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Carl Aug 4th, 2002 09:10 PM

For those of you who have been in that general area, what has been your "weather" experience in October? So many places charge a hefty amount for heating, and we're wondering if we can count on cold nights (and much higher rates). I've seen the avg. temperatures listed, but we'd like some first hand opinions from Fodorites who know. Thanks. Carl

Denise Aug 5th, 2002 03:47 AM

I visited Orvieto in the Spring and my brother visited in November last year. He had good weather and didn't say anything about charges for heat. The only thing was Orvieto is a Italian tourist town and many things were closed such as the fabulous gelato stand by the Duomo. I do think my brother would have had a better time there in a different season. October might be better than late Novemeber.<BR><BR>Denise<BR>ttt

Carl Aug 5th, 2002 10:17 PM

Thanks Denise. Any other personal comments? Carl

Lesli Aug 5th, 2002 10:50 PM

I was there in November a couple of years ago, and it was extremely chilly and damp. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I.... Still a lovely city/area.<BR><BR>Unless you are staying in a self-accomodating rental, the charge for heat should be including in your hotel rate. Which while it may not yet be discounted for "low season" (when it is the coldest), would certainly not be any higher than it was in September. If you make reservations in advance, you will know the rate up front.

Carl Aug 6th, 2002 09:24 PM

Lesli, Thanks for your input. Yes, I was referring to country inns or agroturismi and the extra charges listed for heating. Carl

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