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Wekiva May 24th, 2017 07:59 AM

Need advice on multi-day, multi-museum private tours in Paris
I'm helping some friends work on a trip that comes up in July. We're a bit behind in our planning so I'm coming to you all a little less prepared than usual. There are 8 in their group, 4 adults and 4 kids ranging in age from 4 to 16. They are willing to spend some money to do a few private tours in the big museums to learn more and reduce wait times. They are in Paris on a Wednesday and Thursday in mid July.

I believe the things they'd like to see on this tour are:
Musée d’Orsay
Musée Rodin (less important)

I think they'd want to spend 2 hours in the Louvre and an hour in the Rodin and Orsay (not including travel). Versailles would most likely be the next day and be a half day tour (including travel).

Any thoughts and/or suggestions on a company you'd recommend? Thanks

Keiracaitlyn May 24th, 2017 08:43 AM

Context tours does small group/private - they limit their groups to 6, but with a group that size, they could book private. I have used them in various cities and been very impressed.

MmePerdu May 24th, 2017 08:52 AM

I can't help but wonder why they've only planned 2 days in Paris, then hope to visit 4 museums, given what appears to be a short attention span for 2 of the world's greatest, and in general too many major sites for 2 days (do they have 2 full days, 3 nights?). I recommend you urge them to choose one major site, Versailles or Louvre or d'Orsay, spend 1 day doing it and then a day to please the children. The plan now, as I see it, is unworkable and will be not fun for the children.

Christina May 24th, 2017 09:03 AM

I agree this is very odd planning but it appears their only goal in Paris is to see a few museums, for a short time each, it's their trip and money. Spending an hour in the Orsay is really unusual. The Rodin, not so much.

However, I certainly do NOT agree that they should choose one museum and spend all day in it. I have never done that in my entire life, and I like them. I can't even imagine spending an entire day in any museum, that sounds much worse than a few hours in the Louvre and an hour in the Orsay to see a couple highlights.

It's the 4 year old that may be bored by this trip most, I think.

anyway, Context is a good idea.

MmePerdu May 24th, 2017 09:14 AM

"I can't even imagine spending an entire day in any museum..."

I wasn't clear. I don't recommend spending the entire day in a museum. I meant to visit 1 museum, maybe 2 for as long as they're interested on 1 day. Since they seem obliged to see museums but seem not particularly interested, go to 1 with enough time to satisfy the museum goer, then have another full day for things that might interest them more.

However, if they choose Versailles, it could very well be most of a day. Especially if they include the gardens, the Potager du Roi, and lunch and a walk around the town.

MmePerdu May 24th, 2017 09:49 AM

Better yet, split up for a day so those interested in museums can get enough, and those not interested will be spared. If current thinking is a compromise, no one will be happy. There's so much to see, nobody should be bored, even for a minute, in Paris. Don't let either a group trip or a group tour, even a private one, defeat them. Everyone should be doing exactly what they want to be doing in a place that's so easy to get around.

marvelousmouse May 24th, 2017 09:59 AM

Yeah...I DO spend all day in museums and that plan sounds frankly painful and dull to me. For one thing- something like a context tour would be on a very specific topic that members of the group might just not care about. That defeats the best part of a museum like the Louvre- there's something for everyone.

And any other tour would take you around to the "must see's". I have no real inclination to join 90% of the rest of the tourists around Mona Lisa.

I'd do the D'orsay or Louvre as a group and then split off and do whatever interests each party. Take the kids to Arts Metier, maybe. I wouldn't drag a kid to Rodin or Versailles.

All the museums have great audio guides and some have kids ones. All the museums have buy ahead tickets too so you would not have to wait in line.

bvlenci May 24th, 2017 11:32 AM

I think the Rodin Museum is one that would especially appeal to kids, especially the garden with many sculptures. I also think that statues appeal to small children more than paintings. Finally, this museum is not as crowded as the others.

Wekiva May 24th, 2017 04:55 PM

I'm in the "info gathering" phase and am generalizing a bit as I ask questions. I agree the 4 year old won't want to do 3 or 4 museums in 2 days. One of the family members may skip a museum or two and do more kid focused stuff.

They have 2.5 full days in Paris. They arrive via train at noon on Tuesday and leave via train Friday morning.

As for doing d'Orsay, Rodin, Louvre and Versailles in 2 days...I'd agree that is tough. It will certainly be a discussion point in the near future. They may just do 2 museums one day and Versailles the other day.

Context looks very promising but 6 appears to be their max size. I'll keep looking for options but would love input from someone who knows a company they'd recommend that can accommodate 8.

marvelousmouse May 24th, 2017 05:12 PM

Context does custom tours, which might work with your group, and I'd imagine it would be cheaper or the same price as a group tour. I'd email and see what they have to say.

MmePerdu May 24th, 2017 05:15 PM

Less 1 adult & 1 4yo child = 6. (I bet they'll be the ones having fun.)

nukesafe May 24th, 2017 05:53 PM

One hour in the Orsay!? Sacrilege!

Wekiva May 24th, 2017 06:33 PM

You're right...they'd probably be there longer.

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