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snorky Dec 2nd, 2007 04:13 PM

money transactions in Russia
My husband and I are traveling to Russia this winter. I have a money question. As far as costs is it better to use a credit card when you can or to exchange money. Is it better to make exchanges in hotel,bank or exchang kiosks?,Also which cridit cards have less transaction fees? Thanks

nytraveler Dec 2nd, 2007 04:40 PM

It's better to use a credit card whenever you can. You need to check with your CC to find out what they charge 0 since it depends on which bank, which type of card (regular, gold, platinum, etc) and even what other business you do with the bank.

For cash, you are better off pulling money from your checking account at ATMs than exchanging anything.

thursdaysd Dec 2nd, 2007 07:01 PM

Discussions on the Asia board led me to get a Capital One Visa card for my last trip. No foreign transaction fee, and I chose the one with 1% cash back. ATM is definitely a better bet than TCs, but check with your bank to see what foreign transaction fees and ATM fees they will charge.

Odin Dec 2nd, 2007 11:12 PM

It's better to use a credit card for things like hotel bills and other large purchases and some cash for smaller transactions. I wouldn't bother with TCs in Russia and ATMs are everywhere, assuming you are staying in a city. I have never had the need to exchange money in a bank, kiosk or hotel.

I would take more than 1 credit card, in case one of them decides not to work (capital 1 in my case).


Lot's of good advice; can't add to it.

We tried to get a Cap One card but didn't apply in time. It was awaiting us upon our return. Great card for foreign travel and we'll be using it a lot in the next few months.

snorky Dec 3rd, 2007 02:11 PM

Thanks for everyones help. Now I just hope I don't freeze to death.Here in Phoenix if it gets below 64 I'm cold. My husband said it won't be any worse than the midwest winters we grew up with-but not sure I believe him!

J62 Dec 3rd, 2007 02:27 PM

Winter in Russia can be worse than anything you're used to. As a general rule people spend a lot more time outside when traveling than they do at home. And you will be outside early in the day and in the evening. Daytime high temps are meaningless - it's the nighttime lows you need to consider.

I remember once standing in Red Square, sub zero (F not C) temperatures, waiting to visit Lenon's tomb. Standing, huddling, slowly inching along while we waited. Kind of like the penguins in Antartica.

Make sure you have full length wool or down coat (not a jacket as you'll freeze your butt off, literally), multiple layers underneath on top, bottom, and feet.

You might get lucky and it'll warm up to

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