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schnookies Jun 8th, 2008 10:29 PM

Not impressed with Milan?
I get the feeling that not many people are too fond of Milan? Or do you just prefer Florence, Rome and other places? My reason for asking is because we're going to France for 7-10 days. But we're trying to decide if we want to take the train into Switzerland or Milan for a few days too. Would you recommend anything to see or do in particular in Milan? I love Italy and would be happy to just be in Italy again:-)

bettyk Jun 9th, 2008 12:23 AM

If given the choice, I would always choose Switzerland over Itay but that's just me.

Valeria_82 Jun 9th, 2008 12:27 AM

Milan is famous for its fashion houses and shops (such as along via Montenapoleone) and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in the Piazza Duomo (reputed to be the world's oldest shopping mall), its Duomo as well. This city represents the Italian economic capital. The wheather is not good and there's lots of traffic and smog. I'd suggest to visit Liguria, le 5 terre,instead, which border with France and are much nicer than Milan.. :-)

Castellanese Jun 9th, 2008 04:12 AM

I prefer Turin over Milan. It's at a 5.30 train ride and it's far more charming than Milan.

kleeblatt Jun 9th, 2008 04:21 AM

Don't go to Milan. Enjoy France!

analogue Jun 9th, 2008 04:40 AM

Milan has a tiny spectacular nugget surrounded by a lot of completely ordinary city. Worth half a day in my book.

Shanti Jun 9th, 2008 04:49 AM

Milan is certainly worth a visit if you're in the area. The duomo is lovely & you could see The Last Supper.

However, I wouldn't travel all the way from France just to go to Milan.

Where will you be staying in France?

Steve_James Jun 9th, 2008 06:10 AM

Hi Schnookies - Milan wouldn't be in my 'Top 50' places to visit in Italy :(

Like Castellanese I much prefer Turin ...

Have you been to Lake Como? You could base there instead and do some nice day-trips.


schnookies Jun 9th, 2008 06:57 AM

I'm glad you told me about this.
We'll be staying in Paris and then spend two days in Normandy area. We have about two weeks. So we're thinking about trying to see some of France's countryside but also get a little bit of Italy that we love. But Milan doesn't sound too exciting. We'd love to visit Rome again. But it's a little bit out of the way. Maybe Liguria like someone here mentioned? I will definitely look into that. We had planned to take the train into Switzerland. It just seems very expensive there?
Now we're looking into Italy again.
Would you recommend two days in Liguria? How long of a train ride is that??

schnookies Jun 9th, 2008 07:11 AM

I have to get the map out. I have no idea if Lake Como IS Ligura or if it's close to it. But as much as we'd love to see Lake Como, I can't say that it's on top of our list. We're very energetic and only have a few days to spare for Italy. I feel like you need time to just relax and not do much in Como? I'm more of a city person who enjoys staying busy and be on the go. Como sounds a little bit too slow pace for this trip right now. Liguria sounds like an interesting place to visit. Any suggestions on where to stay?

sheila Jun 9th, 2008 11:13 PM

Schnookies, Liguria is the coastal strip from France right down to Tuscany. It includes Genova (Genoa), the Cinque Terre, Santa Maria Ligure and Portvenere. It's very pretty, and quite touristy.

The Lakes are north of Milan in Lombardy, still within easy striking distance of the French Border. Either would be a great side trip. But please tell me you're not meaning to do Paris, Normandy, Italy in that order? Too much backtracking.

And there is a HUGE amount of France not in Paris or Normandy, including some lovely Alps. Or Pyrenees.

Valeria_82 Jun 9th, 2008 11:50 PM

Once again, I would definitely go for Liguria...great sea and views, at just a few Km from France and nearby Tuscany. You will love it! ;-)

traveller1959 Jun 10th, 2008 01:31 AM

Please let me do some justice to Milan.

