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Eve_Cooper Jun 10th, 2012 12:46 AM

Nice safe place just outside Paris
We are looking for some recommendations of places to stay just outside Paris to
The south or west of Paris.
It needs to be in a nice area with train links into Paris.
We are driving on to tours (deux sevre) area of France and will have a car loaded
With items, hence a safe area.
If anyone could recommend any villages etc

MmePerdu Jun 10th, 2012 01:15 AM

Firstly, I would never leave items visible in a car. A place may be safe but outside elements are always trolling for opportunities, especially in those "safe" places.

How far from Paris do you have in mind? For instance, 15-20 minutes on the train or possibly up to an hour?

Eve_Cooper Jun 10th, 2012 01:17 AM

Thanks, we don't plan to leave anything on show really but wan to know our car is safe over night.
About 30 - 40 minutes I suppose

annhig Jun 10th, 2012 04:19 AM

we stayed in St. Germain en Laye and used the RER to get into Paris - it's about 30 mins or so to Etoile.

there is an underground car park by the RER station where we parked - the best way is to make sure that everything is out of sight in the boot/trunk, then reverse it into a space with a wall at the back so that the back door/lid is hard close up against the wall.

BTW, why are you going to be leaving it there overnight with all your valuables in it? if you have a hotel in St. Germain you could leave the car there, or if it doesn't have a car park, leave your valuables in the hotel.

or am i missing something?

Eve_Cooper Jun 10th, 2012 05:38 AM

Thanks for your replies.... Sorry I should have explained clearer. It's not really vauleables, we are driving on to our house in deux sevre and may have building supplies in the car that we will
Be taking with us. This is why we would like to find a safer village just incase :)

annhig Jun 10th, 2012 05:46 AM

It's not really vauleables, we are driving on to our house in deux sevre and may have building supplies in the car that we will
Be taking with us. This is why we would like to find a safer village just incase >>

lol Eve, is there really a gang of thieves roaming car parks on the look out for cars full of wood and bricks? [or tiles or whatever else you've got].

not trying to make light of your concerns but I don't think that is is what most villains are after.

I'm honestly not sure why you think a village would be safer. if you are going to be staying in a hotel, why not look for one with secure parking?

TPaxe Jun 10th, 2012 06:16 AM

Barbizon is a pretty, upscale little village not far from Paris. You can then visit Chateau Fontainbleau, Vaux-le-Vicomte, etc.

StCirq Jun 10th, 2012 08:35 AM

I don't see any reason at all to go hunting for a "nice safe place." If you have a house in Deux Sevres, surely you're familiar with the territory. It's not as though there are brigands hiding in the woods waiting to empty your car of cement and lumber. Just about anywhere you feel like stopping will do. Surely you can gauge the vibe of a place on the spot.

annhig Jun 10th, 2012 09:22 AM

perhaps we're talking about gold taps and chandeliers, St. Cirq!

Accidental_Tourist Jun 10th, 2012 10:29 AM

Eve, I see this is your first post. Welcome to Fodors; we are so glad you joined us. I have received a lot of valuable information on this bord in the past. You will find people go out of their way to help. However, sometimes you will receive unsolicited advice that you find useless. Just ignore it, or thank them, and carry on.

Good luck with the house!

tower Jun 10th, 2012 11:10 AM

StCirq and Ann:

Looks like you've run into something that has become all too familiar on this forum...posters totally devoid of a litle humor. Yech.

Ann, not at all like the spirited sparring you and I and Adu have recently enjoyed. Seems like it's the Fodors we have to live with now..or not.

annhig Jun 11th, 2012 01:37 PM

well the OP never came back anyway to explain her problem - which St. Cirq and I were definitely trying to help her with, just not understanding the problem in the first place, hence the frustration.

AT - since you haven't posted anything of help to the OP at all, i really don't think that you can talk.

tower Jun 11th, 2012 03:24 PM

ann...good to see you still have the sharpened sword you used with the likes of Adu and me!...

StCirq Jun 11th, 2012 06:17 PM

The OP is gone, twisted up in some campervan flattened by the side of the road in a roundabout by the side of the road near Tours. Shards of flooring are all over the road, along with chandelier bits and piping. And to think there were so many safe havens along the route....ah, well.

tower Jun 11th, 2012 06:52 PM

StC: I knew it....I knew you would come through with a thread-busting flash of colorful fire. Good one, kiddo!

Hope no one was hurt.

StCirq Jun 11th, 2012 07:12 PM

tower, I love you. Hope no one was hurt also, though you can't imagine how many idiots turn over their campervans on the roundabouts in France. It's a local joke; happens far too often to be even funny, though it is, really.

Accidental_Tourist Jun 12th, 2012 04:16 AM

You are so kind. I doubt we will ever see Eve again. Yes, you should be proud of yourselves. Kind of snobby aren't you?

annhig Jun 12th, 2012 01:15 PM

AT - you STILL haven't offered the OP any help with his/her query.

how about removing the mote from your own eye before you start on ours?

kerouac Jun 12th, 2012 01:19 PM

Since the original post was not asking for "charm" or "beauty" for the accommodations but just convenience and safety, a web search should have been sufficient, not a post on a subjective forum.

Aduchamp1 Jun 12th, 2012 01:21 PM

I didn't realize Nice was near Paris, I thought it was in the south of France.

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