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Whathello May 12th, 2016 12:01 PM

Muenchen attacks : nobody listens to Foxnews anymore here?
One crazy guy stabbed 4 people in Muenchen. One dead. Foxnews has a disgusting video about it.
Work of a disturbed man, but since he shouted 'Allah Akbar' I can imagine what Fox will make of it.

Avoid Germany even before state of USA issues a warning...

dotheboyshall May 12th, 2016 12:14 PM

Guess you need to yell "God is Great" to get any attention these days

sparkchaser May 12th, 2016 12:17 PM

I feel safer walking around in Germany at midnight than most US cities in the day.

sla019 May 12th, 2016 12:40 PM

>One crazy guy stabbed 4 people in Muenchen.<

No. This happened in Grafing, some 40 km outside Munich. The guy appears to be insane.

Whathello May 12th, 2016 12:50 PM

Very important remark, salad.
40 km outside Muenchen then.

tonfromleiden May 12th, 2016 12:53 PM

And later it was reported that the »Allah akbar« was just a rumour and turned out to be unfounded. It's the same kind of paranoia as that lady who thought her neighbour on a flight to be a muslim terrorist because she couldn't tell mathematics from Arabic.

flpab May 12th, 2016 02:39 PM

East of the city, suburbs, no I did not hear that or about the Baghdad killings today. All they want to talk about is Donald...

nytraveler May 12th, 2016 05:05 PM

Yes, one insane people stabbed and killed 4 people. If this was the US that insane person (who might be a conservative christian - or anything else) would have a pile of automatic weapons and take out 25 or 30 people in a mall because he's getting messages from martians through the filings in his teeth. (Or he goes to a school in Newton CT and murders 26 small children and school staff for a totally unknown reason.)

Then the rest of the world could warn their citizens against visiting the US due to the incredibly high incidence of gun murders.

Tommmo May 12th, 2016 09:50 PM

They do.

dotheboyshall May 12th, 2016 10:10 PM

< Yes, one insane people stabbed and killed 4 people. >

One person.

bilboburgler May 12th, 2016 11:18 PM

If those people had had guns they could have made sure it turned into a real massacre.

What, while I understand your point of view I don't think it achieves what you think it does. Irony does not always tranlste across the pond :-)

Whathello May 12th, 2016 11:25 PM

Yes, you're right.
Ironing is best left to gorgeous tall blondes. ;-)

I hadn't thought about the gun but we did have a crazy guy in Belgium who had a gun and shot randomly - a little bit after the slaughter in Scandinavia.

My point without irony is that when one crazy guy goes bersek, all it takes is a rumour about him being a muslim and bang here we go.

So unless you're a fan of D Trump and find Germany being contaminated by Belgium and turning into a hellhole, just discard such infotainment which, apart from the dramatic of the lost life, is actually nothing more than a 'fait divers'.

We heard here in Europe more about this one than about the latest bombings in Iraq - about 100 dead people and 165 wounded - mostly women and children... Even if nobody in his right mind would travel to Iraq.

kleeblatt May 13th, 2016 12:22 AM

Things that happen locally are more present in the local news.

While I appreciate your irony, I'm afraid you may have the wrong audience for it and, consequently, your post may be more harmful than insightful.

Irony in print is a very volatile thing. It may explode in ways you had not foreseen. Tread carefully.

bilboburgler May 13th, 2016 12:31 AM

Just remember what happened to those poor muslims the last time a Christian nation came to "help".

150,000 to 1,000,000 died.

Kinda puts it in perspective

vincenzo32951 May 13th, 2016 04:45 AM

News is a commodity designed to appeal to demographic. Complaining about how one (less-than-factual) story gets more play than another more important story is a nice cathartic exercise, sort of like screaming at the TV.

When the nonsense stories stop capturing eyeballs, news outlets will stop running the nonsense stories.

Things changed when the accountants took over the news divisions. I doubt we're ever going back.

Whathello May 13th, 2016 05:20 AM

I like to scream at TV. That's why I stopped watching the news. I buy papers.

vincenzo32951 May 13th, 2016 05:52 AM

>>I like to scream at TV.<<

The club has a big membership.

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