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humanone Jan 15th, 2009 02:26 PM

Mostar to Split for agoraphobic
My friend is afraid of heights. Can he drive from Split to Mostar (and back) without an anxiety attack? He is afraid of heights and roads without guardrails; the actual fear is about not seeing what is ahead or next to him. Any advice? We want to stay overnight in Mostar, otherwise might have taken a tour

nukesafe Jan 15th, 2009 02:39 PM

You posted twice with the same question, but I don't have an answer for either one.

Don't mean to be flippant, but a paper bag comes to mind. I realize that phobias are not to be taken lightly, but perhaps a pair of those sleep masks one uses to doze on the airplane might be of use, or some sort of "blider" glasses that would restrict vision to that directly ahead?

I feel for your friend, if he/she is visiting Croatia. Hard to find many roads that are flat, straight, and without drop-offs in that area.


nukesafe Jan 15th, 2009 02:40 PM

That should have been "Blinder" glasses. Sorry.

kja Jan 15th, 2009 03:07 PM

Has he considered taking a bus instead? That might still be anxiety-provoking, but I would think it would be better than trying to drive it, particularly if he could find some way to avoid looking out of the windows.

StCirq Jan 15th, 2009 03:11 PM

Agoraphobia doesn't have anything to do with fear of heights. If your friend had agoraphobia he wouldn't be able to leave the house to travel.

It's acrophobia. And not to be flippant either, but folks with acrophobia in my neck of the woods often get friends to put them in the trunk of the car when they're driving over the Bay Bridge.

humanone Jan 15th, 2009 07:31 PM

You are correct; I meant acrophobic (spell check can cause more errors than it cure at times), fear of heights.
He can drive the Bay Bridge and the GG without trouble; they have good guardrails. So, to refine my question: which stretch is the most scary: Split to Opuzeh, or inland from Opuzen to Mostar?

huddoshols Jan 15th, 2009 10:11 PM

I dont think he will have any problem with the driving. We drove these routes and others during our 3 weeks in Croatia in September. The roads are all very good in Croatia,guard rails etc. The highest I felt was on the hop on /hop off bus going up the hill out of Dubrovnik. The roads you mention are not that high and into Mostar they are mostly flat. If you take the A1 road down to Split,it is a dream to drive on. Then take the coast road back for beautiful scenery. The only problem you may encounter are the idiots that overtake,but that happens everywhere in the world. Just hang back as we did. You will enjoy the freedom of having your own car and stopping when you desire. You will love Croatia.

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