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PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 09:22 AM

We've talked recently about Malcom and one longtime reputable FodorFriend added that he was just sitting somewhere in the cathedral reading some guidebook and Malcolm's tour came nearby and Malcolm growled at this poor guy "This is a PAID tour" or something like the Fodorite was trying to impinge on his tour - this is the type of guy Malcolm is - a legend in his own mind and acts like it.

quokka Oct 15th, 2007 09:29 AM

Seems Malcolm Miller is growing old? I did his two different tours some 15-20 years ago and they were absolutely eccellent in those times.

cigalechanta Oct 15th, 2007 09:31 AM

audere, sauterelle is a grasshopper,
cigale is a cicada.
Have fun, as I know you will wherever you decide to go!

PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 10:20 AM

quokka - his tours are still excellent and the moped incident i described happened years ago - he told us on the tour how the kids purposefully buzzed him but it seemed as though they were just going by with the typical loud moped sounds

i've taken a tour recently - and his tours are just as good but he can erupt unexpectantly. I endorse heartily taking his tours to have the cold stones and windows come to life - and his demonstration of flying buttresses and Gothic cathedrals is always intriguing as he uses tour members to illustrate what holds up such an immense pile of stone

quokka Oct 15th, 2007 10:45 AM

PalenQ - glad to hear that.

I'm an art historian myself, was still a student when I went to Chartres, and learned a lot from his way of introducing people to such an enormous monument and its treasures.

I also remember a lovely walk along the river, little houses and gardens and the view of the town with the cathedral on top of the hill. Don't ask me where exactly - as stated, it's been more than 15 years.

janisj Oct 15th, 2007 10:58 AM

You label him a drunk, a despicable man, a wine-sotten bum, a lout and worse, call for a boycott and then say &quot;<i>i've taken a tour recently . . . . I endorse heartily taking his tours to have the cold stones and windows come to life</i>&quot;


jahoulih Oct 15th, 2007 11:03 AM

Here's a map showing where to walk to see the scenic parts of town:

Margo_Chester Oct 15th, 2007 11:07 AM

Chartres is a great day trip (we took the train from Paris also). Nice places for something to eat and some shops, and of course the above mentioned Miller tour. We took his tour/lecture and really enjoyed it; he was on time, didn't ask for extra money, everyone had a headset so you could easily hear him, we toured inside AND out, and he was a lot of fun. He insulted no one, he has a great (dry) sense of humor that maybe some don't 'get'. We had NO problems and I would highly recommend him and a trip to Chartres - enjoy!

cigalechanta Oct 15th, 2007 11:12 AM

Out of 100s of posters, PalenQ's slurs were the only one I've heard through the years. We never hired Malcolm ourselves. Did our own viewing.

PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 11:14 AM

ciagle - you've missed a lot, honestly and if i can i'll try to retrieve them. Malcom is a jerk. Period. Gives a good tour - worth it to take but.

PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 11:17 AM

Author: Beatchick ([email protected])
Date: 02/20/2006, 07:49 am
We made reservations with Malcolm Miller last Wednesday. The gentleman who e-mailed him had tried to do the tour before but Malcolm was a no-show then being out sick. When he e-mailed Malcolm this time, he expressed his disappointment in missing him last time. He also stated that since his wife was pregnant it would probably be some time before they'd get back to France. Malcolm e-mailed back that he wouldn't be sick this time. That was a week and a half before the tour date. On the date of the tour, Malcolm Miller did not show up. We called him and he stated that he no longer does the group tours at 10&euro; per head but that if we were willing to pay 125&euro;, he'd be happy to turn up for a small group tour. We decided against it because this tactic smacked suspiciously of a bait-and-switch tactic (come on, he tells us this a week and a half later?). I understand that the gentleman is getting on in years, but to not inform us initially of his change in tour habits seems very unprofessional to me. BTW, there were about 8-10 people we saw milling about at the cathedral waiting for Mr. Miller to show, so he would have made 80-100&euro; anyway (there were probably more that we just didn't notice).

PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 11:20 AM

Author: wren
Date: 02/20/2006, 08:37 pm
How interesting to read other's impressions. When we heard Mr. Miller in 2003, we were impressed by his knowledge and his rudeness. Both stood out blatantly. I don't care how long someone has been doing something, rudeness is uncalled for. The man seemed to have absolutely no social skills...perhaps he focuses on the cathedral in order not to have to deal with people. Who knows what lies beneath it all, but bottom line, I thought he was incredibly interesting...and rude!

cigalechanta Oct 15th, 2007 11:30 AM

His wife is pregnant???
I thought he was old?

PalenQ Oct 15th, 2007 11:35 AM

&lt;BTW, there were about 8-10 people we saw milling about at the cathedral waiting for Mr. Miller to show, so he would have made 80-100&euro;&gt;

well for that piddling sum he 'has better things to do with his time'

totally unprofessional and haughty - i wish i could find the post from a tour group leader who said Malcolm became so abusive towards the group that the leader aborted the tour. That to me speaks volumes about Miller's lack of professionalism and personal hubris of take it or leave it.

Not showing up for a pre-arranged tour and then saying if they pay 125 euro he could bring himself down to do the tour.

Enough said the guy's a total jerk

cigalechanta Oct 15th, 2007 11:41 AM

Lol, sorry misread Beat's statement,
Miller's wife is not the pregnant
Mary, are you still in Paris?

annhig Oct 15th, 2007 01:38 PM


Not a Fast show fan so i missed the allusion. But I'm sure I've met his brother dining in some Inn or other.

I thought PalQ had suddenly got cold feet about Mr. Miller half way through this thread and was worried about a writ, but he's reverted to his old ways, thank goodness.

&quot;Tell us what you really think about him, PalQ&quot;

icithecat Oct 15th, 2007 04:51 PM

Actually we were in the cathedral six years ago when he came through. We were standing looking at a window when he arrived. He was not using a microphone, but was yelling loudly. He tried to berate us for freeloading on his tour. Being the shy retiring sort that I am, I told him to shut the ? up, it is a church and I am praying.

jahoulih Oct 15th, 2007 05:28 PM

He was pretty well behaved when I took the tour about a month ago. He used a microphone and headsets, so he didn't have to shout. And when a couple of interlopers intruded on his personal space, he didn't say anything, but just glared at them until they moved on.

Underhill Oct 15th, 2007 08:08 PM


Miller may be old, but the fires could still be burning--and with a young wife!

Margo_Chester Oct 16th, 2007 02:23 AM

wow - you're really obsessed with trashing him, aren't you? Why not let the OP take the Miller tour/lecture (if they want to) and let them judge for themselves. Also, if your behavior there was anything like it is here, it's not surprising Miller didn't roll out the red carpet and bow to you.

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