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george Dec 7th, 2002 08:19 PM

Moscow in February
I have a week's vacation in early February and will be going somewhere in Europe, probably Russia.<BR><BR>Everyone I know thinks I am nuts because the weather will be nigh unbearable, but was curious if anyone else had done this.<BR><BR>I am a huge fan of Russian literature and the arts and this has been something I have always wanted to do. No one wants to go with me so I said to hell with it, if I am going to go I am going to have to go by myself.<BR><BR>I personally think it will be great because the tourists should be almost non-existent and it will give me a chance to see the real Russia.<BR><BR>Thanks for your time.

Harris Dec 8th, 2002 04:22 AM

Take a look at Under Destinations there is a list of tours with a literary focus. I have used them before on my first trip to Russia, and will use them again in June for a relative's birthday party in St. Petersburg. It's owned by Mark Miller (who frequently posts here) and he and his staff are very knowlegable. BTW, dress warmly! (He has helped another friend of mine with a New Year's trip this year and told them specifically what limitations and opportunities the weather in winter brings).

Andrea Dec 8th, 2002 05:14 PM

We went in October when it was also very cold, and it remains one of our favorite vacations. <BR><BR>It was very, very cold. But we bundled up (including long johns, layers, gloves, and my first hat ever), and really enjoyed ourselves. We'd walk as long as we could stand it, and then would pop into a cafe for some coffee (or wine and beer, depending on the hour). <BR><BR>There were still plenty of tourists when we were there, but not unmanageable numbers.<BR><BR>Go, and enjoy! You'll have a wonderful, memorable trip!

Marc David Miller Dec 8th, 2002 08:27 PM

If you are a fan of Russian literature I highly recommend &quot;Natasha's Dance&quot; by Orlando Figes. It is a history of Russian culture, concentrating from Peter the Great to Brezhnev. Highly readable, it focuses on the arts as a mirror of Russian society.

shabir Dec 9th, 2002 06:25 PM

hi,we were in moscow a couple of years ago in early april and it was a wondeful experience.we had arranged a stay with a local resident which was a big plus.if you think a home stay would suit your requirements,let me know,i will give you the contact address.wish you a good trip.shabir.

been Dec 10th, 2002 10:40 AM

Hi, I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2 weeks in February a few years ago. It IS quite cold, but no more than someplace like New York at the same time, and it's no big deal as long as you're bundled up and wearing an 'authentic' fur hat (they aren't cheap). There are less tourists, so that IS a plus, and some places (the Hermitage, Catherine the Great's Palace and accompanying grounds [I forget the official name now], Peter and Paul Fortress, Novodevichy Convent, etc. are SO BEAUTIFUL in the snow. And of course, there's something just inherently charming and cozy about being bundled in a big fat coat, just breathing in the crisp cold air while strolling through a snowy park, then heading indoors for some strong coffee.<BR>Enjoy!

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