Milan IS a number-one destination in Italy and I would strongly recommend to go there:

- The cathedral is spectacular and absolutely unique. It is made of white marble and you have the chance to walk on the rooftop among the gothic spires. Certainly the most beautiful church in Italy.

- In Milan, you see Leonardo da Vinci's fresco "Last Supper" - one of the greatest works of art ever made. This painting is designed for the room and standing there in front of it gives an impression which no picture in a book can give.

- La Scala is the world's most famous opera house.

- From Milan, Lago Maggiore is in easy reach. Isola Bella is a spectacular ensemble of architecture and gardening. It has been awarded "Italy's most beautiful garden". Also a must-see.

- Lake Como is close, too. Enjoy a picture-postcard setting of a lake surrounded by mountains.

- Besides, Milan is a typical Italian city with all the charme of Italy.

Conclusion: I recommend to spend at least one day to visit the city's attraction and at least another day for a daytrip to Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como (better two separate days).

clhunt Jun 13th, 2008 07:39 AM

It sounds as if you have visited Italy before and that you are concerned about the length of train rides. I have traveled that area extensively, and it depends on what you want for your "extra days". "The Last Supper" in Milan is moving, but you need advanced reservations and you are in there a total of 30 minutes. The Cathedral is also quite nice...but to me, that's it for Milan. Lake Como is great, but again, it depends. Personally, I would look into finishing this trip in Annecy, France. It is a beautiful little, lakeside French town in the Alps with great character. We spent 6 weeks traveling all over Europe two years ago and this stop was a family favorite. My 2 cents.

SFtravlr Jun 13th, 2008 12:17 PM

I agree. Skip Milan. I just returned and it is rather ordinary except for the duomo.
If you were to plan a south of France visit, and must visit Italy, Portofino/Santa Margherita Ligure are plausible train rides.

yipper Jun 13th, 2008 04:10 PM

There is too much to see in France. Stay in France and save that part of Italy for another trip.


suze Jun 13th, 2008 04:24 PM

I've got a thing for Switzerland, so for me that would be no contest choosing it over Milan.

That said with only 7-10 days, I'd probably stay just in France.

socialworker Jun 13th, 2008 04:38 PM

I did not read all the responses, however we did spend 24 hours in Milan upon arriving in Italy. Milan seems to be a business/fashion and of course opera destination, but not really a tourist destination, IMO.

MademoiselleFifi Jun 13th, 2008 04:46 PM

Unlike the majority here, I adored Milan. However, it wouldn't make sense to combine it with your France trip-- save it for some other time when you're going to Italy.

giannetta Jun 13th, 2008 05:53 PM

Milan is a wonderful city: Duomo - you can take a lift or climb to the top and wander around amoung spires, La Scala - it's very beautiful and if you are lucky there might even be a concert. The Brera gallery museum - one of Italy's great museums and the Sforza galleries,another fine museum. Yes, The Lsst Supper - could be hard to get in..long line: window shopping the fashion area is fun. A fabulous Leonardo Da Vinci museum..actually it's the science museum that features many many very interesting Da Vinci inventions. All that said, it is a bit of a trip from France and Turin is also a very interesting city - great chocolate and a special chocolate drink that the little bars specialize in - I think it's called Bicerin. There are some very beautiful buildings, parks and the fantastic museum on the history of film. This film museum is in a building that has a was built as a synagogue but never used as a synagogue - there is an interior elevator that takes you up to the top of the inside of the dome where you can walk out on to a balcony that surrounds the dome and view the city of Turin as well as the bordering alps...GREAT experience. Last year when we were in Turin we were at the film museum for 3 hours - got tired and left without seeing it all! We're going back this July. Well, I would go to Italy if I were you. You can also try places closer to France just south of Turin like the area where so much of Italian wines are produced..Alba, is one of the villages but the area is gorgeous: vinyards vinyards, vinyards -rolling hills and lovely towns where you stay or just dine and taste the Piemonte wines!

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