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Shrink Aug 22nd, 2017 02:05 PM

Milan and Lake Como
Hi All
Several (6 or 7) of us are planning on going to Milan and visit the Lake Como area in November. I know nothing of this area of Italy. We have no hard and fast rules that have to be met. Any ideas from you guys would be appreciated. Also is this kind of thing possible with a couple or three small children (2 YO) or should they be left at home.
Where to stay, what to see, what to do etc. We have a couple of friends that are moving to Milan in September and will involve them somewhat.
Any ideas or suggestions to get started planning this thing. Total time will be a week about.
Thanks for your help.


greg Aug 22nd, 2017 03:28 PM

First look at the weather.
You can get rain and fog.
Then look at the accommodation availability. Most places have closed door for the season at resort locations such as Bellagio.
Then look at the attractions if they are closed or open on weekends only. For example, Villa Carlotta

You can hit halcyon days or rain and fog while in lake Como. It would benefit having a plan B.

Shrink Aug 22nd, 2017 09:03 PM

Thanks for your response. Would an early spring trip (say march) be any better. The reason is that he friends are only going to be there for 6-8 months.

nochblad Aug 23rd, 2017 03:22 AM

Shrink - I don't think Greg lives in Como.

I would state the following:
1. Fog on Lake Como is extremely rare and if it occurs (and never on the whole of the lake) it won't last more than a day or so. Fog in Milan is also much rarer than in the past due to the city heat effect but fog in the countryside around Milan is possible. Dirty air is another issue.
2. Greg mentions Villa Carlotta which is famed for its gardens - not the location to choose in November.
3. Milan is busy in November - it is the business, financial and fashion capital of Italy. In Como everything is still open. In Bellagio many hotels are closed but for a day trip it still delightful - there are still bus and ferry services but far fewer tourists. You can experience the delights without the crowds.
4. Be flexible - look at the weather day by day and plan accordingly. Museums and shopping when there are showers and trips away from Milan on the better days.

massimop Aug 23rd, 2017 03:31 AM

Regarding your kids, one of the nice things about Milan is its flat sidewalks that make it very easy to push around a stroller. There are fun things for kids to do, like climb the Duomo, ride the trams, visit the science museum + plus eat fun foods. Milan is also well connected by train to lots of interesting places to go: Bologna, Verona, Pavia, Lodi.

More difficult is finding things for them to enjoy in November without being quite bundled up, and the possibility of significant rain. Also realise that while Milan is pretty much a 24/7 city with all the mod cons, other towns tend to close up for lunch hours and have late dinners, so if you don't have an apartment, feeding kids who aren't used to an Italian eating schedule is tricky.

If you wouldn't think twice about taking your kids to NYC in November, that's a good yardstick for Milan. Moving beyond Milan means you need to be pretty motivated, and you'll need to do research about how to keep them amused indoors if you can't take them outside to run around.

StCirq Aug 23rd, 2017 07:23 AM

We are planning a week or more in Milano in mid-November, plus 4 nights in Stresa on Lago Maggiore. We are not traveling with kids. We have researched weather patterns and know what to expect. There is plenty to do in Milano. It might be easier for a group that includes young children in spring.

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