotely have been classified as dangerous. IMO classifying Turkish drivers as crazy/wreckless is a myth. Of course, one must take the normal precautions. Roads are pretty well signed and we always were able to get to our destination without loosing ourselves. Though we didn't used it, we were impressed by the long distance intercity bus transportation system. The buses we saw certainly looked much better than what's available in France or Italy. Reports from travellers we met on our route were the best possible (most of them had never ridden in such good buses). In general (less so in Istanbul) food and lodging is very inexpensive. Local transportation to sites (taxi/dolmus) is also very inexpensive. The only single item we found quite expensive was car rental (one can't have it all!).<BR>Paulo<BR>

Patrick Jan 10th, 2001 10:19 AM

Paulo is, of course, right. In fact he is one of the people who steered me towards the independent travel in Turkey in the first place. Our car rental was a bit steep compared to others in Europe, but we paid $54 a day with full insurance for a new, fairly large, air condidtioned car with Auto Europe for our 15 day rental. This is still a lot less than most other forms of transportation, especially divided between two people. Also our flight on Turkish Air from Istanbul to Keyseri in Cappodocia was about $75 each, another real bargain.

Susan Jan 10th, 2001 10:29 AM

We were in Turkey in September 2000 for only a week, with 2 weeks in Greece. Turkey was amazing and although I loved seeing Greece again, I could easily have spent all 3 weeks in Turkey. We saw only a small area (from Marmaris south to Kas). We took buses - they were excellent - mostly reserved seating, air conditioned. Even the small buses (dolmuses) were comfortable. It would have been fun to have a car, but the bus was very inexpensive. I would definitely go independent rather than take a tour. We are wanting to go back to Turkey in 2002 and can't wait!

Paule Jan 10th, 2001 10:44 AM

I'm currently planning a trip to Turkey for the end of the summer, and originally, I also had concerns about travelling independently. But I've found that it's a very well-travelled country and within that, there are really obvious places to visit. Of course, this depends upon the time of the year, but (very generally speaking), there is <BR>1- Istanbul <BR>2- Cappadocia <BR>3- Aegean/Mediterranean coast <BR> <BR>There are other areas that are worth visiting, but the above is just a generalized overview. <BR> <BR>From my research, I've found that it's pretty easy to get around. As Paolo said, the long distance buses are very well-developed. And even better, to get from one distant region to another, the internal flight system is pretty inexpensive. I think it's roughly $90/flight. Not as inexpensive as the buses, but certainly saves much time. <BR> <BR> For instance, I'll be arriving in Istanbul and then flying to Cappadocia. I'll pick up a car there, drive to the coast (Antalya). From there, I'll be driving west along the coast toward the area around Ephesus (actualy, I'm taking a 5-day cruise along the coast, so I'm really renting a car twice; but I wanted to give you a general idea of what I'm planning). I'll be dropping the car at Izmir, then, once again, taking an internal flight to return to Istanbul before coming home. <BR> <BR>For the first time in my life, I'm actually working with an agent (in Cappadocia), but I've been the one to plan out my itinerary and do most of the research. I could easily do this on my own, but I did feel that it would be helpful to have someone take care of my internal flights and have the tickets sent to me at the hotels. If you're interested, I will be happy to send you his name. <BR> <BR>And I've found that the information Paolo has given is very true to my research so far; hotels are much less expensive than most other European countries; I'm not trying to pinch pennies, and the hotels I'm staying in are much much less than any Italian hotel. The most expensive hotel in Turkey that I'm staying in is about the same price as the least expensive hotel that I stayed in in Italy! <BR> <BR>And, as Paolo said, the only expensive item is the car rental. The cost of my independently-planned trip will still cost a lot less than an escorted tour. <BR>Paule <BR>(that's Paula with an 'e') <BR>

M&J Jan 10th, 2001 03:55 PM

We enjoy our travels in Turkey. We have a write up on Istanbul that first time visitors may find useful. If you want a copy, there is a cost---you must tell us about your trip when you return.

dahlia Jan 11th, 2001 04:26 PM

Thank you all: Patrick, Paulo, Paule, Susan & M&J (please may I have a copy of your reportor give me the title search)! You guys are the best and one of the reasons why I am addicted to this forum and European travel. We will definitely do independent! I started checking airfare and can't find anything reasonable. Another favor again, who did you deal with re airfares, hotels, and car rental. Patrick, will you please give me the local agent you dealt with. Thanks again.

