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12mede May 9th, 2004 01:37 PM

Norway by car
We are palnning to visit Sscandinavia for three weeks end of July. Any information on driving tips or scenic drives in Norway . Is the car a sensible thing to do? Pros and cons/
Please help.!

ekellyga May 9th, 2004 02:56 PM

Last summer, we flew into Oslo, then took the train across to Bergen. The train ride included the famous Norway in a Nutshell package, which is marvelous.

We always prefer to have our own car, instead of public transit, but there are advantages each way. We just like to wander, and don't make specific plans.

From Bergen, we drove thru the Stedestal (sp??) valley to the southern-most city, so we could take the car ferry across to Denmark. On to the island of Aero, then Copenhagen, then Stockholm, then back to Oslo to fly out.

The driving is fine, no problem, and everyone speaks English.
From my reading/research for our trip, it seemed that traveling in the Fjord region often involves waiting for car ferries, which can be a delay, so that is why some people prefer combination of train/boat travel in Norway.
Post again if I can be of more help.

Cobos May 10th, 2004 12:10 AM

A few pointers... fuel is expensive, expect to pay $1.3 per liter for 95 gasoline. And about 1.1-1.3 for Diesel per liter. I would strongly suggest to drive a stick shift as long as you do know how to use it. The hilly regions of Norway (i.e the entire country :) I would feel a lot safer if I could brake with the engine not the brakes. And on the flipside, they just increased the fines for speeding, so be wary of your speed (they start at approx. $75 for 5km/h above the limit,and get worse from there :( Except for these snags I wouldn't worry about driving.

Oh up on Norwegian traffic rules, especially: roundabouts, yield signs, and right-of-way roads, which I beleive are non-exsistant or not much used in the US.


Alec May 10th, 2004 01:34 AM

And NEVER drink-drive in Norway! Permitted alcohol level is very low (20 mg/l, about a quarter of usual US level - even a small glass of wine can put you above) and penalty includes min 3 weeks in jail.
Also the rental cost is among the highest in Europe, starting at around US$600 a week for a compact.

Cobos May 10th, 2004 04:04 PM

Actually for most people you need a few hours of waiting after taking one beer... So simply remember if you are driving you are not touching alcohol... for minor offenses you get a hefty fine not jailtime, but you do get jailtime for bigger offenses.


Alec May 10th, 2004 06:01 PM

I've read that the fine for serious traffic offence in Norway like drink-driving is worked out on the basis of 1.5 times one's monthly salary. A millionaire last year was fined over $30,000!

Cobos May 11th, 2004 03:14 AM

Unfortunately that is not the case, instead we just had a case where a millionaire was NOT fined since meter guard thought it wouldn't matter... so much for equality for the law.
But what you are thinking of I beleive is Finland where there is a story about one of the top Nokia bosses getting speeding ticket in the many $10k range.


Bjorn May 11th, 2004 05:03 AM

I guess that arguments on fines, gas prices, drunk driving legislation etc do not answer 12mede's most urgent questions: Is Norway suited for car vacations? and What routes will give most value for money ?

Yes, YES! The car offers a flexibility and a total price level that public transport of any kind never can compare. One example: Southern Norway's most scenic routes are the North-Southern directions on the west coast. And there are only 3 railway routes, all going East-West. Hence transport by buses and ferries of all kinds are mandatory to get to the pearls. With your own car they all are reached in "minutes", without tedious planning, heavy and often luggage dragging an hours of waiting at the bus stop or on the piers. All roads also are in good condition. Slim stretches here and there, of course. Also some steepy routes, but always a broad (often tunneled, though) alternative for faster transportation. Not at all dangerous, and with a not too crowded traffic. So, if some curves and some moderate steep hills do not frighten you, there is no doubt, no doubt at all: Use a car!

Bjorn, Oslo

joegri May 11th, 2004 07:42 PM

12mede: In 2000 we took a 30 day tour of Scandinavia, all by car (with Bjorn's excellent advice I want to add) and we had a marvellous time. The roads are good, we always found English speaking people and the ferry trips were wonderful. The only trip we didn't enjoy was the Drive from Stockholm to Oslo. It is long and boring. But the rest was fantastic including the different drives through the fjords. I had reservations about these and Bjorn assured me there was nothing to worry about and it would be beautiful. he was right. If you want any additional information, just post your question. I might add that if you use the search window above and use "scandinavia", Sweden", "Norway", "copenhagen", etc., you will find tons of information, some of it mine and some of it Bjorn's. Good luck.

kiminokie May 11th, 2004 08:00 PM

It's been many years, but we took a two week car vacation in Norway and thought it was fabulous. yes, the narrow roads and steep switchbacks can be nervewracking, but it is incredibly beautiful scenery and having the flexibility to stop when you want is just great. We drove north to Bodo, then back through Tronheim, to Bergen, and back to Oslo. Think I've spelled them all right - it's been a while. Norway has a wonderful ferry system through the fjords. You will love driving through the Romsdal valley toward Geirenger (again, the spelling may be all off).

Have fun. And about the drinking - you won't want to drink while you drive some of those skinny little roads. But after a day of touring, enjoy a little aquavit (I think that was what it was called).

12mede May 12th, 2004 06:14 PM

I am sorry I did not repply before but thank you all for the great advice .
I really appreciate the vote of confidence I received and now I am more convinced that driving a car will be the solution .
We are traveling at the end of June . Hope to come up with a nice report
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!

evelyntrav Jul 27th, 2005 12:21 PM

I keep looking at past posts for the answers to the following questions, but cannot find them. I even looked for an escorted tour that covers these highlights and cannot find one.

We would like to visit Norway by car and include "Norway in a Nutshell", the Geirangerfjord area, glacier museum, stop at some towns, and drive the Toll Road in our itinerary. It is a loose plan as I don't want to get into further detail until I find out if it is possible.

My questions:
1. Can we take the train to Bergen, do a round trip Nutshell excursion, then rent a car in Bergen to tour, and later return the car in Oslo?
2. Do you think there would be a big drop-off charge because we are renting from one place and returning to another?
3. Could we do it within a week? Any suggested itinerary?
4. And what luggage service do I contact to get our stuff from Oslo to Bergen as this is just part of a longer journey and we would have more than a little bit of luggage?

ekellyga Jul 28th, 2005 01:30 PM

In '03 we flew into Oslo, took N in Nutshell tour (one way) the next day. Spent 2 nights in Bergen, picked up a car and returned it in Oslo at the end of the week. We arranged the car thru AutoEurope. Great trip. Let me know if you need further ideas.

Viajero2 Jul 30th, 2005 06:19 AM

The original message is over a year old, but let's reply anyway :-D

We just toured by car Norway-Western Fjords area for a little over a weeek. If summertime, I wouldn't do it any other way. Driving was so much fun, relaxing, spectacular views and waterfalls, picturesque villages, amazing roadside scenery, flexible sightseeing. The cons I would agree with the price of fuel. We rented a hybrid with Avis, which DEFINITELY helped to save on fuel costs. One other point to consider are the ferries costs; it is consistent with the prices in Norway. However, they are well run, and a great sightseeing experience as well.

As far as scenic drives, Norway (in my humble opinion) is the most beautiful country I've ever been to (blessed with the chance to have visited 30+ countries). If you head out to the Westerm fjord region (Hardangervidda, Voringfossen area, Sognefjord) you are guaranteed spectacular scenery.

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