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Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 02:35 PM

Off to Paris tomorrow...wish me well!
So excited, going for second time to Paris. We have a three hour layover in London at 6 am Sunday, so I'll be exhausted when we get there. Any last minute advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

swisshiker Nov 9th, 2007 04:14 PM

Hi Dottee :)

How lucky you are to be taking your second Paris trip! How much time will you be spending there?

Last minute advice? Be sure to set an extra alarm clock tonight -- one that won't start flashing if the electricity goes out. I try to remember to set one of the little travel clocks as well.

How about attaching a brightly colored ribbon or yarn on your checked luggage handle, and use the same ribbon on your carry-on. That way, if it gets lost (gasp!), you can show them the special identifier to tell your black case from the others!

Now take a breath, maybe have a glass of wine, and may your dreams tonight be of Paris!

Bon voyage!

suze Nov 9th, 2007 04:25 PM

Wishing you well!! I love layovers in Heathrow. You can take a shower there if you want. That works for me after an overnight flight.

KathyNZ Nov 9th, 2007 04:28 PM

Hi Dottee
After 24 hours of travelling I will also touch down in Paris but usually hit the ground running, it's coming back that knocks the stuffing out of me.
Have a great time.

TRSW Nov 9th, 2007 05:12 PM

No advice except bring an umbrella. I just got pack from Paris today and got in a realy bad downpour last night.

Have a great time.


Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 05:12 PM

Thank you all! Dear Swisshiker: nine days in all but with the flights, just seven. But six of us (all girls) are going, so we will be filling in each and every second! Yes, on all counts of your advice!
Suze: I'm very excited about Heathrow because I love London. Hope Harrods is open because I really need a new Harrods change purse. But most of all my dream would be to run into Alan Rickman at the airport. :)
Kathy, that's usually how it goes for me too. If I don't touch the wine on the plane, LOL!

Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 05:16 PM

Tom: Bought a new umbrella today just for that occasion! Thanks for the heads up about incoming rain. Did you see any sunshine last week?

socialworker Nov 9th, 2007 05:18 PM

Hi, my last minute advice is to take a good scarf, soft wool or cashmere if possible, to throw around your shoulders or over your jacket. We were there in mid-March one year and my cashmere scarf was so useful. Hope you have a great trip!

Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 05:27 PM

Thanks Social Worker! It was March when I was last there, and I know what you mean. Yes, I packed scarves, and hope to buy some more while I'm there. Great Christmas presents!

gomiki Nov 9th, 2007 06:03 PM

Dottee, don't forget the Beajoulais Nouveau release on Thursday. There has always been a great party in Passage Vivienne with food and music. The closest Metro stop is Bourse. It's one of the oldest passages in Paris and lovely. You can get lots of info if you google it.

If you love outdoor food markets, the one at Bastille is amazing. Thursday and Saturday 7-2:30. If you like outdoor markets, there is one every day in a different arrondisement. There is always one nearby.

Please have a glass of wine for me, or several :) I have been to Paris five times in November and loved every minute. Please give us a report!!

Travelnut Nov 9th, 2007 06:14 PM

I liked the Bastille marche, too, but it's Sunday rather than Saturdays...

Bastille Market
Boulevard Richard Lenoir between rue Amelot and rue Saint-Sabin.
Thursday, 7 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Metro : Bastille

Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 06:21 PM

Thank you gomiki and travelnut!! Both are on our to do list and I so appreciate the reminder and directions!!!

TRSW Nov 9th, 2007 06:48 PM


I had about 3 1/2 days (out of 8) of sunshine. Just a little rain here and there, the rest were overcast, but I didn't care, I mean, I was in PARIS!!! Enjoy yourself.


gomiki Nov 9th, 2007 07:01 PM

Travelnut, thank you! I know it's on Sunday. That's what I get for watching TV and Fodors at the same time!

TRSW: I'm waiting for your report!

nbbrown Nov 9th, 2007 07:04 PM

Happy and safe travels, Dottee! I am envious, still another 6+ months for DH and me! Remember to write a trip report when you get back... I will be anxious to read it!

gomiki Nov 9th, 2007 07:20 PM

Dottee, another suggestion. If you like cathedrals check out St. Eustache. It's at the Les Halles stop. Or about four-six blocks from Bourse. I have wandered in twice on Sunday (around 5) and seen a special mass for the butchers and bakers. This has been the Sunday after the wine release. In the back of the church lots of food and wine is set up on tables. I think it is for the members of the parish. (I hope someone here can add more info because I really don't know.) I do know the the organ music is wonderful and so is the experience.

Notre Dame has music around the same time but IMHO the sound is not as good. Also, several times I have had the luck to stop in a cathedral and heard the organ being played. Practice I guess. It's wonderful to hear that sound with the sun streaming through the stained glass windows and having the whole space practically to your self.

Many of my best times in Paris have happened because I just stumbled into something I never could have researched. I can't wait to hear about those!

Dottee Nov 9th, 2007 07:25 PM

Thanks everyone for the great advice and good wishes. I will write a report when I return, but of course it will take me a little while to stop walking with my head in the clouds! I Love Paris!

Laurane Nov 10th, 2007 12:51 AM

Why not sign up for a cooking class while in Paris?
Bon voyage and ... bon appetit!

tod Nov 10th, 2007 02:23 AM

I wish you well Dotee x 10!!
Do we have a trip report to look forward to??
Pleasant flight Dottee.

Dottee Nov 10th, 2007 04:53 AM

Laura: Cooking Class! What a wonderful idea!! And I don't mind eating my mistakes!! Better sign up for a pilates class too, in that case!!:)

Tod: What a sweet sentiment! Thank You. Yes, trip report will be coming. I will keep a journal of sorts, in my sober moments, LOL.

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