Patrick Jan 11th, 2001 07:01 PM

Sorry, Dahlia, I didn't really use an agent in Turkey except to book our flight to Keyseri and to book a hotel in Konya that I couldn't seem to do myself. After a business associate who was in Turkey at the time suggested I contact this person to help with the hotel problem, I thought it would be polite to let her also book the Turkish Air Flight, but normally I could have just as easily done that myself also. Otherwise I did everything by fax or internet -- mostly internet. Can't find the name of the travel agent who booked our flight and hotel. It was just a local travel agency on one of the main streets in the old city.

dahlia Jan 12th, 2001 09:12 AM

Thanks Patrick! I meant to address the question re local travel agent to Paule. Paule, please give me the Cappodicia (sp?) agent you used, I am planning to do the same. Thanks.

g&g Jan 28th, 2001 01:13 PM

we too are planning a trip to turkey. it won't be til 2002 but at least, while we are antcipating, we get to read everyone's wonderful comments and reccomendations. pashatours is, at this moment our choice only for the fact that we will be traveling with parents in their late 70's. they, at this time are in very good health. also, g#2 has a heart condition. he's fine now but i quess there's always a concern. pasha seems to offer quite a variety fo options which we really have'nt priced at this moment. we really enjoy their website along with keytours. i quess what i'm asking is if this is the right way to go, considering all travelers? thanks for any advice. g.

Paule Jan 29th, 2001 04:06 PM

Hi, Dahlia, <BR>I tried to e-mail you, but the mail came back to me-- <BR>The Agent I'm working with in Cappadocia is Suleyman, and his e-mail is : <BR>[email protected] <BR> <BR>He was originally with Argeus Tours, which had gotten a lot of good recommendations on the boards (this one and others) but has started his own agency (Cappadocia Tours, I think). <BR>Working with him is a great plus; although I've done a lot of the work, choosing hotels and working out my own itinerary, I wanted to have someone to take care of my internal flights and car rentals. Then I decided it sure would be easier to have someone make the reservations for the hotels and give me feedback on my itinerary. <BR> <BR>He is very helpful, quick to respond, and (as much as e-mail can give a feeling of someone) very warm as well as helpful. His advice is excellent, and he doesn't have an agenda, except to help you have the trip you want. I had corresponded with someone else, who was nowhere near as responsive or as helpful and gave me advice that wasn't appropriate to my plan. So when I began a correspondence with Suleyman, I was especialy happy. I have also found that in at least one case, he was able to get me a better rate at a hotel than I would've gotten on my own-- which gives one even more reason to sometimes use an agent! <BR> <BR> <BR>

Belinda Feb 23rd, 2001 09:12 AM

Hey G & G--My parents and I are going with Pacha Tours in October 2001. We will let you know how it goes! We are going on the tour, "In the Steps of St. Paul." I personally find it much easier to go on a tour than go independently.

Marijane Mar 17th, 2001 12:00 PM

I read your message and my husband & I are planning an independent trip to Turkey for 3 weeks in Sept. It tried to e-mail you but it was returned. Please contact me about your plans and let me know how your trip turns out. Any help will be appreciated. Marijane

Walter Mar 19th, 2001 08:09 AM

Would reccommend not using Pacha for a tour, unless you are into mediocre, cold food. Hotels adequate for the price & tour guide knowledgeable & intelligible but schedule very rapid with too many stops for stuff yoou don't want.

Monica May 2nd, 2001 12:48 PM

People on this thread are really informative! My father, sister, and I are in the beginning stages of planning a trip to the western coast of Turkey. We could use any advice you all have. <BR> <BR>We're flying into Izmir, traveling up the west coast (Ephesus, Troy, Gallipoli, Pergamum, Istanbul) for 10-12 days, and flying out of Istanbul. <BR> <BR>I'm trying to figure out whether it's cheaper to book everything myself or to go to a travel agent who may get volume discounts. We would need to book flights, hotel, and car rental. <BR> <BR>Can anyone share their experiences of planning for independent travel in Turkey? I'd be interested to find good, realiable online resources you have used as well as any hotels you stayed at that you would recommend. We are looking to go cheaply and authentically -- we would love to stay in hotels that are more quaint than commercial. <BR> <BR>Any tips? Thank you in advancd!!!

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