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Dukey Aug 11th, 2007 10:39 AM

Yes...Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, and Gale Songergaard (as an oriental Mrs. Hammond no less) made in 1940.

We have it on DVD but I'd love to see it on the stage.

Dukey Aug 11th, 2007 10:40 AM

Sorry, that would be Gale Son<b>d</b>ergarrd...looking very menacing.

Fidel Aug 11th, 2007 01:07 PM

I emailed this page to the editors; troll's clock is ticking.

Thank you for the nifty report Patrick, so glad you had a nice time. Oh and I took some notes from your Rome report; I haven't been there in quite awhile and am thinking I want to have it on my *regular* list. Ciao baby.

janisj Aug 11th, 2007 01:11 PM

terrific report NP!

Where is the Friar's Inn - always looking for places in Pimlico/Victoria.

Don't you hate it when old favorites close - the turn over for London restaurants must be higher even then here at home.

When I saw Boeing Boeing in Feb - Frances de la Tour was the housekeeper - an absolute hoot :)

Sometimes Elaine Paige does tend to chew the scenery a bit - but I'd bet she be fabulous as the Chaperone.

travelinwifey Aug 11th, 2007 01:11 PM

Thanks for the review. One will either love or hate the Blue Man I think. I am also puzzled by how many people think Avenue Q is amazing, it was okay, but not something I'd rate &quot;top notch&quot;.

Two shows I really did like in London with the British humor was &quot;Noises Off&quot; (there's an Americanized movie not nearly as funny) with and the ghostly tale &quot;The Woman in Black&quot;.

NeoPatrick Aug 11th, 2007 01:53 PM

&quot;Sometimes Elaine Paige does tend to chew the scenery a bit&quot;

She didn't only chew this scenery. She'd spit it out then chew it some more!!

I was disappointed when I saw that Frances LaTour had left Boeing, Boeing, but I shouldn't have been. Patricia Hodge was simply wonderful. Both great character actresses. And the maid is the BEST part in the show.

The Friar's Inn is on Elizabeth, not far from Victoria Station. A rather plain but scrubbed clean place with lots of choices of fish for your fish and chips.

rickmav Aug 11th, 2007 02:38 PM

Thanks for your report, NeoPatrick. I thought I'd visited every apartment rental site on the web - and I've never seen the one you recommended. The apts. look wonderful.

And being able to visit so many different types of theatre is jaw-dropping. Maybe you could organize a tour for like-minded Fodorites!

P.S. Jaane - Isn't there some conference for bigoted bullies you should be attending? Your're wasting your time - and ours - posting here.

BTilke Aug 11th, 2007 03:06 PM

NP, great report, thanks for posting.

Given what you said about Lee's slow eating habits, did you feel rushed in any way at either Wagamama's or the Wolseley? I've never been pressured at either one, but they do seem to be places that thrive on turnover.

FYI, today the Times ran the recipe for Wagamama's salad dressing (which I love), let me know if you want it. I'm going to try making it tomorrow, hope the home version is as good as the restaurant's!

joe4212 Aug 11th, 2007 04:21 PM

What a great report NP. I am very pleased both of you had a good time.

Thank you!


lucy_d Aug 11th, 2007 04:27 PM

Thanks, Patrick! Really enjoyed reading your report! Sounds like y'all had a wonderful trip.

bettyk Aug 11th, 2007 04:35 PM

Great report NP. On our second trip to Europe waaayy back in May 1977, it rained every single day we were there. But we were so happy to be in London that we didn't really care. I remember that Kew Gardens was especially beautiful on that trip -- probably because of all the rain!

joe4212 Aug 11th, 2007 04:59 PM

Good grief. I didn't even notice that disgusting comment when I first read through this thread.

I'm not too sure sometimes how this board functions and I only hope that Fodors can remove that particular message without deleting all of NP's superb report.


kopp Aug 11th, 2007 05:12 PM

Bravo, Patrick! =D&gt; Wonderful details, great report!

BTilke, it's been several years since I've eaten at Wagamama, but I certainly remember that dressing. Sure would like the recipe if you could post it.

noe847 Aug 11th, 2007 05:35 PM

It rained 5 out of 6 days on our first visit to London, and it did not 'dampen' our enthusiasm a bit!

Johnmango Aug 11th, 2007 06:28 PM

Patrick ... I have also reported this pet name business to the editor.

NeoPatrick Aug 11th, 2007 07:03 PM

Thanks. I see the editors have removed that most outrageous post, but they left my reference to it.

Now if they would only remove the offending person all together. . .

janisj Aug 11th, 2007 07:07 PM

Too bad. It seems the new editors are much more &quot;liberal&quot; in what they allow. In the &quot;good old days&quot; she would have been nuked long ago (as some on this thread well know ;) )

They would do themselves a favor just deleting her altogether instead of having to monitor every thread where she participates.

noe847 Aug 11th, 2007 07:21 PM

NeoPatrick, earlier this afternoon I had emailed the editors and requested that they remove the offending comment AND your response to it. Well at least s/he is gone for the moment.

kmowatt Aug 12th, 2007 04:39 AM

Thanks for report Patrick!! I'm heading to London in late September and have been disappointed by the theatre on the Official London Website - some of the ones you posted are on my list, so great to hear about them!

I thought the Drowsy Chaperone was a dud and closing early?

I have rented a flat through Farnum and Christ as a result of your rave reviews! Unfortunately we just heard the other day that the Pimlico house was off the market due to house repair problems, but let me tell you Ann and Lisa could not have been more helpful and we are now settled into a new flat on Cornwall Gardens - smaller than we wanted but it's still London and only for one week! Very glad to hear then that you recommend a pizza place on Gloucester Road.

I also take the day flight from Toronto and love it; no jet lag whatsoever. The Country Wife will be in previews when I'm there - Patricia Hodge and Toby Stevens at the Haymarket; this definitely sounds good - did you hear anything about it?

Thanks again for the report and the FC recommendation!!

NeoPatrick Aug 12th, 2007 04:56 AM

kmowatt, oddly enough that pizza place on Gloucester Road came from the list that Lisa and Ann send with their rental information. Many of the flats they represent are in the Kensington to Sloane Square areas and they list some good options in those areas. Their recommendations are good (although some are a bit pricey for our extensive dining). Aren't Lisa and Ann great. I always feel they have your best interest at heart.

The Country Wife should be great -- sorry I'll miss it.

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